
  • 网络Political development;politicaldevelopment;Politieal development
  1. 加入WTO对当代中国政治发展的影响分析

    WTO & China 's Political Development

  2. 新中国的政治发展:成就、途径和道路

    New China 's Political Development : Accomplishments , Routes and Approaches

  3. 因此,以人为本是政治发展的基本点;

    Therefore , humanism is the basic point of political development ;

  4. 价值、路径与制度&当前中国政治发展浅析

    Value , Path and System & Analyzing the contemporary Chinese Politics

  5. 传统文化对黑非洲政治发展的制约

    Restrictions of the traditional culture on political developments in black Africa

  6. 西方当代政治发展的新趋势&第三条道路简述

    The trend of modern western policy-An introduction of the third way

  7. 和谐社会政治发展的动力机制和平衡机制(上)

    Dynamics and Balance in the Politics of a Harmonious Society (ⅰ);

  8. 试论中国政治发展的目标选择及其实现途径

    The Study on Goals and Paths of Chinese Political Development

  9. 对新一轮政治发展需要进行系统规划,制定一个可行的发展战略。

    New political development requires a systematic and practicable strategy .

  10. 政党是推动现代政治发展的重要力量。

    Political parties are the major force to modernize the political development .

  11. 试论政治发展的目标选择问题

    A trial discussion on the target choice of political development

  12. 论二十世纪中国政治发展模式的两次转型

    Two Transformations of Political Development Model of China in the

  13. 什叶派政治发展产生了多种影响。

    Shi ' ite political development produced diverse influences .

  14. 俄罗斯多党政治发展的三个阶段

    The Three Stages of Multi-party Political Development in Russia

  15. 关于全球化背景下中国政治发展的思考

    Thinking on Chinese Political Development under the globalization Background

  16. 第一章重点考察民国初年政治发展的概况。

    Chapter 1 reviews the survey of political development of Early Republican China .

  17. 市民社会与当代中国政治发展探析

    Study on Civil Society and Contemporary Chinese Political Development

  18. 本文意在讨论政治发展研究缘起的学科沿革背景。

    This essay discusses the evolution background of the researches on political development .

  19. 新加坡政治发展模式的制度特征及其对发展中国家现代化的启示

    The Political Pattern of Singapore : Its Institutional Characteristic

  20. 非洲政治发展步入新时期

    African Political Development Ushers in a New Era

  21. 关于社团与政治发展的关系问题。

    Relations between mass organization and political development .

  22. 文化、文明与世界经济政治发展及国际关系

    Culture , Civilization , the Development of World Economics and Politics and Interational Relations

  23. 简论农民工对中国政治发展的意义

    Peasant Workers and the Development of Chinese Politics

  24. 霸权迭兴的神话:东周时期战争和政治发展

    The Myth of Five Hegemons : Warfare and Political Development during East Zhou China

  25. 走向21世纪的中国政治发展

    Political Development in China toward the 21st Century

  26. 中国政治发展与政党制度的选择

    China Political Development and Party System Selection

  27. 政治发展是一国现代化进程中的正向政治变迁。

    Political Development is a positive transformation during the process of a country 's modernization .

  28. 论印度政治发展道路的特点

    On the Features of Indian Political Development

  29. 村落家族文化复兴对乡村政治发展的影响

    On the Influence of the Revival of Village Clan Culture on the Development of Village Politics

  30. 社会和谐与政治发展

    Society harmony and Politics development