
  1. 他在中国古代地理学史上作出了超越前人的贡献,特别关于喀斯特地貌的详细记述。

    Xu Xiake contribution to the ancient Chinese geography was unprecedented , especially his detailed narration of the karst landform .

  2. 汉代及其以后的中国古代地理学基本上丢失了这个传统,始作俑者为东汉班固。

    From Qin and Han dynasties , Chinese ancient geography lost this tradition , the first ancestor is Ban Gu in Eastern Han Dynasty .

  3. 因此宋代地理学所取得的繁荣并没有让中国古代地理学取得突破性的进展,换句话说,地理学不是一个可以孤立发展的学科。

    So the prosper of the Sung dynasties did not get break development for the Chinese ancient geography , in other words , the geography does not an academic which could develop alone .

  4. 先秦与秦汉地理学之间存在一个大断裂。这个大断裂影响了中国古代地理学取得的成就,致使中国古代地理学无法发展衍生为近代地理学。

    This is a big fault in the development geographical history of China , between Before Qin and Qin-Han . This fault directly affected the achievements of the Chines ancient geography , and resulted the Chinese ancient geography in not developing to modern geography .

  5. 深入发掘中国古代的地理学思想,对当今建立开放、复杂的地理巨系统有现实意义。

    Probing these achievements and thoughts has realistic significance in the open , complex , contemporary geographical sytem .