
  • 网络printing media;Print Media;Print-Medium
  1. 语言、印刷媒介与近代早期英国民族国家的形成

    Language , Printing Media and the Formation of Nation State in Early Modern England

  2. 而印刷媒介带来的大众传播方式在传播技术上推动了个人表达的第三次飞跃;

    The third leap was achieved by mass communication which was brought by printing media .

  3. 印刷媒介拉近竞技体育于普通大众的距离。

    Print media narrow the distance between competitive sports and common mass .

  4. 印刷媒介促进了奥林匹克精神的传播。

    Print media promotes the dissemination of the Olympic spirit .

  5. 从1970年至1985年,由于印刷媒介技术的迅速变革,整个报业经历了一段财政困难的时期;

    A period of financial difficulties ( 1970 - 1985 );

  6. 印刷媒介数字化与文化传递模式的变迁

    Digitalized Print Media and Changes in Cultural Transmission Pattern

  7. 以报纸为代表的印刷媒介在20世纪受到了前所未有的冲击和挑战,面临严重危机。

    In 20th , newspaper and other printing medias face unprecedented impact and challenge .

  8. 电视语言、符号,有其不同于印刷媒介、口语、字符媒介的阐释方式和表达方法。

    Its language and symbols are different from those ways of expression and illustration .

  9. 中国画与文字印刷媒介的融合是以中国画图像的符号化为基础的。

    Chinese painting and print media for the integration of Chinese painting image as the symbol basis .

  10. 明代书业广告形式多样,根据广告载体划分,可分为印刷媒介广告和非印刷媒介广告。

    It can be divided into printing media advertisement and non-printing media advertisement according to advertisement carrier .

  11. 作为印刷媒介,《良友》适时地将电影纳入表述范围。

    As a printing medium , " The Young Companion " could take in movie affairs at right time .

  12. 中学生对印刷媒介的接触频度越高,其自我同一性得分越低;

    The more the students use printed media , the lower the score of the ego identity they get ;

  13. 总而言之,印刷媒介既是社会变迁的前提,也是社会变迁的结果。

    In a word , printing media was not only the precondition , but also the result of social change .

  14. 印刷媒介对代际不对称性起到了呵护作用,但电子媒介因其自身的特性消弥了代际差距,使代际不对称性加速消逝。

    Because of its unique characteristics , electronic media has eliminated the distinctions between generations and made the asymmetry disappear more rapidly .

  15. 当代大众传播的视觉化主要有两种表现形态:印刷媒介形态的视觉化传播和传统艺术形态的视觉化传播。

    Contemporary mass communication is mainly visualizing in two ways : the visualization of printing media forms and the visualization of traditional art forms .

  16. 戏曲传播从最开始的亲身传播,到通过印刷媒介、电子媒介的传播,走过了漫长的道路。

    From the original personal spread to the print media , electronic media communication , the dissemination of drama had experienced a long way .

  17. 现代学校教育建立在印刷媒介的基础上,其教育基本理念与印刷媒介的特点密切相关。

    Modern school education , whose essential education ideas is closely related to the characteristic of printing , is founded on the basis of printing media .

  18. 数字媒介图形语言信息传达较之印刷媒介图形语言信息传达发生了巨大变化,这些变化主要变现在以下两个方面。

    These changes are presented in two aspects : first , it is the change of the characters of graphical language information transmission under digital media .

  19. 印刷媒介、电视电影等电子媒介、网络媒介都不再是泾渭分明,而是出现了不同程度的融合。

    Print media , TV , Movies and other electronic media , network media are also no longer apparently different , they appears various degrees of convergence .

  20. 本篇论文较为翔实的论证了一个主要论点,即印刷媒介的到来着实是英国传播史上的一场革新。

    Fully illustrated and annotated , the dissertation affirms the thesis that the advent of printing media entailed a communication innovation in the history of communication of England .

  21. 但是,作为新生事物,印刷媒介尚未完全和文学传播相结合,这是研究者一直容易忽略的问题。

    However , as a new thing , print media and literature spread has not been fully combined , it is the researchers have been easy to overlook .

  22. 手机报、数字期刊、电子书等诸多新媒介形式代表着印刷媒介数字化时代的到来。

    The development of digital print media makes the experience of the new generation different from the previous ones , which reflects a reverse socialization procedure in Post-figurative culture .

  23. 她的那种编织和重构的艺术实践质问着杂志的原有语言,将它们承载的信息颠覆为一种“阅读”印刷媒介的另类方法。

    Her art practice of knitting and reconstructing questions the original language of the magazines , subverting their message in an alternative means of " reading " print media .

  24. 在人类历史上信息传播媒介大致经历了口语媒介、印刷媒介和电子媒介三个阶段。

    In the history of mankind the development of information dissemination media have roughly gone through three stages : spoken media stage , printed media stage and electronic media stage .

  25. 先后出现以口语媒介、文字媒介、印刷媒介、电子媒介和网络媒介为核心的阶段。

    From the ancient to present , the medium of aesthetic culture undergoes the forms of oral language medium , character medium , print medium , electron medium and network medium .

  26. 数字艺术以数字媒介为载体,其审美主体的存在状态与基于印刷媒介和电子媒介的艺术形式迥然不同。

    Taking digital media as the carrier , the existing status of the aesthetic agent is definitely different from the artistic forms which are based on printing media and electronic media .

  27. 20世纪末,随着电子媒介取代了印刷媒介的媒介主流地位,出现了一个新的文化流派&视觉文化,并且已经引起极大的重视。

    20th century , With the electronic media replace the mainstream media , print media , The emergence of a new cultural genre , visual culture , and has aroused great attention .

  28. 米勒认为印刷媒介促进了文学与文学研究的发展,而电子媒介时代即新电信时代对文学与文学研究产生了极大的消极影响。

    Miller holds that print media have spurred the development of literature and literary studies , while telecommunication media or the regime of telecommunications has exerted great negative influence on the development .

  29. 这里波兹曼所说的热爱的东西就是继印刷媒介之后出现的电报、摄影、广播、电视、电脑等电子媒介技术以及它们为我们营造的一种泛娱乐化的环境。

    Postman called " loved things " is an entertainment environment that telegram , photography , radio , television , computers and other electronic media technology followed the print media to create for us .

  30. 以数字化技术为依托的数字媒介图形语言的艺术表现形式较之印刷媒介下图形语言主要有以下几个特点:多感视觉、动态视觉、互动视觉、虚拟体验视觉。

    Based on digital technology , graphical language under digital media has the following characters compared with those under printing media : multi-feeling visual , dynamic visual , interactive visual and virtual experience visual .