
  • 网络political leadership;political leader
  1. G20能够提供政治领导,而IMF能够提供专业诀窍与能力。

    The G20 can provide the political leadership while the IMF can provide expertise and capacity .

  2. 在全球性的金融体系下,没有20国集团(g20)和欧盟提供的政治领导监督下的有效全球标准和监督,就不可能有稳定和信心。

    With a global financial system there can be no stability and confidence without effective international standards and supervision , overseen by the political leadership provided through the group of 20 nations and the European Union .

  3. 与此相反的是,美联储(fed)提供的稳定措施依然是政治领导们给不了的。

    By contrast , the Federal Reserve offers a measure of certainty that continues to elude the politicians .

  4. WASP的领导尽管可能会招致一些批评,但比精英政治领导层做得好。

    The WASP leadership , for all that may be said in criticism of it , was better than that .

  5. 政治领导功效评估是对政治领导的绩效进行衡量。

    Evaluating efficacy is to judge the achievements of political lead .

  6. 六是文化领导权与政治领导权之间的关系。

    Is a cultural hegemony and political relations between the hegemony .

  7. 政治领导与机制设计:导弹扩散治理机制的成长

    Political Leadership and Regime Formation : Outlet of Missile Proliferation Governance Regime

  8. 政治领导人们纷纷心于表明自己在这个问题上的立场。

    Political leaders are busy staking out their positions on this issue .

  9. 政治领导层对党的执政方式的影响

    The Influence of Different Leading Departments of CCP on Their Style of Governance

  10. 没有人因为低估政治领导层的水平而输掉过一分钱。

    No one has lost any money underestimating the quality of political leadership .

  11. 沙特面临长期的政治领导问题,以及各种紧迫的挑战。

    Saudi Arabia faces long-term questions over political leadership and myriad immediate challenges .

  12. 非公有制经济中基层党组织的政治领导功能

    The Function of Political Leadership of Grass-root Party Organization in the Economy of Nonpublic Ownership

  13. 试论政治领导的一般过程

    On the General Process of Political Lead

  14. 墨西哥的政治领导层也颇为薄弱。

    Political leadership was also weak .

  15. 这使得人们对关键国家对这一进程的政治领导能力留下了非常糟糕的印象。

    This reflects very badly on the political leadership of the process in various key countries .

  16. 这种情况,加重了无产阶级及其政党的政治领导责任。

    This situation increases the responsibility of the proletariat and its party for giving political leadership .

  17. 比利时的政治领导艺术,在于让一个难以驾驭的联盟形成共识。

    The art of Belgian political leadership consists of bringing consensus to a broad and fractious coalition .

  18. 如果没有明确的政治领导,谈判代表们就会趋利避害。

    In the absence of clear political leadership , negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse .

  19. 政治领导是一个动态的过程,主要包括局势判断、政策制定、功效评估等几个主要环节。

    Political lead is a dynamic process , which includes judging situation , formulating policy and evaluating efficacy .

  20. 政治领导也应当加倍努力促进文化对话,根除民族歧视和民族排斥。

    Political leaderships should also double its efforts to promote cultural dialogue and to eradicate discrimination and marginalization .

  21. 如果要把违约风险控制在合理范围之内,有效的政治领导和想象力必不可少。

    Effective political leadership and imagination are essential if default risks are to remain at arm 's length .

  22. 正确的政治领导的成果,归根到底要表现在社会生产力的发展上;

    Successful political leading is , in the final analysis , shown by the development of the productive forces ;

  23. 日本卡通人物凯蒂猫的影响力如何压过真正的政治领导人物,该幅画也是针对这种现象的一种诠释。

    Also commentary on how the power of Japanese cartoon Hello Kitty has usurped power from actual political leader .

  24. 这些政治领导层当然不是由民众直接选举出来的,但是也不是由领导层直接任命的。

    these political leaders are , of course not elected by its people but also not nominated by leaders .

  25. 无产阶级怎样经过它的政党实现对于全国各革命阶级的政治领导呢?

    How does the proletariat give political leadership through its party to all the revolutionary classes in the country ?

  26. 罗伯特死后,年龄最小的爱德华·肯尼迪成为了这个家庭的政治领导。

    BARBARA KLEIN : After the death of Robert , the youngest Kennedy brother became the family 's political leader .

  27. 但如果企业领导人因为政治领导层没水平而灰心,变得因循守旧,那么变革可能陷入停滞。

    But change could stall if business chiefs , disheartened by the poor quality of political leadership , turn inwards instead .

  28. 其次,从现实层面对村级党组织的四项基本职能进行实证分析,即政治领导职能、利益整合职能、服务提供职能和组织发展职能;

    Secondly , it analyzes the present functions : political leadership , interest coordination , offering service , organization and development .

  29. 第一方面是西方人掌握了香格里拉的政治领导权。

    The first aspect addresses the fact that the Westerners own the leading rights of politics in the land of Shangri-la .

  30. 首先:关注政治领导阶层以作为工作基础,因为一个很清晰的政治导向很大程度上影响了公众的行为和思想。

    First : Focusing on political leadership as work basis because clear political directions tremendously influence the public behavior and mind-set .