
hónɡ shí zì
  • Red cross;Geneva cross
  1. 军方请求美国红十字会支援6,000品脱的血液。

    The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross .

  2. 红十字会信赖我们。

    The Red Cross are relying on us .

  3. 他们挤上红十字会派来的巴士前往安全的地方。

    They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross and headed for safety .

  4. 英国红十字会已向灾区发送了4架飞机的救济物资。

    The British Red Cross has sent four planeloads of relief supplies to the stricken areas .

  5. 红十字会已经安排了两次地区停火,以使平民能够接受医疗救助。

    The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires , allowing non-combatants to receive medical help .

  6. 红十字会是作为前线士兵和后方家人的一种联系方式而创立起来的。

    The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home

  7. 他们发人深省的对话使在座的每个人都清楚地认识到红十字会所从事的严肃而有价值的工作。

    Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does .

  8. 红十字会称他们正在撤回所属职员,直到各方都明确表示欢迎他们的存在。

    The Red Cross said it is withdrawing its staff until they receive clear signals from all sides that their presence is welcomed .

  9. 中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。

    The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .

  10. 我们受托接受给红十字会的捐助。

    We are authorized to receive contributions for the red cross .

  11. 红十字会是个国际性的慈善机构。

    The Red Cross is an international charity .

  12. 当地政府希望住在本区的每个人向红十字会捐款。

    The local government hoped that everybody living in the region contributed to the red cross .

  13. 我不在乎捐钱给红十字会,因为我知道它有高尚的奋斗目标。

    I don 't mind giving money to the Red Cross because I know it 's for a good cause .

  14. 那是在红十字会组织的艺术家作品展上。

    It was at an exhibition of the artist 's works organized by the Red Cross .

  15. 他们每年捐钱给红十字会。

    They used to donate to the Red Cross every year .

  16. 他在红十字会医院做外科手术。

    He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital .

  17. 第二十条红十字会经费的主要来源:

    Article 20 The funds of the Red Cross Society come mainly from :

  18. 中华人民共和国红十字会法

    Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Red Cross Society

  19. 在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。

    Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross .

  20. 第十二条红十字会履行下列职责:

    Article 12 The Red Cross Society shall perform the following functions and duties :

  21. 红十字会协助人民政府开展与其职责有关的活动。

    the Society shall assist the people 's government in activities relevant to its own functions and duties .

  22. 第十六条红十字标志具有保护作用和标明作用。

    Article 16 The sign of the Red Cross plays a protective role and an indicative role as well .

  23. 第二十二条红十字会为开展救助工作,可以进行募捐活动。

    Article 22 The Red Cross Society may , for the purpose of extending relief and assistance , solicit contributions .

  24. 第九条各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。

    Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members .

  25. 第十一条中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;

    Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization ;

  26. 对于滥用红十字标志的,红十字会有权要求其停止使用;

    In case the sign of the Red Cross is abused , the Red Cross Society shall have the right to demand that such acts be ceased ;

  27. 拒绝停止使用的,红十字会可以提请人民政府按照有关法律、法规的规定予以处理。

    in case of refusing to cease such acts , the Red Cross Society may appeal to the people 's government to deal with the matter according to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations .

  28. 第十四条在自然灾害和突发事件中,执行救助任务并标有红十字标志的人员、物资和交通工具有优先通行的权利。

    Article 14 In conducting relief operations during natural calamities and emergencies , personnel , goods and materials , and transportation vehicles marked with the sign of the Red Cross shall enjoy the priority of passage .

  29. 第三条中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,承认中国红十字会章程并缴纳会费的,可以自愿参加红十字会。

    Article 3 All citizens of the People 's Republic of China who , regardless of ethnic of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues , may join the Society on a voluntary basis .

  30. 他补充道,该组织还绑架了5名中国工人,并将与国际红十字组织(internationalredcross)联系,以便释放他们。

    He added that the ONLF had taken five Chinese workers alive , and would be in touch with the International Red Cross to return them .