
  • 网络Hotel;luxury hotels;Deluxe Inn;Delux Inn
  1. 多栋房屋和一家豪华旅馆被大火焚烧殆尽。

    Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground .

  2. 浴室里配有电视并可洗温泉浴的一家豪华旅馆。

    A deluxe hotel with a TV and spa in the bathroom .

  3. 冈提坚帕豪华旅馆(GangteyGoenpaLodge)开办于2013年,与冈提坚帕寺院位于同一山脊,一路上并未设任何标识,只能借助一条狭窄的土路抵达那儿。

    Gangtey Goenpa Lodge opened in 2013 and stands on the same ridge as the monastery , unsignposted and accessible only by a dirt track .

  4. 这家小酒店岂能替代得了豪华旅馆。

    The pub was no substitute for a luxury hotel .

  5. 豪华旅馆或游览胜地。

    A fashionable hotel or resort .

  6. 那是一家豪华旅馆吗?

    Is that a plush hotel ?

  7. 利比亚还在肯尼亚,卢旺达和乌干达的首都建造豪华旅馆。

    Other Libyan luxury hotels stand tall in the capitals of Kenya , Rwanda and Uganda .

  8. 在顶端的是豪华旅馆,通常尽可能给客人以最大的舒适和便利。

    At the top are the luxury hotels , which generally offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible .

  9. 凡尔赛宫的一间外屋将被改成拥有23间客房的豪华旅馆,并在2011年开业。

    An outbuilding at the Palace of Versailles will be converted into a23-key luxury hotel , set to open late in2011 .

  10. 利比亚在苏丹首都喀土穆出资建造了一家五星级豪华旅馆,这个旅馆因其独特造型而被昵称为“卡扎菲的鸡蛋”。

    Libyan-financed hotel towers over Sudan 's capital , Khartoum , and has been nicknamed Gadhafi 's egg because of its unique shape .

  11. 也有人计划将其建成豪华旅馆、餐厅或间谍博物馆,但在短期内这些都不太可能发生。

    Others planned to build a luxury hotel and restaurant as well as a spy museum , but chances are that nothing will happen anytime soon .

  12. 该公司在迪拜的农场拥有3000只骆驼,通过农场边上的商店、豪华旅馆和民营航空公司来销售巧克力。

    With 3000 camels on its Dubai farm , the company sells chocolates through its farm-attached store as well as in luxury hotels and private airlines .

  13. 从市区附近的海港可以听到一次爆炸的声响,而从市中心一个豪华旅馆科伦坡大酒店可以听到另外一次爆炸声。

    One explosion was heard near the city 's port , and another near the Cinnamon Grand , a luxury hotel in the heart of the city .

  14. 您也可以完成4个月的培训课程(实习在上市的豪华旅馆在法国餐厅上述课程的话)的选择。

    You also have the option of completing a4 month training course ( internship ) in any of the courses listed above in a luxury Hotel restaurant in France .

  15. 这是本年度在卡布尔发生的第二起大规模袭击。一月份一个塔利班三人小队炸穿了市里的一座豪华旅馆的大厅和温泉浴场,杀掉了8个工作人员和旅客。

    In January a three-man Taliban suicide squad blasted its way into the lobby and spa of a luxury hotel in the city , killing eight staff and guests .

  16. 根据太阳报的报道,麦当娜已经有一儿一女,现正在马拉维的首都一家豪华旅馆照顾收养的戴维。

    Madonna , who already has a son and daughter , was looking after David in an upscale lodge in Malawi 's capital , Lilongwe , according to the Sun .

  17. 由于民航局检查人员与我们会合的时间比约定时间晚,我和汉娜只得在这豪华旅馆多呆了几天,旅馆当然很开心,但同时也让我们有更充裕的时间游览这条旷世美景不绝的山谷。

    Because the aviation inspectors arrived late , Hannah and I had to spend more days than we bargained for in this luxurious retreat , which was certainly no hardship . It also gave us more time to explore a valley rich in unexpected delights .

  18. 她住在豪华的旅馆里,过得真阔气。

    She stay in an expensive hotel and really live in style .

  19. 士兵进入一家豪华的旅馆;

    He went into a fancy hotel .

  20. 他们住在豪华的旅馆里。

    They stayed in luxurious hotels .

  21. 乘客们可不管这些,一进入豪华的旅馆后,都高兴地到赌场玩去了。

    Passengers didn 't care about these , they went to the casino as soon as got into the luxury hotel .

  22. 车子朝前开着,一边是青翠的公园,另一边则是十分呆板、毫无生气的豪华的旅馆和公寓建筑。

    So we drove along between the green of the park and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment building .

  23. 但2009年,热气球旅游项目遭“停摆”,夫妻俩被迫把豪华小木屋旅馆卖给了与军政府关系密切的一位缅甸商人。

    But in 2009 flights were suspended and they were forced to sell the lodge to a Burmese businessman with close links to the military regime .