
  • 网络printability;Printablity
  1. 浅论特种邮票纸的印刷适性

    The preliminary study on the printability of special paper for stamp

  2. 论油墨的印刷适性与地图印刷质量的关系

    The Relation between Printability of Ink and Printing Quality

  3. 印刷适性与SYD-50型印刷适性仪的研究

    Research on the Printability and the Printability Tester SYD-50

  4. 本文叙述了用日本产的RI-2型印刷适性测定器、定量地测定草浆印刷纸胶印时的抗拉毛强度的一种新的试验方法。

    A new method for measuring the picking properties of straw-based offsets with a Japanese made RI-2 Printability Tester was described .

  5. 树脂障碍对新闻纸印刷适性的影响及其纸机控制

    Influence of pitch deposit on the newsprint printability and its control

  6. 低温等离子体技术改善塑料薄膜印刷适性的研究

    Study of Low-temperature Plasma Treatment for Improving Print Adaptability of Plastic Films

  7. 未涂布纸的匀度对印刷适性的影响

    The Effect of Sheet Formation on the Printability of Uncoated Fine Paper

  8. 瓦楞纸板的发展趋势及水性油墨柔版印刷适性

    The Development of Corrugated Board and Its Flexographic Printability with Water-Based Inks

  9. 利用有效的系统评价方法,建立纸张印刷适性模糊综合评价模型。

    The effective system estimate method can establish fuzzy comprehensive estimate modeling .

  10. 无苯型塑料凹印油墨印刷适性的研究

    Study on the Printability of Non-benzene Plastic Gravure Printing Ink

  11. 塑料表面印刷适性的等离子体处理

    Plasma Treatment for Improving Adaptability of Plastics Surface Print

  12. 基于油墨附着性能的塑料软包装材料印刷适性分析

    Analysis of Plastic Flexible Packaging Material Printability Based on Printing Ink Adhesion Capability

  13. 纸张印刷适性综合评估体系的建立

    Foundation of the Paper Printability Comprehensive Assessment System

  14. 喷墨油墨流变性能对其印刷适性的影响

    Influence of Fluid Physical Properties on Ink-Jet Printability

  15. 无水胶印油墨印刷适性机理的研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Waterless Lithography Ink

  16. 箱板纸的印刷适性与包装印刷质量的探讨

    Study on linerboard printability and printing quality

  17. 油墨的印刷适性与流变性之间的关系

    Relationship between printing applicability and rheological properties

  18. 颜料粒子的分散状态决定着胶印油墨的质量,影响到它的印刷适性。

    Dispersion status of pigment particles of ink determines its quality and affects the printability .

  19. 二次纤维配抄新闻纸印刷适性的研究

    Study on Printability of Secondary Fiber Newspaper

  20. 移印中油墨印刷适性的控制

    Controlling Ink Printability in Transfer Printing

  21. 通过研究表明:在无机颜料中加入一定配比的塑料颜料可以有效改善涂布纸张的印刷适性和印刷效果,并且在较低的整饰条件下就可获得良好的印刷性能。

    Research shows : adding plastic pigments to inorganic pigments could improves printing performance even under less finishing requirment .

  22. 油墨的印刷适性是影响印刷工艺和印刷质量的主要因素之一。

    Printability of ink is one primary factors to impact printing quality and printing technology . In this paper .

  23. 本论文对纸张印刷适性的研究包括三个方面:纸张表面强度、油墨吸收性和纸面效率;

    This paper researches paper printability including three parts : surface strength , ink absorptivity and paper surface efficiency ;

  24. 涂布白纸板的印刷适性涂布白纸板面浆浆料配比及打浆工艺的探讨

    Discussion on Printability of Coated White Board The Furnishing and Beating Technology of the Top Layer in White Coated Paper Board

  25. 通过这些试验数据分析研究不同性能的纸张的印刷适性,得出纸张的性能和印刷适性的密切联系。

    Analysis of these experimental data , the printability of paper with different properties , derived properties and printability of paper in close contact .

  26. 实验选取了四种功能性颜料作为研究对象,研究了功能性颜料对涂布纸纸张性能及印刷适性的影响。

    The experiment selected four functional pigments as the study target , functional pigments studied properties of the coated paper and paper Printability impact .

  27. 使得塑料临界表面张力、粗糙度、印墨附着力得到提高,从而改善其印刷适性。

    The critical surface tension , coarse degree and the oil ink adhesive force of plastics were improved , so the print adaptability was improved .

  28. 印刷适性:纸张的综合特性:平滑,硬度,白度,不透明度等。它影响印刷品的吸墨程度和外观效果。

    Printability : The combined paper characteristics of smoothness , hardness , whiteness , opacity and others , which affect the receptivity of ink and the printed appearance .

  29. 本论文对塑料颜料与无机颜料相配合的涂料对纸张印刷适性和印刷效果的影响进行了研究,并比较了空心球塑料颜料和实心球塑料颜料之间的差异。

    This paper researches how mixed coating pigments of plastic and inorganic pigments effect the paper 's printability and quality , and compares the differences of hollow sphere and solid bead .

  30. 利用物理分散方法制备了油墨样品,探讨了不同添加剂的加入及制备工艺条件对凹印油墨质量的影响,对油墨样品的印刷适性进行了评价。

    Utilized physical dispersing method to prepare the printing ink sample , probed into the influence of different additive and the preparation conditions , appraised the printability of the printing ink sample .