
yìn shuā diàn lù
  • printed circuit
  1. 对基于CAD的印刷电路板仿真与检测

    Simulation and Detection of Printed Circuit Board Based on CAD

  2. 印刷电路板(printedcircuitboard,PCB)的生产过程繁琐、工序复杂,在生产过程中容易产生各种缺陷。

    The production process of printed circuit board ( PCB ) is complex which could produce defects easily .

  3. 印刷电路板预电离TEACO2激光器及脉冲形成网络放电研究

    Research on TEA CO_2 Laser using PCB Preionization and PFN Discharge

  4. FPC(FlexiblePrintedCircuit),是用柔性的绝缘基材制成的印刷电路。

    FPC ( Flexible Printed Circuit ) is the printed circuit made of flexible insulation .

  5. 电路制图CAD是一项专门用来帮助电气工程技术人员设计电路原理和印刷电路板图的得力工具。

    Circuit Drawing CAD is a useful tool with which electric engineers design circuit elements drawings and printed substrates .

  6. W波段印刷电路宽频带平衡混频器

    W band Printed-circuit broadband balanced mixer

  7. 功率变流器EMI建模和印刷电路板(PCB)布置的优化设计

    EMI Modeling for Power Converters and Optimization of PCB Layout

  8. 综述了热解技术在废旧印刷电路板(printedcircuitboard,PCB)处理及资源化中应用的研究状况。

    The survey reviews the application of pyrolysis in recycle and disposal of waste PCB ( printed circuit board ) .

  9. 如今很多电子产品制造商已经意识到,有必要在印刷电路板(PCB)组装线上采用X射线检测系统。

    Many electronics manufacturers realized it is necessary to implement the X-ray inspection systems in the PCB assembly line .

  10. 开关电源印刷电路板EMC辅助设计的方法

    A Computer Aided EMC Design Method for Printed Circuit Board of Switching Power Supply

  11. 飞针测试机是一个在制造环境测试PCB(印刷电路板)的系统。

    Flying probe tester is a system to finish testing Printed Circuit Board in manufacturing environment .

  12. 并介绍了无芯印刷电路板变压器的等效电路、电压增益、输入阻抗函数,同时说明了应用无芯PCB变压器的可靠性及其优点。

    The reliability problems and advantages of coreless printed circuit board transformers for application are described .

  13. 测量了不同气压下印刷电路板预电离小型TEACO2激光器的输出特性。

    Output characteristics of a mini TEA CO 2 laser using PCB preionization are measured at different pressures of the laser media .

  14. 印刷电路板(printedcircuitboard-PCB)是现代电子产品的核心部分,对于印刷电路板的检测,是电子产品检测的重要内容。

    Printed circuit board is the main core of modern electronics products , PCB vision inspection is an important content of electronic product testing .

  15. 印刷电路板化学镀铜液回收EDTA的研究

    The Recovery of EDTA in Waste PCB Chemical-copper Solution

  16. 最后,本文还对高速印刷电路板(PCB)设计的一些基本规则进行了探讨。

    Moreover , some basic rules of high-speed printed circuit board ( PCB ) design were discussed .

  17. 印刷电路板PCB是单片机应用系统的核心部分。

    Printed Circuit Board ( PCB ) is the most important part of the MCU application system .

  18. 印刷电路板组件(Printedcircuitboardassemblies,PCBA)常常要经受极端气候环境条件和机械应力的考验。

    Printed circuit board assemblies ( PCBAs ) are often exposed to severe climatic conditions and mechanical stresses .

  19. 更换仪表组印刷电路板(MIC)。

    Replace instrument cluster circuit board ( mic ) .

  20. 印刷电路板PCB的加工是二维多孔数控钻的典型。

    Machining of PCB ( printed circuit board ) is a typical process of two dimensional multi hole .

  21. 在NaCl溶液中CTAB、SDS和钨酸钠对印刷电路板缓蚀作用研究

    Corrosion inhibition of ctab 、 sds and na_2wo_4 for print circuit board in neutral NaCl solution

  22. 在所有电子垃圾中,印刷电路板(PCBs)大约占据了全部重量的3%。

    Account for around three per cent by weight of all electronic waste .

  23. 首先介绍了基于FPGA的一种RAID控制卡的原理及系统设计、印刷电路板(PCB)的具体实现。

    This paper first introduces the principle , architecture and PCB design of the RAID expansion card based on FPGA .

  24. 本文研究了印刷电路板预电离TEACO2激光器中有、无紫外光体积光电离的两种不同预电离结构形式。

    In this paper two different preionization devices with and without UV volume photoionization are studied in a TEA CO 2 laser using PCB preionization .

  25. 对耦合干扰采用印刷电路板PCB(printedcircuitboard)设计时将易耦合干扰的线路两边用地线包围等措施;

    Both sides of the lines susceptible to the coupling interference are surrounded by ground wires in printed circuit board design to deal with the coupling interference .

  26. 针对印刷电路板(PCB)钻孔加工的质量问题,对微钻头的设计和微孔钻削工艺进行了分析。

    Aim at the quality problems in PCB drilling process , the design of micro-drill and the micro-drilling process were analyzed .

  27. 依据PCB设计的原则、抗干扰措施,自行设计了印刷电路板(PCB)。

    According to the principle of PCB and the anti-interference measures , the printed circuit board ( PCB ) was designed .

  28. 该天线采用印刷电路板上的矩形贴片作为辐射单元,通过在矩形贴片上开一个C形槽来实现陷波功能。

    By taking the rectangular metal patch on a printed circuit board as the radiation element and by cutting a C-shaped slot in the rectangular patch , a frequency band notch is implemented .

  29. 印刷电路板热解过程中,非溴化树脂发生OCH2,CC,CN键断裂,生成苯酚和芳香/脂肪醚;

    O CH_2 , C C , C N bonds in the non-brominated part of the epoxy resin fragment to produce phenol and aromatic / aliphatic ethers .

  30. 并求解了14个点的TSP问题与印刷电路板(PCB)数控钻走刀路线优化问题。

    The problems of 14 points TSP and optimal moving path for printed circuit board ( PCB ) were solved .