
  • 网络spirit;spiritual essence;essence
  1. 要依照法律的精神实质,而不是字面意思。

    Obey the spirit , not the letter of the law .

  2. 她根据其精神实质来认识此事。

    She took it in the spirit in which it was intended .

  3. 从内容、要求和目的及精神实质等方面探讨了ISO9000标准与企业文化建设的一致性。

    This paper probes into the consistency of ISO9000 standard and construction of enterprises ' culture from aspects of contents , demand and aim and spirit essence , etc.

  4. 第一,LOFT的基本概念;主要介绍LOFT的发展、内涵与外延、外在特征与精神实质。

    In the first section , I mainly presented basic conceptions of Loft including Loft 's development , connotation and extension , exterior characters and psychic essentials .

  5. 法官们常常尽力贯彻法律的精神实质。

    Judges often try to apply the spirit of the law .

  6. 必须全面准确理解汾酒制曲工艺的精神实质

    Overall Comprehension of the Koji-making Technologies of Fen-flavour Liquor is Necessary

  7. 第二部分系统、深入地比较分析了在日本侵略末期支撑着两位诗人锲而不舍地用诗来进行抵抗的精神实质。

    Section two : analysis and comparison on their spiritual essence .

  8. 深刻领会其精神实质,具有极其重要的现实意义。

    A deep understanding of its essence has extremely important practical significance .

  9. 理解《会计法》精神实质提高会计信息质量

    Understanding the Law of Accountancy to Improve the Quality of Accounting Information

  10. 他力图表现其研究对象的精神实质。

    He tried to express the essence of his subject .

  11. 论对话教学的精神实质与本真意义的回归

    On the Spiritual Essence and True Significance of Dialogue Teaching

  12. 试论马克思重建个人所有制的精神实质

    On the Spiritual Essence of Marx 's Reconstructing Private Ownership

  13. 深刻领会与时俱进的精神实质

    Profoundly Grasp the Essence of Keeping Pace with the Times

  14. 从各种不同的角度对其进行解读和研究,将有助于加深对科学发展观精神实质的认识。

    Interpretation and research from different angles will benefit to understanding its essence .

  15. 马克思主义哲学的精神实质与哲学教学改革

    The Nature of Marxist Philosophy and Philosophy Teaching Reform

  16. 风险意识:精神实质与中国语境

    Awareness of Risk : Spirit Essence and Chinese Context

  17. 布伯还以犹太教为例,分析了宗教的精神实质。

    Taking Judaism as example , Buber analysed the spiritual substance of religion .

  18. 其精神实质是民族人文精神的建构。

    Its essence is the construction of national humanism .

  19. 诚信是竞技体育赖以生存和发展的基础,是其精神实质和魅力所在。

    It is the moral foundation for the development of all Chinese athletic sports .

  20. 始终保持党的先进性,是新时期党的建设目标思想的精神实质;

    Maintaining the progressive character of the Party is the spiritual essence of thought .

  21. 人们应该去理解这些格言的精神实质而不是死抠字面。

    One should take these precepts in the spirit rather than in the letter .

  22. 浅析高等院校和谐校园的精神实质与构建

    On the Spirit Essence and Construction of the Harmonious Campus in Colleges and Universities

  23. 重新审视与准确界定它的历史地位有助于我们全面把握其理论内涵与精神实质。

    To confirm its historical position is helpful to master theoretical connotation and spirit .

  24. 针对这种情况本文拟突破学术流派式研究之藩篱,而从分析汉初政治的精神实质入手来探索这一问题。

    And work over the problem by analysing the administrative essence of early Han dynasty .

  25. 简论科学发展观的理论基础、精神实质和现实意义

    On the Theoretical Basis , Spiritual Essence and Practical Significance of the Scientific Development Concept

  26. 我们必须从精神实质上遵守法律,而不是死扣条文。

    We must obey the spirit , not merely the letter , of the law .

  27. 素质教育是我国教育方针精神实质的一种教育思想,一种教育理念。

    The essence of quality education is an educational ideology , a philosophy of education .

  28. 马克思主义中国化联动型动力机制的精神实质

    The Spiritual Essence of the Catenating Dynamic Mechanism Research for Marxism ′ s Chinese Characterization

  29. 李塨的易学既包含着易学所共有的特点,也富含颜李学派特有的精神实质。

    His thought contains common characteristics of Yi-ology and the special spirit of Yan-Li school .

  30. 秦汉游侠精神实质是反正统、倡私自复仇。

    The essentials of paladin spirit in Qin-Han era is anti-legitimacy and proposing revenge by themselves .