
  1. 中国政治法律思想史

    The history of the theories on politics and law of China

  2. 论卢梭政治法律思想的特征

    On the Characteristics of Rousseau 's Thoughts on Politics and Law

  3. 试论名家的政治法律思想

    On Political and Law Thought of the School of Names

  4. 韩非政治法律思想的逻辑分析

    Logic Analysis of Han Fei 's Political and Legal Ideology

  5. 论柏拉图政治法律思想的正义观

    On Plato 's Political and Legal Concept of Justice

  6. 柏克保守主义政治法律思想再解读

    A Re-interpretation of Burke 's Conservative Politics and Law

  7. 卢梭政治法律思想是卢梭整个思想体系中的重要组成部分。

    Rousseau 's thought of politics and law is the prima ry and integral part of his theory .

  8. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。

    Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .

  9. 而春秋时期的“以人为本”的政治法律思想又使法律与伦理道德结合,礼与法结合,人无法真正地独立。

    Humanism brought about the combination of the laws , and ethics and morals , and that of courtesy and the laws .

  10. 而对企业制度的形成影响最大的文化因素莫过于科学技术、经济思想和理论、政治法律思想和道德伦理。

    The facts that influence the institution importantly are science and techonology , thoughts of economy , thoughts of police and law and ethic .

  11. 梁启超借鉴西方政治法律思想和中国传统民本思想并结合中国社会的具体实际情况,深刻而系统地论述了其民权思想。

    Liang Qichao learned from western political ideology and traditional law of China ideology and the reality of Chinese society , analyzed profoundly and systematically its civil rights ideology .

  12. 洛克的自由思想在人类政治法律思想发展史上以及西方自由主义传统中的理论贡献巨大,历史影响深远。

    Locke 's ideas of freedom have enormous contribution and far-reaching historical impact in the history the development of human political and legal ideas as well as the Western liberalism tradition .

  13. 在其不朽名篇《政府论(下篇)》中,洛克虽然没有专列章节探讨自由问题,但其自由思想作为其政治法律思想的精髓和核心却贯穿始终。

    In Locke 's Second Treatise of Government , there is no independent chapter about liberty issues , but as the core of it 's political philosophy , free thought is thoroughly running .

  14. 对于柏拉图的这种正义观,我们从人类需要价值的超越性这一点看其对于开启西方政治法律思想的作用,其地位才会明白地显示出来。

    For such view of justice , its status will not be clearly demonstrated unless one could discover its role in the initiation of western political and legal ideas in the perspective of value superiority as a basic human necessity .

  15. 意识形态是包括道德、政治法律思想、哲学等因素构成的有机整体,也是人们对客观存在的社会经济基础和政治制度的反映。

    Ideology is including the morals , political and law thought , philosophy and so on , which come together to be the organic whole , and also it is reflection of social economy foundation and the political system for objectively existing .

  16. 名家是战国时期一重要的学派,近现代对之研究较多,但大多是集中在对名家思想中逻辑思想的发掘,而忽略了对名家政治法律思想的研究。

    The school of Names is an important philosophical school in the warring states period . There are a lot of researches on it in modern times , but , majority of which are focus on logical thought , and ignore its political and law thought .

  17. 在这一过程中,许多介绍西方资本主义政治、法律思想的著作以翻译的形式引进中国,并产生巨大影响。

    In this process , a series of political and law works were introduced into China by means of translation , bringing about great influences .

  18. 亚里士多德的法律和法治思想在中西方的政治、法律思想史上占有极重要的地位。

    Aristotle 's thought of law and ruling by law is taking a very important role in the political and legal history of eastern and western thought .

  19. 人的素质大体包括生理、心理、科学知识、劳动技能、智力、政治法律、思想文化、道德和个性等九个方面的素质内容。

    Man 's quality includes about nine aspects , ie , physiology , psychology , science knowledge , work skill , intelligence , politics law , ideology culture , ethics and individuality , etc.

  20. 由于他过于强调道德情感而贬损理性,以至于他的政治与法律思想虽充满了革命激情却不利于法治社会确立。

    Because Rousseau put too much emphasis on moral and emotion to dispraise sense , his political and lawful thinking was full of revolutionary fervor but not conducive to establishing the rule of law .

  21. 纵观世界宪政发展史,各国因为政治制度、法律思想、文化传统等存在差异,而采取了不同的违宪审查模式。

    Reviewing the development history of constitutional government in the world , different countries have adopted different patterns for review of constitution owing to different political systems , legal thoughts and cultural traditions .

  22. 文化是作为社会意识形式的艺术、道德、政治思想、法律思想、宗教、哲学以及教育、科技等。

    Culture refers to a sum total of arts , morality , political thought , law thought , religion , philosophy , education , science and technology , etc serving as a social ideological form .

  23. 亚里士多德《政治学》的法律思想解读

    Aristotle 's Theory of Law in Politics

  24. 第六章主要阐述了晚清译介西法活动对当时的政治、法律和民众思想产生的深远影响。

    Translation activity produced great influence to politics , law , people ideas at that time .

  25. 针对这一不足,本文试图对汉密尔顿的政治、法律、经济思想进行全面论述和把握,从而在此基础上正确评价汉密尔顿在美国历史上的地位。

    To this being insufficient , this article attempts to expound the fact and hold in an all-round way about Hamilton 's political , law , economic thought , thus correctly appraisal Hamilton 's position in American history on this foundation .