
  • 网络efficiency;Efficient;market efficiency
  1. 对中国男子职业篮球联赛(CBA)外员使用政策效率性的研究

    Study on Efficiency of Policies of Employing Foreign Players in CBA

  2. 中国企业MBO的博弈抉择&从公平性、风险性和效率性角度的分析

    The Choices of MBO in China 's Enterprises & Analysis from the Angle of Fairness , Risks and Efficiency

  3. VISION独特的结构以及密封技术确保终端或电池外壳无电介质渗漏发生。这种特性保证了使用VISION电池的安全性和效率性。

    VISION 's unique construction and sealing technique guarantees that noelectrolyte leakage can occur from the terminals or case of any VISION battery .

  4. 预测反馈控制满足了拥塞控制的效率性和公平性的要求,克服了AIMD算法的上述缺点。

    Forecast feedback control meets the requirement of fairness and efficiency and overcome the disadvantage as above .

  5. 根据功能派(Merton,Bodie,1995)的观点,一个好的金融体系应兼具效率性与稳定性。

    According to Merton , Bodie ' viewpoint ( Merton , Bodie , 1995 ), a good financial system should have both efficiency and stability .

  6. 审计内容包括经济性审计、效率性审计和效果性审计;

    The content includes auditing of economy , efficiency and effectiveness .

  7. 试论数学教学活动的效率性评价

    On the Efficiency Appraise of the Activity of Mathematics Teaching

  8. 其内容上主要体现了经济性、效率性、效果性和合规性。

    The contents mainly focus on economy , efficiency , effectiveness and standard .

  9. 金融制度结构及其效率性分析

    An Analysis of Financial Systems and Their Efficiency

  10. 基础设施产业政府规制的效率性分析

    Efficiency analysis of government regulation in infrastructure

  11. 新词语的规范原则应该是动态的,在规范的过程中提倡必要性原则、效率性原则以及互补性原则。

    It is also recommendable to follow the principles based on necessity , efficiency and complementarity .

  12. 数学教学活动效率性评价是对数学教学活动进行合理性评价的一项重要内容。

    This paper discussed the meaning of efficiency appraise of mathematics teaching and the significance of its research .

  13. 这都对政府管理公共资源的经济性、效率性和效果性提出了更高的要求。

    All the ingredients demand that the government should manage the public resources more economically , efficiently , and effectively .

  14. 由于社会发展,公民权利意识的高涨,现行的医患纠纷解决机制在解决具体纠纷时的滞后性、低效率性等问题凸现出来,优化现行的医患纠纷解决机制成为必要。但优化的目标是什么?

    The low efficiency of the present solution mechanism of doctor-patient dispute has made it necessary to optimize the mechanism .

  15. 效率性盈余管理会促进资源的有效配置,相关部门应当大力倡导效率性盈余管理。

    The efficient earnings management will promote effective allocation of resources , so relevant departments should vigorously promote efficient earnings management .

  16. 司法资源的有限性、市场经济的效率性与知识产权纠纷的矛盾难以调和。

    The contradictions of limit of judicial resources , efficiency of the market economy and intellectual property disputes are difficult to reconcile .

  17. 该量表包括五大维度:安全性、效率性、美观性、价格和个性化;共有19个题项。

    These dimensions are Security , Efficiency , Design aesthetics , Price and Personalization . The final scale consists of 19 items .

  18. 会计政策选择具有效率性,但也为经理人员的机会主义行为打开了大门。

    The choice of accounting policy has the efficiency quality , but it also provides the possibility for opportunism behavior of handlers .

  19. 传统的交通项目评价集中于对项目效率性的判断,忽视了公平性的分析,评价结果不够全面合理。

    Traditional evaluations of transportation projects are not comprehensive since they focus only on the efficiency , with little consideration of the equity .

  20. 经过实验证明,本嵌入式系统基本满足木材材积检测的准确性、效率性和实用性。

    The results indicate that this embedded system satisfy the elementary need for veracity , efficiency and practicability of the log volume measuring .

  21. 提出了金融创新的效率性、时滞性、非均衡性、高风险性、虚拟性等五个基本特性,构建了金融创新系统的基本框架和层次。

    To generate the five major characteristics on financial innovation , they are efficiency , time-leg , disequilibria , high risky and dummy .

  22. 通过对体系的合理性、效率性、有效性分析,得出该体系具有一定的实用价值这一结论。

    In accordance with the analysis of fitting , efficient and effective , we can draw this conclusion that , this system is useful .

  23. 平衡地解决冲突:花费的效率性和灵活性是两个矛盾的业务目标,这需要从整个组织进行平衡,而这正是IT治理乐于提供的。

    Balanced Conflict Resolution : Conflicting business goals of cost-effectiveness and flexibility require balancing across the organization , which IT-governance is happy to provide .

  24. 税收工具的效率性和目标性之间存在着重要的取舍关系,这与税收目标的设定密切相关。

    There are important tradeoff relationships between the efficiency of the tax instrument and its objectives , which are closely related with the government targets .

  25. 农地非农化过程中不同利益主体的土地收益格局决定了资源配置的公平与效率性。

    The distribution of land benefit from land conversion produces an impact on the fairness and efficiency of land allocation between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors .

  26. 非效率性盈余管理对资源配置没有影响或有负的外部性,它不会促进资源的有效配置。

    The non-efficient earnings management does not affect the allocation of resources or has negative externalities , which would not promote effective allocation of resources .

  27. 从而证明了政府掠夺的一面,为了实现社会性目标而对企业的投资活动进行了非效率性的干预。

    It proves that government has the " grabbing " side . To achieve social goals , government will make intervention to investment behavior of SOEs .

  28. 在对财政分权体制的效率性进行研究时,将经济增长引入其中,指出财政分权的效率性是通过经济增长来表现的。

    When we study the efficiency of the fiscal decentralization system , we introduce the economic growth , through which reflect the efficiency of fiscal decentralization system .

  29. 探寻社会制度的公平正义性和效率性,为个人价值实现探索有效的社会制度路径。

    The thesis seeks after fairness and justice character and efficiency character of social institution and grope for a useful way of the realization of individual value .

  30. 根据盈余管理对市场资源配置的影响,本文将盈余管理分为效率性盈余管理和非效率性盈余管理。

    According to the influence of earnings management to the market resources disposition , this article divides earnings management into efficient earnings management and non-efficient earnings management .