
  1. 唐代的官僚政治制度是秦汉以来中国古代官僚政治制度的继承和发展,它作为唐代实行的政治制度,对当时的社会经济有着深刻的影响。

    Bureaucratic political system of Tang dynasty was the inheritance and development of the bureaucratic political system of ancient China since the Qin and Han dynasties . As a political system it influenced the social economy .

  2. 中国古代官僚政治能够长期存在,有着其自身内在的逻辑和诸多制度上的支撑,如选举制度、考课制度、监察制度、致仕制度等。

    That the bureaucratic politics in ancient China could stand a long time was attributed to its own intrinsic logic and the support of many systems , e.g. the electoral system , the merit system , the supervisory system , retirement system among others .