
tè ɡǎo
  • special contribution
  1. 在佛罗里达生活了五年后,夫妇俩在佐治亚州的萨凡纳找到了一处住处。肯德尔在《萨凡纳晨报》(TheSavannahMorningNews)找到了一份特稿编辑的工作。

    After five years in Florida , the couple found a home in Savannah , Ga. Kendall was working as a features editor at The Savannah Morning News .

  2. 《esquire》杂志竟然被说服全文出版我的特稿,内容是在得到约会机会方面,经济学对读者有哪些启迪。

    Then Esquire magazine , of all places , was persuaded to publish my full-length feature on what economics could teach its readers about getting a date .

  3. 美国报刊新闻特稿人情味特色初探

    Preliminary Exploration of American News Feature and Its Human Interest

  4. 这就是我们本月的旅行特稿了。

    And that 's our travel feature for this month .

  5. 我们会为春季系列写特稿。

    And we will be featuring the spring collection .

  6. 特稿存在问题及品质提升

    Problems Existing in Features and Their Improvement

  7. 他们写了杰出的象徵性专著,就是所谓的书籍、论文和专栏特稿。

    They write these great symbolic treatises called books , and papers , and oped articles .

  8. 《洛杉矶时报》另外两名获奖者分别是特稿作者和摄影记者。

    The two other winners at the Los Angeles Times were a feature writer and a photographer .

  9. 从普利策新闻奖特稿的采访成本看媒体核心竞争力的打造

    On the Construction of Key Competition of Media from the Covering Cost of the Special Report of Pulitzer Prizes

  10. 上面一篇重头特稿展示了一位生活教练用上下颚夹紧铅笔,演示如何改进笑容的照片。

    The main feature showed a life coach photographed with a pencil clamped between his jaws demonstrating how to improve our smiles .

  11. 新闻特稿的审美是在真实的基础上的审美,新闻特稿中的美和美感与文艺中的美和美感有着很大差异。

    The feature aesthetic appreciation is based on its reality . There is big difference between the aesthetic character of feature and the aesthetic character of literature .

  12. 我这个来自泽西的避难者为《先驱报》写的第一篇特稿就是关于一名古巴难民。他父母是俄罗斯人,1918年逃离布尔什维克的统治,定居哈瓦那。

    The first story this Jersey refugee wrote for the Herald featured a Cuban refugee whose Russian parents had fled the Bolsheviks to settle in Havana in1918 .

  13. 特稿可以借鉴文艺中的一些手法,但是不能混淆二者之间的界限,新闻特稿的理性体现在新闻特稿题材的求真求实求善中。

    The feature may use some literary techniques as reference , but cannot confuse between the two . The rationality of the feature manifests in its theme of striving for realism , friendly and beauty .

  14. 新闻特稿是挖掘新闻事件的深刻主题、富有文学表现力、具有新闻价值和新闻本质属性的一种新闻文体,它不仅具有新闻的告知功能,同时具有文学的审美功能。

    With the informing function and literature aesthetic function , the feature as a news text , can manifest the profound subject of the story , has the expressive force of literary and the value and essential attribute of news .

  15. 最后,新闻类杂志的内容市场需要从分散走向整合,建立杂志特稿社等专门的服务机构,利用网络形成内容资源交易平台,并逐步健全相关的市场规范以激活内容市场。

    The content market needs to make conformity , establishing special service organization , like Magazine Especial Article Union , also forms the content-exchange flat by internet , at the same time , consummates related rules for activating content market .

  16. 都市报驻站记者的新闻业务,涵盖了都市报各个部门记者的业务:如热线新闻记者、时政新闻记者、民生新闻记者、舆论监督新闻的调查记者、深度报道的特稿记者等。

    The news business of urban newspaper correspondents covers the news business of all its department reporters , for instance , hotline news reporters , current political news reporters , civil news reporters , the supervision by public opinion news reporters , in depth reporting specialist reporters .