
  • 网络SAFE Investment Company Limited;SAFE Investment Co
  1. 中国华安投资有限公司也多次否认对这些投资知情,并否认与外管局有任何关系,甚至在向该公司出示股份登记簿时,他们也是持如此态度。

    SAFE Investment Company also repeatedly denied all knowledge of the investments or its relationship to SAFE , even when confronted with the company 's share register .

  2. 然而,中投否认这些股份是以其名义购入的,同时还表示,目前没有吸纳中国华安投资有限公司的计划。

    But CIC denied the stakes had been bought on its behalf and said there was no plan to absorb safe investment at present .

  3. 知情人士猜测,中国华安投资有限公司可能是代表中投公司购入外国公司股权,或者是为最终与中投合并做准备。

    People familiar with its operations speculated safe investment may be taking stakes in foreign companies on behalf of CIC or in preparation for an eventual merger with CIC .