
  • 网络Chinese Famous Brands;china top brand;china brand;TCL
  1. 天润聚丙烯酰胺产品率先在行业内获得“中国名牌产品”称号。

    The polyacrylamide of TIANRUN brand has been entitled as " China Top Brand " .

  2. 公司生产的“东贝”牌压缩机是中国名牌产品;

    Dongbei compressor produced by the company is on the list of " China Top brand ";

  3. TCL的成功归功于利用外资创建的中国名牌。

    TCL attributes its success to its famous brand products developed through the utilization of overseas investment .

  4. 公司生产的“北大荒”系列品牌大米成为AA、A级绿色食品、中国名牌产品、中国名牌农产品。

    The'Beidahuang'series brand rice produced by the company has become the AA , A grade green food , Chinese famous brand , Chinese agricultural brand-name product .

  5. 本文基于WTO的历史新条件,解析我国名牌的现状、差距及其原因,提出了创新中国名牌战略的设想。

    This article , based on the accession of china to the WTO , analyses the status , disparity and reasons for brands in today 's China , and puts forward the conception of creating Chinese Brand strategy .

  6. 公司拥有“辉煌水暖”、“HHSN”两大“福建省著名商标”和“中国名牌”、“福建省名牌”产品荣誉。

    It in possessing of two brands " Huihuang Plumbing "," HHSN ", with the honors " Fujian famous trademark "," China famous brand " and " Fujian famous brand " .

  7. 21世纪中国名牌战略与技术创新

    Chinese Famous Brand Strategy and Technological Innovation in the 21st Century

  8. 外国公司抢注中国名牌

    The rush registration by overseas companies of famous Chinese Brand names

  9. 浅议打击假冒伪劣与争创中国名牌

    Hitting Fake Shoddy product Action and Establishing China Name Brand

  10. 一汽杯中国名牌汽车越南巡展

    FAW Group Cup Chin Famous Brand Auto Vietnam Show Delegation

  11. 亚太股份的汽车制动系统为中国名牌产品。

    APG brake system was horned China Famous Brand Products in China .

  12. 驰名商标与中国名牌统一管理研究

    The " Well-Known Trademarks " and Consolidated Administration of Famous Brands in China

  13. 中国名牌国际化经营战略研究

    Observation of international strategy of Chinese famous brand

  14. “金晶”牌浮法玻璃以极高的声誉荣获“中国名牌”产品称号。

    Jinjing float glass wins " famous brand of china " with highest fame .

  15. 2002年中国名牌产品公布

    China 's Famous Brand Names for 2002 Released

  16. 中国名牌的忧思

    The Hidden Danger to the Chinese Famous Brands

  17. 发挥榕树效应以高质量打造中国名牌&维达永不休止追求高品质

    Exerting the Banyan Tree Domino Effect , Creating China Famous Brand with High Quality

  18. 中国名牌发展报告

    The Development Report on China 's Famous-brand Products

  19. 中国名牌:经济的支撑点

    Chinese Famous Brand : Economy Supporting Point

  20. 打造中国名牌,刻不容缓

    It 's Urgent to Promote Chinese Brands

  21. 中国名牌商品博览会,中国最好的商品济济一堂。

    The Chinese Famous-Brand Commodities Fair contains a collection of the finest commodities in China .

  22. 中国名牌商品市场初探

    On China 's Well-known Brand Market

  23. 中国名牌资产评估事务所

    Chinese Brands Assets Appraisal Office

  24. 泉州11家中国名牌企业具有强烈的品牌意识和科学的品牌战略观。

    All 11 China famous enterprises in Quanzhou have strong brand consciousness and scientific brand strategy conception .

  25. 2007年获得“全国五一劳动奖状”和“中国名牌”荣誉称号;

    We were awarded honor of " National May1st Labor Certificate " and " China Famous Brand " in2007 ;

  26. 2006年盱眙龙虾荣获农业部颁发的“中国名牌农产品”称号。

    Xuyi Lobster was awarded the title of " Chinese famous agricultural product brand " by the Ministry of Agriculture in2006 .

  27. 浙江体育用品唯一的中国名牌产品-飞鹰的成功关键在于技术创新。

    Only China Zhejiang sporting goods brand-name products - " the Eagle " is key to the success of technological innovation .

  28. 依靠企业综合竞争力争创中国名牌关于纺织品服装实施名牌战略的思考

    Enhancing the Overall Competitive Power Aiming for the China Name Brand Pondering on the Implementation of Textile Enterprise Name Brand and the Measures

  29. 近日,中国名牌战略推进委员会公布了2007年中国名牌产品评价目录。共有16个行业的183个产品入围。

    China Brand Strategy Promotion Committee published the2007 Evaluation List for Chinese Top Brand Products.183 products of16 industries are selected for the list .

  30. 四川省质监局积极争取国家质量监督检验检疫总局对灾区企业创中国名牌产品的政策支持。

    Sichuan Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision actively tried to gain the policy support from General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision .