
  • 网络Mentality;spirit;MENTAL TOUGHNESS
  1. 由于这原因,我们必须了解学生的精神力和个性的不同,采用必需的措施和方法来克服不利的因素。

    Owing to this , we have to understand the student 's mentality and character differences , adopting necessary measures and ways to overcome negative factors .

  2. 如果我们承担光是一种外部的刺激,物体是一个男人(自己的感觉),而且图像是男人的蓝色精神力,做要使图像被消失。

    If we assume that the light is an external stimulus , the object is a man ( sense of self ), and the shadow is blue mentality of the man , Do is to make the shadow disappeared .

  3. 意思是我不能靠精神力醒过来?

    Mean I could wake up with psychic powers ?

  4. 大学软实力涵括了大学文化力、大学政治力、大学精神力、大学制度力等要素。

    The university soft strength includes its cultural , political , spiritual , and structural forces , etc.

  5. 不幸的是因为程序中实数的运用,精神力目前所提供的影响非常小。

    Unfortunately , because of the actual numbers used , spirit now has very little in-game effect .

  6. 拥有远远超越常人精神力的心灵异能并非毫无代价。

    Possession of psionic power far beyond the capabilities of common minds does not come without a price .

  7. 四分相带来许多需要耗费的精力,包括内在的精神力、制力、力。

    The Grand Square gives a lot of energy which demands to be used , internal dynamism , insistence , force .

  8. 开源节流的观念用在精神力的经验上,同是一条金科玉律。

    The concept of increasing input and reducing output is a golden rule for us in experiences of using power of mind and body .

  9. 现在是对我们的很好的考验,证明我们可以重整,表现出我们的精神力,并且很快地作出回应。

    It is a good test for us now , to show that we can regroup , show our mental strength and respond quickly .

  10. 而且通过学习语法知识,可以培养学生们的高层次理智活动的语言技巧和观察、了解、分析、推理能力等精神力,也能够提高逻辑思维。

    From learning grammar knowledge , students can have advanced sensible activities of language skills and abilities of observation , understanding , analyzing and consequence .

  11. 它以精神力给予粉丝希望,让他们渴望生存,使他们找到归属地并且给予他们自信。

    It acts as a spiritual force that gives fans hope , keeps them alive , gives them a place to belong and gives them a sense of transcendence .

  12. 认为该系统是一个由物质力、精神力和训练管理力构成的三维立体结构,主要由7个子系统构成。

    The system , which is a structure of three dimensions , namely , material force , spiritual force and training managing force , is constituted mainly by seven sub systems .

  13. 不久在你们的周围就会散播许多可怕的流言,而你们就能够通过把自己的精神力聚焦在所有正面的事情上来抵消这些负面的侵袭,因为许多有益的转变真的就要开始呈现。

    In a time when there are many dire predictions going around , you can offset them by concentrating on all that is positive such as the many beneficial changes that are about to manifest .

  14. 他解释说借助于强大的精神力,自己才能将针穿透身体,才能忍受极热或极冷而毫发无伤。为了避免受伤,他还深入研究了人体解剖学,因为如果不小心刺破动脉,后果将不堪设想。

    He explains that , by using mind over matter , he is able to push skewers through his body and put up with extreme heat and cold unharmed - but to do this safely he has extensively studied human anatomy , because puncturing an artery could be fatal .

  15. 是民族国家精神承受力的标尺;

    And the staff of nation-states spiritual support ;

  16. 精神之力不可摧。

    Nothing destroys spirit like poverty .

  17. 阵痛的尴尬与精神生殖力之传播&重读“新写实”

    The embarrassment of birth pangs and communicating of spiritual procreative power & review " new realism "

  18. 你有强烈的精神集中力,用你的自由意志力去塑造命运。

    You have an intense inner focus to shape your destiny by the strength of your own will .

  19. 他用自己的人生悲剧塑造了一个文学上具有巨大的精神感召力的伟大艺术典型。

    He portrayed a great art image of having great appeal of spirit in literature with his own tragedy of life .

  20. 这是一种撕裂,既尴尬又辛酸,反映了原生态的市民生活有着强大的精神生殖力。

    This kind of avulsion was embarrassed and suffering as well as the strong spiritual procreative power from the original citizen life .

  21. 奇妙的、最初的理想将你带回到有形现实中去,很好地表达了你的精神承受力和创造力。

    Your mental capabilities and creativity are well marked with wonderful and original ideas which you need to bring to tangible fruition .

  22. 从需求的角度来讲,现代景观设计应该要给现代人提供一个在满足功能的前提下具有强大精神感染力的景观环境。

    From the perspective of the needs , modern landscape design should supply a landscape environment with an spiritual power besides functional satisfaction .

  23. 个体的内在道德动力由物质驱动力和精神驱动力构成,个体的外在道德动力由外在激励力和外在惩罚力构成。

    Inner morality power of the individual consists of motivity for material and spiritual enjoyment , while external morality power of the individual part consists of encouraging power and punishment power .

  24. 尔后,在不息的变动中开拓艺术教育,并积竭地引介西方现代美术,交融中西精神,力构宏博境界,以推动本土艺术发展。

    Afterwards he opened unceasingly up art education and did his utmost to introduce the western modern art , blended the Chinese spirit with the western one to promote the development of the native art .

  25. 创造员工终身学习的环境,提高员工的创新意识、创新能力和医院创新体系,使医院核心价值观产生持久的精神支撑力;

    Third , it can create a life-learning environment for the employees , raise their awareness of and capability for innovation and the hospital 's mechanisms for innovation , and bring about enduring spiritual support to the core values of the hospital .

  26. 你的伟大的精神和意志力大大鼓舞了我。

    I 'm immediately heartened by your magnificent spirit and will-power .

  27. 睡眠对于人的精神、专注力和脸色都是至关重要的。

    Sleep is essential for your energy , concentration and complexion .

  28. 马克斯·韦伯眼中的孔子:韦伯中国史观中的精神与自然力

    Max Weber Looking at Confucius : Spiritual and Natural Forces in the Weberian View of Chinese History

  29. 消费社会的诱人景观消蚀了审美救世之美学精神的感召力。

    And the captivating view of the consumer society weakens the powers of " aesthetic salvation " .

  30. 现在我相信上帝与玛丽有一种精神和向心力,这是耶稣还。

    Now I believe mary had a spiritual togetherness with god and also jesus which is one .