
xiào yì
  • benefit;effectiveness;achievements;beneficial result;effect and profit
效益 [xiào yì]
  • [effect and profit;beneficial result] 效果和收益

效益[xiào yì]
  1. 为了产出多、产量产值增长速度快,而不管投入多少,就是所谓只求速度不讲效益。

    To yield value of output of much , crop increases rate fast , and no matter how much throw , it is alleged beg speed not to say beneficial result only .

  2. B:除保险之外,您还可以从保险公司得到多少不等的红利,这要看它的经营效益。

    B : Besides insurance for you , you can also get more or less dividend from Insurance Company based on its beneficial result of management .

  3. 我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的效益。

    The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized .

  4. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需要权衡一下。

    The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits .

  5. 这个项目只取得了一般的效益。

    The project was only a qualified success .

  6. 效益是极大的。

    The benefits are immense .

  7. 银行的经营必须追求成本效益。

    The bank must be run in a cost-effective way .

  8. 该项目应重新评估,以确定其是否可以产生良好的经济效益。

    The project should be reappraised to see whether it made sound economic sense

  9. 这些小规模的促销活动成本很高,而且对增加他的最终效益没什么贡献。

    These small promotions were costly and they did nothing to increase his bottom line .

  10. 采用的方法很老套,没什么效益。

    The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical

  11. 这一研究方法可能会产生哪些实际效益?

    What are some of the practical benefits likely to be of this line of research ?

  12. 政府表示希望彻底改革就业培训计划以实现低成本高效益。

    The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective

  13. 文盲的存在影响着英国的产业效益。但是,除此以外,更重要的是那些不具备读写能力的人也不太可能找到工作。

    Illiteracy threatens Britain 's industrial performance . But , quite apart from that , the individual who can 't read or write is unlikely to get a job

  14. 然而它会给中国带来同样的经济效益吗?

    But would it have the same economic benefit in china ?

  15. 市场经济是要讲求效益的经济。

    Market economy is a kind of beneficial economy .

  16. 这片经济林的收益很好,经济效益很高。

    This commercial forest is very productive and can generate good economic returns .

  17. 这个学生的健康保险计划是一种宝贵的效益所带来的成员,你的学生政府。

    This student health plan is a valuable benefit made possible by membership in your student government .

  18. 作为完整的经济效益审计方法,应包括技术方法,思想方法和工作方法。

    As a complete method of economic efficiency auditing , it includes the spheres of technology , ideology and working methodology .

  19. 根据千禧年生态系统评估报告,对生态系统进行可持续的管理和开发远比过度开发它更有效益。

    Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them , according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment .

  20. 但是,一位环境科学家帕伊·德雷克斯勒却说,通过使用未处理的人类废弃物去生产食物所产生的社会和经济效益比健康风险更重要。

    But Pay Drechsel , an environmental scientist , argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks .

  21. 虽然这种尝试会给许多人带来严重的健康风险,但是它给贫穷的城市农民和需要能支付得起的食品的消费者带来的社会和经济效益远大于这些风险。

    While the practice carries serious health risks for many , those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food .

  22. 如果化石燃料的价格没有依据合理的碳价格修订,化石燃料的低价则不能向市场发出准确信号,表明清洁能源的真正社会效益。

    If   not   corrected   by   the   appropriate carbon   price ,   low   fossil   fuel   prices   are   not   accurately   signaling   to   markets   the   true   social profitability   of   clean   energy .

  23. 这个地区的经济效益不太明显。

    The economic benefits of this area are less obvious .

  24. 强化节电管理效益逐上台阶

    Strengthing Management of Economizing Electricity Enhancing BenefIt'step by Step .

  25. 旅游业为该国带来的经济效益

    economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism

  26. 五年前他们作出的使公司电脑化的决定现在正产生出效益。

    Their decision five years ago to computerise the company is now paying dividends .

  27. 这个计划从经济效益来看是可行的。

    The scheme is economically viable .

  28. 良好生态本身蕴含着无穷的经济价值,能够源源不断创造综合效益,实现经济社会可持续发展。

    A sound environment promises great economic potential , generates good returns , and contributes to economic and social sustainability .

  29. 如果动用军队,从效益上讲不合算,于是考虑借助民间的力量。

    It wouldn 't be worthwhile to use army to do that , so he considered using the force of common people to do it .

  30. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。

    Additionally , most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries , where profits are higher , rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification .