
  • Deluxe Suite;luxury suite
  1. 豪华套房另外还有一个非常别致的小酒吧。

    The deluxe suite also comes with a very nice bar .

  2. 我想豪华套房要大些。

    I suppose your deluxe suite is a little bigger .

  3. 有人提出,我们可以在旧金山巨人队(SanFranciscoGiants)棒球场的豪华套房举办一场盛大的派对。

    Someone came up with the notion that we should throw a blowout party in a luxury suite at the San Francisco Giants " ballpark .

  4. 在巴黎高档购物去处圣奥诺雷街(RueSaint-Honoré),文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)的高档客房与豪华套房可以俯眺酒店内绿草如茵的四合院,每晚的入住费用为925欧元。

    On the Rue Saint-Honor é , one of the city 's go-to streets for high-end shopping , the Mandarin Oriental offers top-rate rooms and suites looking over a verdant central courtyard for 925 a night .

  5. 茂伊岛的豪华套房两人的私密空间

    Big suite in Maui . Just the two of us .

  6. 她住在旅馆的豪华套房里,内有一张特大号床。

    Staved in a luxury hotel suite with a king-size bed .

  7. 您可以预定以门相隔的连房总统套房豪华套房。

    You could book a connecting room presidential suitedeluxe suite .

  8. 你可以预订以门相隔的连房/总统套房/豪华套房。

    You could book a connecting room / presidential suite / deluxe suite .

  9. 我们这有单人间、双人间、套房和豪华套房。

    There is single room , double room , suite and luxury room .

  10. 下榻豪华套房及行政套房的宾客有更多的额外尊贵待遇。

    The suites offer luxury and sophistication with lavish essentials and value-added privileges .

  11. 他在宝宫饭店租下的豪华套房。

    His Regal suite in the palace hotel .

  12. 他迁入了他在伦敦的主要宅邸,里面有很多富丽堂皇的豪华套房。

    He moved into his main London palace , with splendid apartments of state .

  13. 住进本酒店豪华套房,给您宾至如归的感觉。

    Staying in the executive suites of this hotel makes you feel at home .

  14. 您想订标准套房、高级套房、豪华套房还是总统套房?

    Would you like a standard , superior , deluxe , or presidential suite ?

  15. 总共有292个房间,29个豪华套房。

    Thereare 292 rooms and 29 luxurious suites .

  16. 豪华套房:独立厨房和阳台,让客旅更像家。

    Deluxe Suites : Separate kitchen and balcony make it a home away from home .

  17. 豪华套房主要以高端客户为服务对象。

    Deluxe suite is one of the concentrated places where the hotel serves high-end clients .

  18. 我们旅店里有单人间、双人间、套房、豪华套房及总统套房。

    We have single rooms , double rooms and suites and deluxe suites and Presidential suites .

  19. 但迟些时候在我们的豪华套房里,我担心得要发狂。

    But later in our suite at the local " ridge sheraton " I was worried mad .

  20. 由总统套房及皇家豪华套房看出去,可以看到一些人在远处尝试着爬大桥。

    From the Presidential and Deluxe Royal suites , spot groups attempting the Bridge Climb in the distance .

  21. 就新酒店而言,拥有200间客房及豪华套房的半岛酒店已设立了标准。

    Of the new guard , the Peninsula , with its 200 rooms and suites sets the standard .

  22. 酒店拥有三百间舒适典雅的客房与豪华套房,四间特色餐厅与酒廊。

    The hotel has300 comfortable and elegant guestrooms and suites , as well as four distinct restaurants and lounge .

  23. 由于现在是旺季,我恐怕无法确保您所订的十个豪华套房。

    I 'm afraid we won 't guarantee you ten deluxe suite rooms since that 's in the peak season .

  24. 酒店拥有150余间格调各式各异的各类豪华套房、套房和标准客房。

    The hotel has more than 150 well-decorated rooms of different types , standard rooms , suites , deluxe suite .

  25. 宾馆拥有雅致舒适的标准客房和豪华套房,客房内设有卫星闭路电视系统和中央空调。

    The hotel has elegant and cozy standard rooms and luxury suites , all equipped with closed-circuit satellite TV and central air conditioning .

  26. 窗外京城风景如画,鸟巢、水立方屹立在眼前,具有独特的高雅风格的豪华套房让您顿感物有所值。

    Out of the window is the picturesque capital , and just in front you can see the bird nest and water cube .

  27. 自即日起至8月31日,北京贵宾楼饭店倾情奉送豪华套房特惠活动。

    From now to the aug.31 , the Grand Hotel Beijing is delighted to offer you the special summer promotion for the deluxe suite .

  28. 我觉得那种爱不在这里,不在这间豪华套房里,不在这家巴黎的高级旅馆里

    And ... I don 't think ... that love is here ... in this expensive suite ... in this lovely hotel in Paris .

  29. 此外,入住旅馆的新婚夫妇可在机翼上举行婚礼,并可入住设在驾驶员座舱的蜜月豪华套房。

    Another feature : customers can get married on the wing of the plane and reside in the plane 's more luxurious honeymoon suite situated in the cockpit .

  30. 宾馆拥有雅致舒适的标准客房和豪华套房。客房内设有卫星闭路电视系统,中央空调,国际国内直拨电话,小酒吧等设施。

    The hotel has elegant and cozy standard rooms and luxury suites , all equiped with closed statellite system , central air conditioning , DDD , IDD , and many other services .