
zhèng gāng
  • political programme;platform;political program
政纲 [zhèng gāng]
  • [political program] 政治纲领。它说明政党的政治任务和要求

政纲[zhèng gāng]
  1. 他们正在宣传反对外来移民的政纲。

    They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform .

  2. 他利用多家电视频道来宣传自己的政纲。

    He used the TV channels to promote his political platform .

  3. 他的政纲靠的是铁杆追随者的支持。

    His politics were based on loyal partisanship .

  4. 政纲大振。

    The government begins to function properly .

  5. 代表多数人意见的政纲强调现存政治机构的重要性。

    Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions .

  6. 他们相信自由党政纲是唯一合理、稳健的选择。

    They believe liberalism is the only sensible , moderate choice .

  7. 他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革。

    The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform .

  8. 但是,他们主要的政纲是消减联邦政府支出。

    But their main plank is that the federal government slash spending .

  9. 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?

    Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with ?

  10. 吓跑选民挟持政纲

    scare off the voters , hijack the platform .

  11. 相比政纲,人才不是个什么大问题。

    Talent is less of a problem than policies .

  12. 以经济改革为政纲竞选/掌权

    Fight the election / come to power on a platform of economic reform

  13. 自由党的政纲通常赞成执行反托拉斯法规。

    Liberal platforms regularly pronounce for antitrust enforcement .

  14. 这是莫迪竞选政纲的核心。

    It was a cornerstone of his candidacy .

  15. 现在他们得决定如何让选民相信他们的政纲。

    Now they had to decide how to put their programme across to the electorate .

  16. 她绝不能依靠一个以暴力为其主要条目的政纲。

    She could never stand on a platform which had violence as its main plank .

  17. 但是要战胜总统先生,共和党人需要一个可信的候选人和一个可信的政纲。

    But to beat the president , the Republicans need both a credible candidate and credible policies .

  18. 没有理由相信社会各阶层的人都会拥护这个政纲。

    There is no reason to believe that people of every estate will support the political platform .

  19. 共和党政纲反映出共和党摧毁威尔逊主义及某一切措施的意图。

    The Republican platform gave notice of the gop 's intention to destroy wilsooianism and all its works .

  20. 下次大选之后,合并的政纲可能应该起这样一个好名字:英国游戏。

    After the next general election , coalition politics could well be the name of Britain 's game .

  21. 我在选举政纲中提出家是香港的愿景。

    In my election platform , I shared with everyone my vision that Hong Kong is our home .

  22. 我们下一步就是去拉票,把我们独特的妇女政纲带到民间。

    Our next move was the canvass , and with a distinct woman 's platform we took the field .

  23. 竞选公职的候选人向选民提出他们的政纲和计划,让选民细阅和表示同意。

    Candidates for public office submit their platforms , or programs , to the voters for their scrutiny and approval .

  24. 这是我的政纲,也是我为什么认为这不仅仅是经验问题的原因。

    That 's my agenda , and that 's why I think that it 's not just a question of experience .

  25. 政客们必须花言巧语、耍手腕和变换政纲以迎合听众、取媚世俗,而有远大理想的领导人从不乏跟随他们的人。

    Politicians must cajole and manipulate and change their platform to fit the occasion or audience , but leaders with vision never lack a following .

  26. 初步实践阶段(土地革命战争到解放战争时期),党进一步认清了妇女解放的正确途径,制定了有关妇女问题的政纲。

    In the period of initiative developing , CCP further understood the right ways to emancipate women and enacted political program on women 's problems .

  27. (政党的)纲领;(尤指选举前发表的)政纲;宣言他严厉地批评政府的政纲。

    Main policies and aims of a political party , esp as stated before an election ; manifesto He slashed the Administration for its politics .

  28. 克莱格:我不确定你们是否和我相似,不过他俩越是互相攻击,其政纲听起来就越同出一辙。

    CLEGG : I 'm not sure if you 're like me , but the more they attack each other , the more they sound exactly the same .

  29. 英国保守党的竞选政纲常常有些异想天开,但其中最具吸引力的一项提议,是大大降低新学校享受财政拨款的教育领域的难度。

    The most appealing aspect of an often bizarre conservative election platform was the proposal to make it far easier for new schools to enter the state-funded sector .

  30. 因此,联合政府政纲所倚靠的经济基石显然已经不稳固了而它作为联合政府的政治战略,也经历了自该政府上台以来情况最糟的一个月。

    So the economic rock on which the coalition built its fortress looks distinctly shaky and this as its political strategy has suffered its worst month since taking office .