
háo mén
  • rich and powerful family;wealthy and influential clan
豪门 [háo mén]
  • [rich and powerful family] 旧时指位高权重而气势凌人的家族

  • 豪门大族

豪门[háo mén]
  1. 比利亚,抢点盘带任意球都是他得强项,欧洲豪门俱乐部争夺得对象。

    Villa , makes up time the plate belt free kick is his strong point , the European Rich and powerful family Club competes for the object .

  2. 这里,能力绝不是问题,但表现不符合豪门的级别,光这一条就足以被打入冷宫了。

    Here , ability is not a question , but the performance does not conform to rich and powerful family 's rank , only this sufficiently puts in disfavor .

  3. 他们的联姻被宣扬成当年的豪门良缘。

    Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year .

  4. 詹姆斯先生已经结交了两三个豪门朋友。

    Mr. James had had a scattering of very wealthy friends .

  5. 皮罗尼出身于有钱有势的豪门,这看得出来。

    Pironi was the son of privilege and wealth , and it showed

  6. 说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。

    The idea that TV shows like ' Dallas ' or ' Dynasty ' represent typical American life is laughable

  7. 他是这一带的豪门富户。

    He belongs to the rich and powerful families in this region .

  8. 豪门灯红酒绿,街头啼饥号寒。

    While the house of the rich and powerful present a scene of feasting and revelry , cries of hunger and cold are heard out in the streets .

  9. 利物浦打算在冬季转会窗开启之时与意甲豪门AC米兰争夺日本球星本田圭佑。

    Liverpool are ready to challenge AC Milan for the services of Japanese superstar Keisuke Honda .

  10. 他们所在的c组包括西甲豪门皇家马德里队,德国不莱梅,以及希腊冠军奥林匹亚科斯队。

    Their group C line-up comprises of Spanish giants Real madrid , German outfit Werder bremen , as well as Greek Champions olympiakos .

  11. 随后,他加盟美国职业大联盟足球联赛的洛杉矶银河俱乐部,接着租借到意大利豪门AC米兰俱乐部。

    A move to Major League Soccer in the United States with LA Galaxy followed and also two loan periods at Italian giants AC Milan .

  12. 自从Alice嫁入豪门之后,她一直都在炫耀和老公的国外旅行。

    Ever since Alice married into money , she has been flaunting all of the exotic vacations she and her husband take .

  13. 当他加盟“红军”(Reds)时,这是前往欧洲最稳定的豪门之一的职业转变。

    When he joined the Reds , it was a career move to one of Europe 's most stable giants .

  14. 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“TheXFactor”冠军莉欧娜•刘易斯(第九位)。

    Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton ( sixth ) and Leona Lewis , a winner of Britain 's " The X Factor " television talent show ( ninth ) .

  15. 近日,意大利两大豪门足球俱乐部--国际米兰和其同城死敌AC米兰均表示,已与中国财团进行过接触,它们或寻求入股,或想达成战略合作伙伴关系。

    Two of Italy 's top soccer clubs , Inter Milan and its rival AC Milan , said they have been approached by Chinese groups either seeking a stake or offering strategic partnerships .

  16. C罗巨无霸般的收入主要来源于两部分。一部分是他效力于西班牙豪门皇家马德里挣得的令人眼红的3850万英镑的年薪。另一部分来源于他为耐克、豪雅表和营养品公司康宝莱代言带来的总计2200万英镑的代言费。

    Ronaldo 's monster pay-packet was the result of his eye-watering pound 38.5 million-a-year salary with Spanish giants Real Madrid and endorsement deals with the likes of Nike , watchmaker Tag Heuer and nutrition supplements group Herbalife - themselves worth pound 22 million .

  17. 伯克希尔•哈撒威(BerkshireHathaway)董事长、股神巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)曾经将“出生豪门如同中奖”的想法形容为“无耻”。

    Legendary investor Warren Buffett , the billionaire chairman of Berkshire Hathaway , has described'the idea that you win the lottery the moment you 're born'as'outrageous .

  18. 阿布拉莫维奇(RomanAbramovich)或许是最出名的俄罗斯富豪,他出名的原因在很大程度上是因为拥有英超联赛(EnglishPremierLeague)豪门切尔西俱乐部(Chelsea)。

    Roman Abramovich , perhaps the best-known of Russia 's oligarchs , is now a celebrity in large part because he owns the soccer team Chelsea , one of the top franchises in the English Premier League .

  19. 纳斯达克上市公司,其与德国冠军拜仁慕尼黑,西甲豪门皇家马德里队和NBA球星科比-布莱恩特有业务合作,然后在九月推出了自己的专注于专业运动的体育公司。

    The Nasdaq-listed company , which have business cooperations with German champions Bayern Munich , Spanish giants Real Madrid and NBA star Kobe Bryant , then launched its own sports company in September to focus on professional sports .

  20. 我们很难把丹佛掘金想作NBA中沉睡的巨人,这个队给人的印象就不是这样的。更别说,休赛期各路豪门高歌猛进,用各种超级巨星的交易花式刷头条,掘金就更没什么存在感了。

    It can be difficult to consider the Denver Nuggets a sleeping giant in the NBA.Perception doesn 't really allow for it , not when plenty of more-high-profile franchises made headline-dominating deals for some of the league 's most recognizable stars .

  21. 一家有现代汽车(HyundaiMotors)支持的亚洲足球豪门,面对中国次级联赛的一支闻所未闻的球队,居然无法保住本队最重要的球员。近年来,韩国球队的企业集团老板们在削减对球队的资金投入。

    Here was an Asian soccer powerhouse backed by Hyundai Motors - the conglomerate owners of Korean teams have been reducing financial support in recent years - unable to keep one of its most important players in the face of interest from a second division and almost unheard of Chinese team .

  22. 特别地,你们是豪门的队长。

    And , toughness is because of the way is too long .

  23. 唐山豪门(集团)公司玉田啤酒厂饮用天然矿泉水

    Yutian Brewery Natural Mineral Water of Tangshan Haomen ( Group ) Company

  24. 他正试图追求一位密苏里的豪门小姐。

    He was trying to woo the daughter of a Missouri aristocrat .

  25. 跳水女皇郭晶晶是否会在2010年嫁入豪门?

    Will Guo Jingjing , China 's diving queen , get married in2010 ?

  26. 2006世界杯&体育营销的豪门盛宴

    World Cup '2006 & a Dinner of Sports Marketing

  27. 值得一提的是,当他路过一个村庄时,它遇见了一豪门富户。

    Appealing when passing through a village , he met a wealthy family .

  28. 为了嫁入豪门,她想尽了办法。

    She tried everthing to marry into money .

  29. 2003年夏天,贝克汉姆签约西班牙足球豪门皇家马德里。

    In the summer of2003 , Beckham signed with the Spanish giant Real Madrid .

  30. 荣登此榜的英国名人还包括女演员蒂尔达·斯文顿和豪门女继承人杰迈玛·可汗。

    Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan .