
  • 网络Postpress;post-press finishing;Binding&Finishing
  1. 鉴于绿色包装、绿色印刷的主题要求,本文作者详细介绍了解决印后加工污染问题的有效方法&水性上光和UV上光。

    In view of subject requirement of green packaging and green printing , the author advances the sufficient way of resolving post-press pollution , the water-base glossing and glossing in detail .

  2. 折页机在印刷品的印后加工程序中扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Folding-machine acts a very important role in the process of post-press .

  3. 烟标印后加工质量控制数字化方案研究

    Study on Digital Quality Control Method of Cigarette Package Finishing

  4. 平压平模切机是印后加工的重要设备。

    The platen die-cutting machine is one of important devices in printing industry .

  5. 印后加工材料课程教学体系的构建与完善

    Establishing and Perfection on Curriculum System of Post-press Materials

  6. GB/T9851.9-1990印刷技术术语印后加工术语

    Terminology of printing technology-Terms for post-press finishing

  7. 本文在介绍包装印刷新技术的同时,重点论述了包装印刷业在制版技术、印刷方式和印后加工技术方面的发展趋势。

    Abstract : This paper emphasizes plate-making techniques and printing methods and post-printing techniques when new techniques about packaging fields are introduced .

  8. 标签印刷具有印前设计特殊和印后加工复杂的特点,与传统书刊印刷在工艺编排上有明显区别。

    With special prepress and complicated finishing operations , label printing has a notable distinction with traditional publication printing in the process of production workflow .

  9. 印刷品的生产,一般要经过原稿的选择或设计、原版制作、印版晒制、印刷、印后加工等五个工艺过程。

    In generally , the print production goes through five processes , for example , the selection or design of the original manuscript , the original production , plate burning , printing , postproduction .

  10. 中国石油炼化行业计算机及自动化现状与展望本文着重介绍了计算机及自动化技术在折页机上的应用,指出自动化、数字化是今后折页机及印后加工的发展方向。

    Situation and Prospect of Computer and Automation in Petrochemical Process of CNPC The author introduces application of computer and automation in folding machine . He makes conclusion that folding machine and post-print will be digital and automation .

  11. 自动平压平模切机是印刷工业中重要的印后加工设备。动平台机构是自动平压平模切机的模切核心部件,其工作性能的优劣将直接影响模切机的稳定性和工作速度。

    Automatic Die Cutting Machine is one of important devices in packing printing industry and the moving platform mechanism is one of it 's key die components , which performance has a direct effect on the stability and the speed of Die Cutting Machine .

  12. 本机采用国外先进技术,结合国内行业特点,是用于印刷品印后精细加工的必备机器。

    It is an essential machine for printing and fine processing of post-printing with the world advanced know how used and the features of the national trade combined .

  13. 模切机是印后包装加工成型的重要设备,其送纸机构的工作效率及精度对整个机构有很大的影响。

    A printing and packing mechanism factory wanted to refit the paper delivery system of the mould-cutting machine from the cable manual delivery to the push pedal to-and-fro delivery .

  14. 印刷技术的创新使印前、印刷、印后的整个传统加工过程,产生了根本性的改变,尤其是计算机技术、数字技术和网络技术广泛,使印刷行业实现了跨越式的发展。

    Printing technology innovation to make " pre-press , printing , Post press " throughout the traditional process , produced the change of essential sex , especially computer technology , digital technology and network technology widely , the printing industry to achieve leapfrog development .