
xiào guǒ tú
  • rendering;effect drawing;design sketch
  1. 我们设计产品的时候从哪里得到效果图啊?

    Where do we get a rendering when we design a product ?

  2. 这些基础都将运用到交通工具概念设计的创意草图和效果图上。

    These fundamentals are applied to both the ideation sketching and rendering of automobile design concepts .

  3. 准备汇报图表,平面图和3D效果图等。

    Preparation of presentation graphics , drawings and3D visualization .

  4. 计算机3D效果图在地下空间规划设计中的应用

    Application of the Computer 3D-effect Drawing in Underground Projection

  5. 家用小型中央空调系统效果图CAD软件的设计及实现

    Design and implementation of plan CAD software for residential central air - conditioning system

  6. 3DSTUDIOMAX与photoshop在三维电脑效果图制作中的应用

    Application of 3D Studio MAX and PHOTO SHOP in making 3D impact-map

  7. 湖北城市中心广场设计集锦-包含多个广场设计的CAD和效果图!

    Hubei City Center Plaza Design Collection-contains more than one square design of the CAD and renderings !

  8. 基于Viewpoint的交互式产品效果图设计方法

    Interactive Product Rendering Method Based on Viewpoint

  9. VR技术在建筑结构效果图中应用研究

    The application research of VR technology in effect drawing of architecture structure

  10. 能够理解其它设计软件及CAD制图软件,以便设计出符合技术图纸规范的平面效果图;

    Some understanding of other design & CAD software to be able to design graphic renderings of technical drawings and specifications an advantage .

  11. 本文概述了3DStudioVIZ在桥梁效果图制作方面的应用。

    This paper narrates the application of 3D Studio VIZ for making effect picture of the bridge .

  12. Photoshop在室内外效果图后期处理中的应用

    The Application of Photoshop in Post-processing of Indoor and Outdoor Effect Drawing

  13. 最后使用Photoshop对效果图进行修改与调整。

    Modify and adjust the last effect using Photoshop .

  14. 本实现方案首先建立纱线模型,分析输入纹织CAD文件中的组织信息,结合图形绘制技术输出效果图。

    In this scheme we model yarns first , then analyze the knitting pattern from input CAD file , render the yams in fabric and map texture onto them .

  15. 为了创造出效果图,adrian一般需要拼接两到三张照片。

    To create the images Adrian combines two or three photographs .

  16. 同时,针对实验中所发现的Vector渲染器的劣势进行了分析,并结合Photoshop合成来弥补渲染效果图的不足。

    Meanwhile , the paper analyzes the disadvantages of Vector render found in experiments , and combines with Photoshop to make up for the weakness in rendering .

  17. 根据《液压传动》课的特点,利用Flash动画制作软件,制作液压元件、液压回路的动画效果图,更形象地展现了它们的工作原理,运动方式,改善了教学效果,提高了教学质量。

    According to the characteristics of the Hydraulic Transmission course , the element , circuit and system of hydraulic transmission can be made by adopting flash software with cartoon effect .

  18. 国家海洋局声明了钓鱼岛详细精确的经纬度以及它的70个附属岛屿,同时发布了位置地图,3D效果图以及钓鱼岛的草绘地图。

    The SOA announcement details the exact longitude and latitude of the Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps , 3D effect graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands .

  19. CorelDRAWX4底纹填充工具在首饰效果图中的应用

    Application of CorelDRAW X4 Texture Filling Tool for Jewelry Design Drawings

  20. 该文主要结合两幅服装效果图,介绍了用服装CAD系统进行款式设计时的使用心得。

    In this essay , combined with two costume effect pictures , the author talks about what she has learned from the application of the tools when dealing with style design with costume CAD system .

  21. 在业务层,首先给出了系统的整体效果图和各个模块的实现。然后对告警的实时监控模块进行了业务层flex使用的详细介绍。

    On the view layer , shows some system achieve pictures , and introduces how to use flex with an example of the real time monitor module .

  22. 在Matlab编写非均匀B样条曲线的正算、反算、导矢等算法,计算出整体叶轮、直纹面叶片、叶片等距面、叶片缝合面的数据点并生成效果图。

    Using Matlab programming to achieve the non uniform B spline curves and surfaces , the positive operator , inverse , derivative vector algorithm , to calculate the integral impeller blades , ruled surface data point and generates the effect chart .

  23. 其次,本文介绍了基于SIFT特征的动态场景配准算法的详细实现过程,并对动态场景配准算法进行了仿真,给出了配准效果图。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the detailed implementation of the dynamic scene registration algorithm based on SIFT characteristics , and simulate the dynamic scene registration algorithm .

  24. 介绍了商业CAD系统中的造型技术,商场布置技术和效果图生成技术,其中着重阐述了参数造型技术,商场布置技术,真实感图形生成算法和图象叠加算法。

    The techniques of moulding , market arrangement and realistic graphics generating in commercial CAD system are presented , with the emphasis on parametric moulding , arrangement of market , algorithm of realistic graphics generating and algorithm of image superposition .

  25. 在用户界面的实现方面,结合GEF框架给出用户界面的设计模型和实现并给出了系统实现的效果图。

    In the user interface the implementation aspect , the user interface design models and system implementation view are also described .

  26. 针对图像对比度弱的情况,提出了一种基于FPGA的数字图像自动增益控制实现方法,较为详细地阐述了自动增益控制的基本工作原理,给出了相应的流程图和实际应用效果图。

    In view of the weak contrast images , a digital image AGC method based on FPGA and the operating principle of AGC are presented in detail . The corresponding flow chart and the practical application effectiveness are given .

  27. 对一种基于VB的USB接口虚拟示波器的设计方法进行了研究,研究内容包括界面和波形显示设计以及USB通讯的软件设计,并给出了通讯协议和虚拟示波器实际运行时的效果图。

    Design of the USB virtual oscilloscope based on VB is introduced . The design includes interface , wave-display and USB communication . In addition , agreement of communication and drawings of running result of the virtual oscilloscope are also presented .

  28. 下图:街道视角的ZED方案效果图,左边对着住宅的是位于商店顶部露台上的花园。

    Below A street level view up a ZED scheme mews , with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side .

  29. 在渲染出图后,采用了Photoshop平台对效果图进行调整与细节处理;选用CorelDraw平台制作相对精准的平面视图。

    After exaggerating the chart , used the Photoshop platform to make the adjustment and detail processing to the effect chart ; Selects the CorelDraw platform manufacture relatively accurate plane view .

  30. 仿真实验效果图表明,本方案的连通性、安全性、存储复杂性和计算复杂性都优于q-Composite方案。

    The graph of simulation experiment shows that these properties of this scheme are better than q-Composite scheme .