
  • 网络Chinese brand;China brand;Brand China
  1. 据报道,牛仔服装企业利惠商业有限公司(levistrauss&co)今年也计划推出一个中国品牌。

    Levi Strauss & Co , the jeans company , is reportedly planning on launching a Chinese brand this year .

  2. 约瑟夫·贝克:他们只是简单地,恩,从英国获得了品牌和技术,现在,MG开始演变为一个中国品牌,中国将会向世界各地出口属于他们自己的MG汽车。

    JASPER BECKER : They 've simply acquired the brand and technology , um directly from , uh from the UK , and it 's now effectively going to become a Chinese brand which China will export , uh to the rest of the world .

  3. 还有人提到,不希望在电视上看到韩国明星通过饮食的方式推广中国品牌。

    And some others mentioned that they do not want to see South Korean stars eating food to promote Chinese brands on TV .

  4. 中国品牌日活动于5月10日启动,将持续到至12日。活动内容包括,举办2021年中国品牌发展国际论坛,举办中国自主品牌博览会,引导地方自行组织开展特色品牌创建活动。

    The 2021 China Brand Day events kicked off on May 10 and will last till May 12 . During the period , China will host an international forum brands .

  5. 中国品牌方与《文森佐》剧集达成广告协议,规定产品会在电视剧中出现4次,其中主角至少会吃两次“自嗨锅”。

    The Chinese food company has an advertising the instant meal should appear a total of four times in the series and be eaten by the leads at least twice .

  6. 华为(HuaweiTechnologies)等中国品牌已经在印度大获成功。

    Chinese brands like Huawei Technologies have had their own stunning success in India .

  7. 加入WTO以后,如何提高中国品牌产品的国际竞争力?

    Being a new member of WTO , how can China raise the international competitive capacity of its branded products ?

  8. NBA巨星纳什签约代言中国品牌露友。

    NBA 's Nash signs with China company .

  9. Micromax占据了印度手机市场第二大市场份额,仅排在三星(Samsung)之后,它已经开始针对中国品牌的入侵做出改变。Micromax现在也会只在线上销售一些手机,并且还在制造更多仅限互联网销售的手机。

    Micromax , which owns the second-largest share of the Indian market after Samsung , is already adapting to the Chinese invasion , holding online-only sales and making some phone models Internet exclusive .

  10. 其中最明显的例子是奇瑞(Chery),该公司之所以能成为领先的中国品牌,很大程度上应归功于其QQ品牌,该款小型汽车的起价仅为5000美元。

    The best example is Chery , which has become the leading Chinese brand largely on the back of the QQ model , a small car which starts at a price of $ 5,000 .

  11. 本周二,JuicyCouture母公司AuthenticBrandsGroup宣布,已经与中国品牌管理公司俊思集团(ImagineXGroup)签订了长期合作协议。AuthenticBrandsGroup最先于2006年买下了JuicyCouture在大中华区和东南亚地区管理经销权。

    Authentic Brands Group , Juicy Couture 's owner , on Tuesday announced a long-term partnership with ImagineX Group , a China-based brand management company , that first bought the management and distribution rights of Juicy Couture for Greater China and South East Asia in 2006 .

  12. 中国品牌的最新粉丝安努什尔•纳哈儿(AnusheelNahar)曾是黑莓(BlackBerry)的忠实用户,他花了8500卢比(约合822人民币)买了一部联想的智能手机。

    One recent convert to a Chinese brand is Anusheel Nahar , a longtime BlackBerry user , who bought a Lenovo smartphone for 8500 rupees , or about $ 140 .

  13. 科技调研机构Counterpoint的一份报告指出,2016年第四季度,诸如Vivo、联想、小米和OPPO等中国品牌占据了印度智能手机46%的市场份额,而一年前这一数据还只有14%。

    In the fourth quarter of 2016 , Chinese brands such as Vivo , Lenovo , Xiaomi and Oppo , took 46 percent of the total smartphone market - up from 14 percent a year ago , a report from tech research firm Counterpoint revealed .

  14. 在其他领域,有一些前途要光明得多的中国品牌。

    Elsewhere , there are some much more promising Chinese brands .

  15. 比亚迪是该名单上唯一完完全全的中国品牌。

    BYD was the only fully Chinese brand on the list .

  16. 国际家居零售品牌的研究及对创立中国品牌的启示

    Research on Brands of International Furnishing Retailing and Illumination to Chinese Corporations

  17. 谈中国品牌的现状与发展出路

    On the Present Situation and Development Strategies of Chinese Brands

  18. 看来中国品牌现在值得一看了。

    And the Chinese brands seem worth a look now .

  19. 品牌头脑风暴:中国品牌怎样进入世界品牌俱乐部?

    Branding brain storming : How China brands enter World Brands Club ?

  20. 误读:中国品牌价值评估

    Wrong Reading : Brand Value Evaluation of China Brand

  21. 北京木工展定位于中国品牌专业展会

    Beijing Woodworking Exhibition Oriented toward Chinese Brand Exhibition

  22. 中国品牌走向世界的障碍

    Barrier to Chinese Brands Going towards the World

  23. 木制家具出口呼唤中国品牌

    China 's Wooden Furniture Brand is Urgently Needed

  24. 中国品牌已成为今年汽车市场上令人惊讶的现象。

    Chinese brands have been the surprise phenomenon of the car market this year .

  25. 中国品牌版图报告

    The Report of Chinese - brand Map

  26. 创造美誉全球的中国品牌&访中法合营王朝葡萄酿酒有限公司总经理高孝德

    Create Chinese Brands of World Reputation

  27. 中国品牌的国际市场营销战略

    International Marketing Strategy for Chinese Brand

  28. 海信商标之争,凸现中国品牌国际化风险

    Dispute of Trademark Invest in China

  29. 中国品牌和品牌资产

    Chinese Brand and Brand Asset

  30. 谈中国品牌战略的误区

    Misunderstanding of China brand strategy