
  • 网络Medium alloy steel
  1. GFR合金采用低碳、中合金钢成分为基体。

    CFR uses low carbon , medium alloy steel as the matrix .

  2. 针对水泥工业用球磨机日趋大型化的特点,研制了立足国内资源,生产工艺简单的中合金钢衬板。

    Since ball mills used in cement industry are becoming larger and larger , a kind of medium alloy steel liner has been developed .

  3. 根据除碳以外的合金元素的含量,合金钢可以再分为低合金钢、中合金钢和高合金钢。

    According to the amount of alloy elements ( except carbon ), alloy steels can be divided into low-alloy steel , medium-alloy steel and high-alloy steel .

  4. 低中碳合金钢的中温块状铁素体组织

    Middle temperature transformation of massive ferrite in low or medium carbon alloy steels

  5. 在冲击腐蚀磨损条件下研究了中碳合金钢、低碳高合金钢磨损特性和机理。

    The wear characteristics and mechanism of low carbon high alloy steel and medium carbon steel under impact-corrosion condition have been investigated .

  6. 结果表明:低碳高合金钢的耐冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢及中碳合金钢;

    It was found that the low carbon high-alloyed steel had much better impact corrosion and abrasion properties than the high manganese steel and medium carbon alloyed steel , which was ascribed to the differences in the compositions and microstructures of the three steels .

  7. 采用多元素合金化的中碳低合金钢铸造风扇磨煤机冲击板,通过等温淬火处理,得到贝氏体与马氏体组织,硬度HRC≥45,冲击韧性ak≥40J/cm~2。

    The impact plate used in fan-type crashing machine is made of multi-alloyed medium carbon low-alloying steel inc which bainite and martenite are obtained throuth isothermal quenching . Its properties are HRC 45 and ak 40J / cm . The experimental .

  8. 中碳低合金钢衬板耐磨料磨损性能研究

    Research on Abrasive Wear Resistance for Low-Alloyed Medium Carbon Steel Liner

  9. 中碳低合金钢的组织性能及应用效果

    Structure property and application result of medium carbon low alloy steel

  10. 中碳低合金钢衬板的研制

    Developing Liner Steel with Medium Carbon and Low Alloy

  11. 强磁场条件下中碳低合金钢中碳化物的析出

    Carbide Precipitation in a Medium Carbon Low Alloy Steel Under a High Magnetic Field

  12. 用渣钢铁生产大断面中碳低合金钢铸锭的铸造缺陷控制钢锭模准备和脱锭跨

    Control of Casting Defects for Medium Carbon and Low Alloy Heavy Steel Ingot Produced by Slag Steel

  13. 研究了碳元素及空气、水玻璃溶液、水3种淬火介质对中碳低合金钢组织性能的影响规律。

    The influences of C and using air , soluble glass and water as quenching medium on the structure and properties of medium-carbon low-alloy steel have been investigated in this article .

  14. 结果表明,高锰钢的平均腐蚀速率显著高于中碳铬合金钢,腐蚀过程中高锰钢有较严重的碱脆开裂现象。

    The results showed that the corrosion weight loss rate of high Mn steel was distinctly greater than that of medium carbon chromium steel . The high Mn steel caustic embrittlement cracking was distinct in corrosion .

  15. 变形量及N含量对油井管用中碳V-Ti-N微合金钢显微组织的影响

    Influence of deformation and N content on the microstructure of medium-carbon V-Ti-N microalloyed steels for oil-well tubes

  16. 中碳V-N微合金钢连续冷却奥氏体分解及晶内铁素体的形成

    Austenite decomposition and intragranular ferrite formation in a medium-carbon vanadium-nitrogen microalloyed steel

  17. 海水中碳钢及低合金钢的焊接接头腐蚀行为的研究

    Corrosion behavior of welded joints of low-alloy steel and carbon steels

  18. 可焊材料:低碳钢、高强度钢、中碳钢,低合金钢。

    Weldable materials : low carbon steel , high-strength steel , medium-carbon steel , low-alloy steel .

  19. 用于受磨损的低碳钢、中碳钢或低合金钢机件表面,如矿山机械与农业机械的堆焊与修复。

    For surfacing welding or repair the wear out face made by low carbon steels and middle carbon steels , as axle , gear and blade of mixer .

  20. 阐述了湿硫化氢环境中碳钢和低合金钢腐蚀开裂的机理、相关因素和抑制腐蚀开裂的基本原则。

    The corrosion cracking mechanisms of carbon steels and low-alloy steels in wet hydrogen sulfide environment , the relative factors and the basic principles for controlling the corrosion cracking were described .