
  • 网络Gauteng;Gauteng Province
  1. 据报道,科学家在南非豪登省的一个岩洞里发现了一些距今八十万至两百万年的远古人类的头骨碎片、下颚骨、牙齿及其它部分骨骼。

    According to a report , scientists found some two million-to800,000-year-old fossil-skull pieces , jaws , teeth , and other bones at the Sterkfontein caves complex in South Africa 's Gauteng Province .

  2. 她告诉巴西取经者:早在2009年初,她对世界杯如何提振其所在的豪登省经济的相关预测作了全面评估。

    She told the Brazilians how , in early 2009 , she had reviewed the projected economic boost the tournament would bring her province .

  3. 南非政府说,大约有4万2千名外国人,包括难民和寻求避难的人,聚居在95个临时庇护地点,多半集中在豪登省和西开普省。

    The government reports some 42000 migrants , including refugees and asylum seekers , are sheltered in 95 makeshift sites , mostly in Guateng and Western Cape provinces .