
  • 网络political capacity;political ability;political skill;Political Competencies;political competence
  1. 在开放性的互联网环境中公民道德能力、政治能力、行为能力发展出现了一些新问题。

    In the open Internet environment of the civil morality competence , political competence and action competence have taken a number of new problems .

  2. 本文认为,政治能力是民族国家政治发展的重心与实质所在。

    It is suggested that the political capacity is the core and essence of nation-states ' political development in this essay .

  3. 他的政治能力帮助艾森豪威尔通过了许多重要法案。

    His political skill helped a number of key Eisenhower measures pass .

  4. 他们起的作用取决于他们的政治能力和热情。

    The role they play is contingent on their political ability and zeal .

  5. 宪政制度的建立,是增长政治能力的普遍途径。

    The establishment of constitutional-political system makes a universal approach for increasing political ability .

  6. 一篇官方杂志将他的政治能力打了“满分”。

    One official magazine called his political abilities " the acme of perfection " .

  7. 然而,保尔森的职业生涯并非建立在政治能力或领袖气质上,而是来自于辛勤工作、注重关系和分析能力。

    Yet his career has not been founded on political skills or Charisma but on working punishing hours , attention to relationships and analytical insight .

  8. 从出于培养道德品质和提高政治能力的初衷升华到描绘世事,抒发情感的文学创作。

    In order to foster the moral quality and improve the political ability then to describe the world , we can show sensibility literal production .

  9. 发展中国家反对被胁迫,而美国和其他富国缺少给予等价代偿的政治能力。

    Developing countries object to being leaned on and the US and other rich countries lack the political capacity to offer the quid pro quo .

  10. 除了要发展领导力所需的政治能力,北京花在整理内务上的时间可以让中国得以发展领导地位所必须的经济资源。

    In addition to developing the political capacity for leadership , the time Beijing spends getting its house in order would allow China to develop the economic wherewithal to lead .

  11. 如何增长民族国家的政治能力、实现政治发展与政治可持续发展,是包括第三世界国家在内的民族国家面临的现实课题。

    It is a realistic issue faced by the nation-states , including the third-world countries to increase their nation-state political ability , to realize their political development and sustainable political development .

  12. 通过分析本轮中国、美国和欧盟之间的纺织品贸易摩擦,本文力图解释大国如何利用经济实力和政治能力影响他国,并揭示经济行为背后复杂的政治原因。

    Friction the analyzing the case of textile trade friction among the china , US and EU , this dissertation focuses on explanation how power use economic strength and political effort restrict other country and the complex political dynamic behind the economic action .

  13. 本文正是基于这样一种历史的责任感和时代的高度,围绕着政治能力强、业务素质精、纪律要求严、生活作风正这一目标来研究和讨论如何开展高校辅导员队伍的职业化建设。

    This article is based on a historical sense of responsibility and the era surrounding the political ability , professional quality precision , discipline and strict requirements , style of life is the goal to study and discuss how the professional college counselors to carry out the construction .

  14. 大学管理中辅导员思想政治工作能力的需求分析

    The university manages instructor ideology political works ability demand analysis

  15. 高中政治学科能力阶梯训练法的实验研究

    Study on the Terraced-Training of Discipline Competence in Senior Politics

  16. 高校辅导员的思想政治工作能力在实际工作中显得尤为重要。

    University instructor 's ideology political works ability appears in the practical work especially important .

  17. 同时随着社会阶层的分化,市民社会逐渐形成,民众的政治参与能力逐渐提高。

    While the civic society becomes to be , the capability of participation is improving .

  18. 这使得人们对关键国家对这一进程的政治领导能力留下了非常糟糕的印象。

    This reflects very badly on the political leadership of the process in various key countries .

  19. 政治行为能力与政治效应的结局成正比例关系。利益效用与政治效应呈现出动态的发展变化的关系,具体表现为:利益效用的异同性导致政治效应的差异性;

    The relation between economic benefits and political effects is showing in a changing and developing pattern .

  20. 如果这些安全力量有着敏锐的政治判断能力,德拉不会是现在的状况。

    And if such forces had a sound political judgment , Deraa would not be where it is now .

  21. 论高校学生辅导员思想政治工作能力的构建

    Talk about the Student in University Guides the Member to Thought the Political Work Ability to Develop to Set up Structurally

  22. 这位73岁的哈佛毕业生因强硬的作风和政治应变能力,被称为“利比亚铁娘子”。

    The 73-year-old Harvard graduate has been nicknamed " Liberia 's Iron Lady " for her political resilience and tough reputation .

  23. 首先我们要保障社会弱势群体的教育资源,增强他们自身参与政治的能力。

    First of all , we have to protect socially vulnerable groups , educational resources , enhance their own ability to participate in politics .

  24. 公民教育是以培养公民意识、提升公民素质、锻炼公民政治参与能力为核心的教育活动。

    Citizen education refers to those educational activities which focus on founding citizen consciousness , improving citizen quality and training citizen capability of political participation .

  25. 最后,本文从调整国家政策和提高农民群体政治参与能力上,对解决城乡差距问题提出了自己的对策建议。

    Finally , this paper proposed countermeasure and suggestions on decreasing urban-rural gap , from the perspective of adjusting national policies and improving peasants ' political involvement ability .

  26. 与此相适应,参政党在政治把握能力、参政议政能力、组织领导能力、合作共事能力等方面也提出了新的更高的要求。

    To adapt , the Democratic Parties follow to put forward some new and higher requirements in political ability to grasp , participate , organize and cooperate with Ruling Party .

  27. 不管是否真如沃尔夫所言,这次行程肯定是对他政治展现能力、稳定度和应对风险意志的考验。

    Whether or not it was that , it was certainly a test of his mastery of political theatrics , his sure-footedness , and his willingness to take a calculated risk .

  28. 责任能力是多维的,但针对当前的经济社会发展现实状况,政治整合能力和政治治理能力是最为重要的两个方面。

    The capacity of responsibility is multidimensional ; however , for the current reality of economic and social development , political integration and political governance capacity are the two most important aspects .

  29. 为有效解决这些问题,笔者立足课堂教学实践,以相关教育教学理论为指导,运用实验研究的方法,经过三轮实验,总结出了高中政治学科能力阶梯训练法的具体运用方式。

    In order to solve these problems effectively , the writer , based on the teaching practice and guided by the pedagogical theory , uses field study to induct the operational model of terraced-training method in senior politics competence .

  30. 近年来,学生社团的发展进入了一个新的历史时期,不仅数量迅速增长,而且种类大大增加,独立性逐步增强,具备了一定的政治参与能力。

    Recent years , the development of Chinese students ' associations has entered into a new historical era , not only with the great increasing of number , species and independence , but also with a certain ability of participating in politics .