
gāng lǐng
  • programme;guiding principle;creed;key link
纲领 [gāng lǐng]
  • [key link;guiding principle] 正式表述出来、严格信奉和坚持的原则、条例、意见和教训的条文或概要

  • 我们的将来纲领或最高纲领,是要将中国推进到社会主义社会和共产主义社会去的。-- 毛泽东《论联合政府》

纲领[gāng lǐng]
  1. 从笛卡儿-希尔伯特纲领的崩溃到NP完全理论的出现&论非完整算法与算法试金石(Benchmark)的积极作用

    From the Collapse of Descartes-Hilbert Creed to the Appearance of NP Complete theory & the affirmative effect of nonholonomic algorithm and benchmark

  2. 当前,低碳减排已经成为国际社会的共同行动纲领,我国也提出了到2020年单位GDP的CO2排放量较2005年的排放量下降40%-45%的减缓目标。

    At present , the carbon emission reduction has been accepted as the common creed by the whole international society . China also established a goal that carbon emission per GDP of 2020 must be decreased by 40 % to 45 % compared with that of 2005 .

  3. 她想以实施议会民主制为纲领去参加竞选。

    She would want to fight the election on a ticket of parliamentary democracy

  4. 我们应该协定一个共同的纲领。

    We should reach an agreement on a common programme .

  5. 他们想以发展贸易的纲领来赢得下次选举。

    They intend to win the next election on the plank of developing trade .

  6. 在现代,支持通胀的政策纲领,例如19世纪末美国的“自由铸银”(freesilver)运动,也扮演了类似的政治角色。

    In modern times , inflationary policy platforms such as the " free silver " movement in the late 19th century US , have played a similar political role .

  7. 比较主要竞争对手营销策略,有针对性制定X公司市场营销战略行动纲领,给出了基于技术营销的营销战略。

    According to the comparation with its main competitor on marketing strategy , it makes action programme of marketing strategy that is based on technology marketing for company .

  8. 环境手册是本公司环境管理体系的纲领性文件,由ISO小组统一复印、发放和管理。

    As a programmatic document of the company 's environmental management system , the environmental manual shall be copied , released and controlled completely by the ISO team .

  9. 强纲领SSK的相对主义特征

    Relativism of Strong Program SSK

  10. 扎哈哈迪德建筑师的新建议旨在临空SOHO的建设提供了强有力的视觉和纲领性的身份确立作为其本身独特的目的地。

    Zaha Hadid Architects'proposal for the new Linkong SOHO building aims to provide a strong visual and programmatic identity which establishes it as a unique destination in its own right .

  11. 选择之一是由日本中央政府出面买下上述有争议岛屿,反对党自民党(ldp)正考虑将这个方案纳入下届大选的竞选纲领。

    One option for the central government is to buy the islands itself , an approach the opposition Liberal Democratic Party is considering including in its manifesto for the next generalelection .

  12. 然而,强纲领SSK走向逻辑实证主义的另一个极端,否定了自然在认识中的基础地位,只强调社会因素的意义,从而导致对客观性的全面解构,走向了相对主义。

    However , the strong program SSK leads to another extreme & to negative natural basic position in cognition and only emphasize social factors meaning . As a result , SSK deviates from the objectivity completely and walks up to the relativism .

  13. 论文第一章首次用BMCC企业文化模式说明了公司纲领的中心作用,以及代表中日双方文化的公司精神的基础作用。

    In Chapter One , a description of the BMCC enterprise culture mode is used to show the core effect of the company 's creed and basic effect which represents the company 's spirit and culture .

  14. 通过对行业内部竞争对手的分析与对比,制定出UAES自身具有针对性的经营战略及发展纲领,并给定以技术营销为基础的营销战略。

    Through to the industry analysis and comparison of the competitors , make a UAES itself is targeted marketing strategy and development program , and given to the technology marketing based marketing strategy .

  15. 建党的伟大纲领治国的行动指南

    Great Guiding Principle for Building the Party and Running the County

  16. 论党的两个基本纲领之一脉相承

    On the Successive Relation Between the Party 's Two Basic Programs

  17. 党在社会主义初级阶段的文化纲领释论

    The Cultural Programme of CPC on the Initial Stage in Socialism

  18. 非洲和平、安全与合作行动纲领

    Programme of Action for Peace , Security and Cooperation in Africa

  19. 关于饮水与环境卫生的政治声明和行动纲领

    Political Statement and Action Programme on Drinking Water and Environment Sanitation

  20. 国集团促进国际合作的实质性纲领

    Substantive Platform of the Group of 77 for International Cooperation 77

  21. 共济会的制度,共济会的纲领和共济会的仪式。

    The institutions , precepts , and rites of the freemasons .

  22. 海牙二十一世纪和平正义纲领

    The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the Twenty-first Century

  23. 拉丁美洲农业和农村发展行动纲领

    Programme of Action for Agriculture and Rural Development for Latin America

  24. 中华民族复兴的伟大纲领

    The Great Guiding Principle of the Revitalization of the Chinese Nation

  25. 解读强纲领的四个信条

    Interpretation of the Four Tenets of the " Strong Program "

  26. 政党必须保持其政治纲领的连续性。

    The party has to ensure continuity in its political programs .

  27. 这个纲领完全适合我国的具体情况。

    This programme completely suited the concrete situation in our country .

  28. 历史性的会议,纲领性的文件,创新的理论,科学的决策。

    Historic conference , programmatic document , innovatory theory , Scientific decision .

  29. 三个代表&保持党的先进性的行动纲领

    Three Representatives & the Guideline of the Party 's Advancement

  30. 这四句可谓是张载哲学的总纲领。

    The four sentences is the total program of Zhang Zai philosophy .