
  • 网络air india;Indian Airlines
  1. 印度航空公司(AirIndia)的3.1万名员工将推迟两周领到薪水。此举成为印度航空业(尤其是这家主要航空公司)面临困境的最新标志。

    Air India will pay its 31,000 employees two weeks late in the latest sign of the difficulties facing the country 's aviation industry , especially the flag carrier .

  2. 库里安求得、借得了更多资金,包括银行贷款;此外还有印度航空公司(airindia)等航空服务提供商的出资,作为交换,它们可以持有股票、分享收入。

    Mr Kurian begged and borrowed more funds , including loans from banks and contributions from service providers such as Air India , the ground-handling agent , in exchange for stock and a share of the revenue .

  3. 印度航空公司一位官员向英国广播公司(BBC)表示,印航基于印度民航局去年发布的一份文件做出了此规定。

    An Air India official told the BBC that the order had been made on the basis of a document issued by the civil aviation authority last year .

  4. 根据亚太航空中心(CAPA)咨询公司的数据,印度航空公司在2011-12财务年度的预计亏损为14.5亿美元。

    Air India made an estimated loss of $ 1.45 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year , according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation ( CAPA ) , a consultancy .

  5. 联盟航空公司是国营印度航空公司的一家分支公司。

    Alliance Air is a subsidiary of state-run Indian Airlines .

  6. 印度航空公司已经连续六年没有创造净利润了。

    Air India has not made a net profit for six years .

  7. 印度航空公司保持着不经济的低票价。

    Air India keeps ticket prices uneconomically low .

  8. 我认为,对于印度航空公司而言,无论多少钱都维持不了多长时间。

    I don 't think any amount of money would last very long with Air India .

  9. 首先,印度航空公司将开通每周一次的杜拜和斯利那加之间的航班。

    To begin with , Air India will operate a weekly flight between Dubai and Srinagar .

  10. 最后一批来自新德里的旅客已乘坐印度航空公司最后一班直飞美国的航班抵达芝加哥。

    The last group of travelers from New Delhi has arrived in Chicago on the last direct Air India flight to the US .

  11. 自从2007年与印度人航空公司——专营国内航线的国有航空公司——的一次灾难性合并以来,印度航空公司的亏损额不断增长(见图表)。

    Its losses have ballooned since a disastrous 2007 merger with Indian Airlines , its state-owned counterpart for domestic routes ( see chart ) .

  12. 即使是经常接受政府救助的国有的印度航空公司所提供的票价都让人觉这是一家廉价航空公司开出的票价。

    Even Air India , the state-owned recipient of seemingly endless bailouts , offers fares that would be more suited to a budget airline .

  13. 不过,分析人士立刻批驳了这一输液方案,认为其规模过小、为时太晚,因为印度航空公司的财务状况非常糟糕已累计亏损约30亿美元。

    However , analysts immediately dismissed the proposed infusion as too little and too late given Air India 's dire financial condition it has accumulated losses of about $ 3bn .

  14. 但公司起初的削减成本措施遭到了坚决反对。上月,印度航空公司的飞行员发起了期4天的罢工,反对将他们的薪酬削减至多50%。

    But initial attempts to cut costs have met staunch opposition , with pilots staging a four-day strike last month against moves to cut their remuneration by up to 50 per cent .

  15. 但政府现在不大可能放弃这一联合航空公司,在过去十年里,印度航空公司在国内航空市场的份额从42%下降至16%。

    Yet the government is unlikely to give up on the combined carriers , whose share of the domestic flight market has dropped from 42 % to 16 % over the past decade .

  16. 分析师表示,印度航空公司面临着长期低效运营和新私营航空公司咄咄逼人竞争的双重压力,导致其飞机利用率、收益水平和上座率低下。

    Analysts say Air India is struggling with chronic inefficiency and competitive pressure from aggressive new private - sector airlines , leading to poor aircraft utilisation , and low yields and load factors .

  17. 周六发生的最新事故中,印度航空公司一架飞机机身一块4英尺乘8英尺大小的板件脱落,事故发生在飞机从新德里飞往班加罗尔的途中,当时机上共载有148名乘客和机组人员。

    In this latest incident Saturday , a four foot by 8 foot panel fell off the fuselage of air Indian plane , on its way from Delhi to Bangalore with 148 passengers and crews onboard .

  18. 总之,印度航空公司在过去7年里总共损失了100多亿美元,所以他们的累积债务负担已经达到160亿美元,这是行业分析公司航空中心最近的一份报告所得出的。

    In total , Indian airlines have reported accumulated losses of more than $ 10 billion in the last seven years and thereby increased their cumulative debt burden to $ 16 billion , according to a recent report by industry analytics firm Center for Aviation .

  19. 多年来,印度国营航空公司定价十分死板,现在,由于喷气航空公司(JetAirlines)和撒哈拉公司(Sahara)等私营航空公司参与竞争,部分航线机票的价格已削减了60%之多。

    After years of rigid pricing from state-run airlines , competition from private operators such as Jet Airlines and Sahara has cut some fares by as much as60 per cent .

  20. 不过,欧盟气候行动专员康妮赫泽高(conniehedegaard)周二透露,只有中国和印度的航空公司违抗了初步的要求,拒绝透露它们在2011年的碳排放量。

    However , Connie Hedegaard , the EU climate Commissioner , revealed on Tuesday that only the Chinese and Indian carriers had disobeyed a preliminary requirement to divulge how much carbon they emitted for 2011 .

  21. 但它们不会在一夜之间让印度的航空公司成为香饽饽。

    They are not going to make Indian Airlines attractive overnight , however .

  22. 印度国家航空公司有大麻烦了。

    India 's flag carrier is in big trouble .

  23. 印度国营航空公司能否复兴?

    Can India 's nationalised airlines be revived ?

  24. 这几乎是印度所有航空公司亏损总额的四分之三。

    That was nearly three-quarters of the losses made by all Indian carriers combined .

  25. 印度国家航空公司印度航空准备让125名“超重”空乘人员停止机舱内服务。

    India 's national carrier Air India is set to ground 125 " overweight " cabin crew members .

  26. 2010年5月22日:印度航空快运公司一架波音737飞机在印度坠毁,导致158人丧生。

    May 22 , 2010 : Air India Express crash of a Boeing 737 in India , 158 people killed .

  27. 印度国内航空公司还要应对燃油税,该税已将燃料成本推高至超过国际平均水平40%。

    Domestic airlines are also battling with jet fuel taxes that push fuel costs 40 per cent above international levels .

  28. 考虑一下以下的事实:在印度,航空公司100公里的收费平均是10.2美元,这是GoEuro机构调查后得出的数据。

    Consider this : In India , airlines charge anaverage $ 10.20 to travel 100 kilometers , according to a survey by Go Euro .

  29. 这名男婴是印度捷特航空公司班机上降生的第一个宝宝,为表庆祝,捷特航空公司给他提供了终身免费搭乘该航空公司旗下航班的待遇。

    It marks the first mid-flight birth for the India-based airline , which responded by awarding the newborn a lifetime travel pass for free flights .

  30. 燃油价格居高不下、赋税沉重和经济下滑等因素,使印度翠鸟航空公司在截至去年12月的九个月里,损失超过两亿美元。

    Because of high fuel prices , hefty taxes , and the economic downturn , India 's Kingfisher Airlines lost over $ 200 million in the nine months that ended in December .