
háo huá jiào chē
  • limousine;limo;luxury car;shuttle bus
  1. 他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。

    He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine

  2. 一辆豪华轿车载着她沿着拥挤的高速公路飞速驶向机场。

    A limousine swept her along the busy freeway to the airport .

  3. 她从希思罗机场坐豪华轿车到酒店。

    She was driven from Heathrow by limo to the hotel .

  4. 其中一条私人车道上,一位穿着橡胶靴的专职司机正用水管冲洗一辆豪华轿车。

    In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine

  5. 豪华轿车沿公路飞驰而去,那真是卷起一路风尘。

    The limousine sped off down the road in the proverbial cloud of dust

  6. 她的戴姆勒豪华轿车原地待命,发动机在空转。

    Her Daimler limo waits with its engine idling .

  7. 他开始坚持要防弹豪华轿车,仅仅是为了安心而已。

    He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine , just for peace of mind .

  8. 豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司推出了市场上最诱人的保修服务,向竞争对手发出了挑战。

    Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market .

  9. 他们派了一辆豪华轿车来接我去片场,你就眼红吧,汤姆·塞立克!

    A limousine was sent to pick me up and deliver me to the set . Eat your heart out , Tom Selleck !

  10. 这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。

    This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone .

  11. 司机为这个高贵的女士打开了豪华轿车的车门。

    A chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady .

  12. goahead:前进,一直走limo:豪华轿车你先走好了,他坐我的车。

    Chuck : Go ahead . He 'll take the limo . -

  13. bond:在一起alone:单独地今晚给你妈妈和弟弟一个单独联络感情的机会。getdrunk:喝醉schnapps:杜松子酒N.Y.U:NewYorkUniversity:纽约大学dorm=dormitory:宿舍limo=limousine:豪华轿车而你因为杜松子酒和纽约之月从豪华轿车里出来在纽约大学宿舍里昏昏欲睡。

    Well , it gives your mother and brother time to bond alone tonight while you get drunk on schnapps and moon the N.Y.U.Dorms from the limo .

  14. 忽然间,很难想象前街(FrontStreet)乏味的商铺、迈阿密机场的豪华轿车有什么意义。

    Suddenly , it is hard to imagine how any of it-the dull shopping on Front Street , the MIA limos-really matters .

  15. GS系列轿车定位为运动型豪华轿车。

    Lexus ′ s GS-series sedans are positioned as luxury sport sedans .

  16. 众所周知,宝马公司(BMW)是豪华轿车制造商。

    You know BMW as a luxury automaker .

  17. Flywheel和Uber通过GPS寻找最近的司机,帮助乘客招来出租车或豪华轿车。

    Flywheel and Uber help passengers hail taxis or limo-type rides using GPS to find the closest possible driver .

  18. n.金钱;财富要拥有一幢昂贵的房子、一艘游艇和一部豪华轿车,你的很有钱。

    means To own an expensive home , a yacht , and a limousine , you have to be a man of means .

  19. 在上个月底特律汽车展上,汽车业记者投票评选现代首款豪华轿车劳恩斯(Genesis)为北美年度最佳汽车。

    At last month 's Detroit auto show , motoring writers voted the Genesis , Hyundai 's first luxury sedan , North American car of the year .

  20. 但国产品牌中获得销量增长的并非价格适中的豪华轿车,而是价格低廉、欢快的运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    But the growth is not in affordable luxury sedans but in cheap and cheerful sport utility vehicles .

  21. 他还很喜欢购买豪华轿车,拥有一辆罗尔斯-罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)和一辆宾利(Bentley)。

    He also has a penchant for luxury cars , owning a Rolls-Royce and a Bentley .

  22. 中国许多能支付起这个价格的富有消费者都会选择高端的运动型多用途车(SUV)和豪华轿车。

    For that amount of money , many wealthy Chinese consumers are choosing high-end sport-utility vehicles and luxury cars .

  23. 底特律——去年4月,福特汽车公司(FordMotor)高调宣布,将重新推出林肯大陆(LincolnContinental)豪华轿车,瞄准不断扩张的中国市场。

    DETROIT - Last April , Ford Motor announced with fanfare that it would reintroduce its storied Lincoln Continental luxury sedan , with an eye on sales in the expanding Chinese market .

  24. 阿斯顿氠丁预计会公布一份有关收购集团信中利(ChinaEquity)的新一轮投资的协议,这笔资金将帮助这家英国汽车制造商生产一款纯电动的Rapide豪华轿车。

    Aston Marton is expected to announce an agreement on fresh investment from China Equity , a buyout group , which will help the British carmaker produce an all-electric version of its Rapide luxury saloon .

  25. 这样一款超级豪华轿车就诞生了,它足有20英尺长,看起来就像一辆Airstream牌房车。

    A top-of-the-line auto was born : more than 20 feet long with all the grace of an airstream Trailer .

  26. 沃尔沃(Volvo)新的中国董事长想要让这个瑞典汽车品牌成为高档品牌,并制造一款大型豪华轿车,与宝马(BMW)和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)直接竞争。

    Volvo 's new Chinese chairman wants to take the Swedish car brand upmarket and compete directly with BMW and Mercedes-Benz by building a large luxury saloon .

  27. 宝马(BMW)计划进行公司历史上的首次大规模裁员,因为这家全球最大的豪华轿车生产商正在努力收窄与竞争对手梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)之间的盈利能力差距。

    BMW is planning its first ever large-scale job cuts as the world 's largest luxury carmaker attempts to claw back the profitability gap of rival Mercedes-Benz .

  28. 这部分岗位将来自戴姆勒把sl型跑车的生产从不莱梅迁至辛德芬根,同时承诺,继续在这里生产新一代e级和s级豪华轿车。

    The new jobs will stem from shifting production of the SL roadster model from Bremen to Sindelfingen and a pledge to continue producing the new generations of luxury E-class and S-class saloons at the plant .

  29. Uber旗下的UberBlack豪华轿车服务遵守私车出租规则,司机和车辆都已取得执照并已参加商业保险,而其基本服务UberPop没有遵守规则。

    Uber obeys the private hire rules for its Uber Black limousine service – both drivers and cars are licensed and commercially insured – while defying them for Uber Pop , its basic service .

  30. 自Genesis豪华轿车和轿跑面世两年后,现代推出了该车的改良版,新版拥有更加犀利的外形、更强劲的动力并配备全新八速自动变速箱。

    Two years after introducing its Genesis sedan and coupe , the automaker is bringing out a face-lifted version with styling nips and tucks , as well as a more powerful engine and new eight-speed automatic transmission .