
  • 网络China Investment Corporation;China Investment Corp;cic
  1. 中国投资有限责任公司(chinainvestmentcorporation,cic)董事长楼继伟将于本周出席达沃斯(davos)的一个小组会议,届时他将引起与会金融家们的浓厚兴趣。

    When Lou Jiwei , the head of the China Investment Corporation , appears on a panel at Davos next week , he will attract a flurry of interest from financiers .

  2. 中国投资有限责任公司法律地位研究

    The Study on the Legal Status of the China Investment Corporation

  3. 拥有2000亿美元注册资本的中国投资有限责任公司(ChinaInvestmentCorp。)已开始在全球范围内广招贤才,为其在全球金融市场中的股票及债券投资寻找合适的管理者。

    China 's $ 200 billion sovereign wealth fund has launched a global recruitment drive , aiming to attract staff to manage its purchases of stocks and bonds on global financial markets .

  4. 中国投资有限责任公司就是一个很好的例子。

    A good example is the China investment corporation .

  5. 中国投资有限责任公司海外投资案例分析

    The Case Study of Overseas Investment of CIC

  6. 2007年9月29日,中国投资有限责任公司在北京成立。

    On September 29th , 2007 , China Investment Corporation ( CIC ) was set up in Beijing .

  7. 中国投资有限责任公司的大部分资金都是用来为中国的国有银行提供资金的。

    Much of the money in the China Investment Corporation is meant to provide capital for state-owned Chinese banks .

  8. “我未听说过这些,”中国投资有限责任公司的执行副总裁汪建熙在问即投资喜能可时如是表示。

    " I haven 't heard about this ," said Jesse Wang , an executive vice president with China Investment Corp ( CIC ) CIC . UL , when asked about making investments in Glencore .

  9. 中国建银投资证券有限责任公司(ChinaJianyinInvestmentSecurities)分析师曾光表示,虽然全聚德和东来顺在中国北方地区家喻户晓,但它们在南方连锁店规模有限,知名度不太高。

    Zeng Guang , an analyst at China Jianyin Invest Securities , says that while Quanjude and Donglaishun are household names in northern China , they don 't have many chain stores in southern China and aren 't as widely known .