
xiào yìng
  • effect;influence;action
效应 [xiào yìng]
  • [effect] 由某种动因或原因所产生的一种特定的科学现象,通常以其发现者的名字来命名

  • 法拉第效应

效应[xiào yìng]
  1. 所有这些宣传对他们最新唱片的销售产生了一种滚雪球效应。

    All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album .

  2. 温室效应的具体影响无法知道。

    The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable .

  3. 我们完全处于温室效应中。

    The greenhouse effect is well and truly with us .

  4. 当然,这两家公司间非常明显地产生了巨大的协同效应。

    Of course , there 's quite obviously a lot of synergy between the two companies

  5. 世界卫生组织的建议不具备法律效应。

    The WHO recommendation has no legal status

  6. 接下来论述了激光通信中多径效应的特殊性。

    Then this paper discusses particularity of multipath effect of laser .

  7. 引起结构变化的小分子叫做变构效应场。

    The small molecule causing the conformational change is an allosteric effector .

  8. 为了减少附面层效应,喷嘴做得尽可能地短些。

    In order to minimize the boundary layer effects , the nozzles were made as short as possible .

  9. 抬升和剥蚀对温度梯度的联合效应可以根据公式(3.86)进行估定。

    The combined effect of uplift and denudation upon the temperature gradient can be obtained by formula ( 3.86 ) .

  10. 还有人说把学习曲线效应和经验曲线效应看成给定的不对。

    Others claim that it is a mistake to see either learning curve effects or experience curve effects as a given .

  11. 经济行为的另一个具有深厚进化论根基的例子,就是引起金融泡沫的“羊群效应”。

    Another example of economic behaviour that may have deep evolutionary roots is the " herd " mentality that contributes to financial bubbles .

  12. 这种现象经常被称作¨第一夜效应”。

    This phenomenon is often referred to as the " first-night-effect " .

  13. 钟摆效应下,那里政府太多,这里政府又太少。

    The pendulum swung from much too much government there to much too little here .

  14. 名气随着岁月流逝而流传,从单纯曝光效应中获得动力。

    The fame passed down the years , gaining momentum from mere exposure as it did so .

  15. 克廷认为:"在单纯曝光效应之下,学者们与公众没有什么不同。

    " Scholars " , Cutting argues , " are no different from the public in the effects of mere exposure .

  16. 乐观主义仍然是正确的出发点,但对工人来说,技术的错位效应可能会比其节奏更快地显现出来。

    Optimism remains the right starting-point , but for workers the dislocating effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its rhythm .

  17. 研究人员认为,这是第一次在人类身上识别出大脑不同状态的“第一夜效应”。

    The researchers believe this is the first time that the " first-night-effect " of different brain states has been identified in humans .

  18. 当研究人员重复实验室的实验,以研究第二、三晩的效应时,他们发现此时无法用同样的方法刺激处于深度睡眠中的大脑左半球。

    When the researchers repeated the laboratory experiment on the second and third nights they found the left he misphere could not be stimulated in the same way during deep sleep .

  19. 《英国美学杂志》上的一项研究表明,曝光效应对所有事物的作用并不相同,并且对名作目录的形成方式得出了不同的结论。

    A study in the British Journal of Aesthetics suggests that the exposure effect doesn 't work the same way on everything , and points to a different conclusion about how canons are formed .

  20. 康奈尔大学教授克廷想知道,在决定哪些绘画作品跻身文化排行榜前列的过程中,一种被称为"单纯曝光效应"的心理机制是否起到了作用。

    Cutting , a professor at Cornell University , wondered if a psychological mechanism known as the " mere-exposure effect " played a role in deciding which paintings rise to the top of the cultural league .

  21. 佐木博士认为初夜效应很有可能和人类的进化方式有关。

    Dr. Sasaki knew the first-night effect probably has something to do with how humans evolved .

  22. 布朗大学的尤佳·佐木和她的同事们开始探寻这一效应的起源。

    Yuka Sasaki and her colleagues at Brown University set out to investigate the origins of this effect .

  23. 问题是初夜效应可能会导致第二天表现不佳,那它又能带来什么好处呢?

    The puzzle was what benefit would be gained from it when performance might be affected the following day .

  24. 这些趋势的联合效应及其产生的政治紧张局势均指向政府和社会的崩溃。

    The combined effects of those trends and the political tensions they generate point to the breakdown of governments and societies .

  25. 在陌生的环境里,睡在一张不同的床上,人们通常会无法入眠,这种现象被称为“初夜效应”。

    That people often experience trouble sleeping in a different bed in unfamiliar surroundings is a phenomenon known as the " first-night " effect .

  26. 许多地方都能感觉到天气效应带来的好处和坏处。

    The weather effects both good and bad , are felt in many places .

  27. 研究人员称这种效应为“着装认知”,即各种不同的衣服可能以不同的方式影响我们的认知。

    The researchers call the effect " enclothed cognition " , suggesting that all manner of different clothes probably affect our cognition in many different ways .

  28. 社会心理学又把曝光效应叫做熟悉定律(familiarityprinciple)。

    In social psychology , this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle .

  29. 第三个iphone也登场了……iPhone效应开始了。

    Third iphone makes an entrance -- the iphone effect has arrived .

  30. 车道效应的某一个特定时刻可以称之为drivewaymoment(车道时刻)。

    A specific instance of the driveway effect is often called a driveway moment .