
hóng qí
  • red flag;red banner
红旗 [hóng qí]
  • (1) [red flag]

  • (2) 红颜色的旗子

  • (3) 优胜奖旗

  • (4) 喻指先进

  • 红旗手

红旗[hóng qí]
  1. 然后下雨了,红旗升起示意暂停。

    Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt .

  2. 他演唱自己改编的社会主义赞歌《红旗颂》时,声音穿透了会场的屋顶。

    He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem , The Red Flag .

  3. 他们挥舞着红旗高喊:“列宁,万岁!”

    They waved red flags and shouted , ' Lenin , yes '

  4. 红旗迎风飘扬。

    The red flags are waving in the breeze .

  5. 五星红旗插上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。

    The flag of China was raised on the summit of Mount Qomolangma .

  6. 一面红旗徐徐升起。

    A red flag slowly goes up the pole .

  7. 红旗飘飘。

    Red flags are fluttering .

  8. 红旗漫卷。

    Red banners fluttered freely .

  9. 城头飘扬着红旗。

    Red flags are flying on top of the city wall .

  10. 红旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳。

    Red flags stand out brightly , set against the blue sky .

  11. 风展红旗。

    The red flags are fluttering in the wind .

  12. 风卷红旗呼啦呼啦地响。

    The red flags are flapping in the wind .

  13. 队伍由三个举红旗的青年领头儿。

    At the head of the procession were three young men holding red flags .

  14. 红旗在风中翻卷。

    The red flag flutters in the wind .

  15. 工地上红旗招展。

    Red flags fluttered over the construction site .

  16. 最早的火车开动时,一个人手擎红旗走在前面。

    When the first trains ran , a man would walk ahead carrying a red flag .

  17. 节日的广场到处红旗飘扬,显得格外壮观。

    With red flags fluttering everywhere in celebration of the festival , the square looked truly magnificent .

  18. 当这种情况发生时,特别是当一家新成立的公司没有收入可言时,监管者应该高举红旗示警。

    When this takes place , especially when a new-born company has no revenue to speak of , the regulators should raise red flags .

  19. 基于红旗linuxDC的维文环境设计与实现

    Based on Red Flag linux DC Uyghur circumstances ' design and realization

  20. 基于红旗Linux操作系统的民文Linux的实现

    Implement of minority language Linux based on red flag Linux operating system

  21. 基于红旗linuxDC的维、汉、英多语种操作系统的设计与实现

    Based on Red Flag linux DC Uygur , Chinese , England multilingual operating system design and realization

  22. 可编程控制器(PLC)在红旗变速箱输出轴精加工中的参数设定和编程

    Applications of Parameters Setting and Programming of PLC in the Precision Location of Gear Box Output Axis

  23. 以红旗Linux4.0为操作系统平台,以维文为例,讲解民文Linux的实现方案。

    An implementation of minority language linux is explained based on red flag 4.0 operation system and in Uighur .

  24. 中国甚至拥有自己的Linux高手--红旗公司,北京一家下属中国科学院的软件公司。

    China even has its own Linux champion , Red Flag , a Beijing based software house , backed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  25. 红旗不仅听起来像是一种威胁,而且他们已经有一名经过培训的实习生来做Ames的工作了。

    Not only does red flag sound like a threat , but they already had a trained , temporary replacement doing Ames ' job .

  26. CA7220红旗轿车装配ABS时,如按常规的真空排气加注制动液步骤对ABS进行操作,存在制动踏板发软、制动距离延长等问题。

    During the ABS assembling process of Hong Qi CA7220 car , you will feel brake pedal soft and braking distance long if common procedures of filling brake fluid through vacuum gas removal are used .

  27. 用有限元法对红旗CA7220轿车白车身的扭转刚度和弯曲刚度进行了研究。

    The torsion and bedding stiffness of Hong Qi CA7220 car body-in-white ( BIW ) were analyzed with FEM .

  28. 蒂娜:我想MCQ公司肯定吸取了教训:以后决不在公牛面前扬红旗!

    Dina : I bet McQ Corp learned its lesson : Don 't wave a red flag in front of a bull !

  29. 红旗-9型是一种类似于俄罗斯S-300系列的中国国产系统,经历了长期的研制,现在已经有一定数量入役。

    Chinese indigenous system analogous with the Russian S-300 series , the HQ-9 has had a long gestation but is now being deployed in some numbers .

  30. 有消息说部分暴雪和Kespa之间的谈判将会在12月开始。无论将会出现什么事,我们都会“红旗”的进行报道。

    It 's been reported that some sort of negotiations between Blizzard and KeSPA will be taking place in December .