
  • 网络PORT SAID;Egypt
  1. 经苏伊士湾,到达地中海的塞得港。

    On the Gulf of Suez , to Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea .

  2. 目前总统穆尔西已经宣布,塞得港及另两个埃及省份进入紧急状态。

    Now President Morsi has declared a state of emergency in Port Said and two other Egyptian provinces .

  3. 他们于10月29日攻击了埃及,轰炸了亚历山大港与塞得港。

    On29 October they attacked egypt , bombing Alexandria and port said .

  4. 塞得港埃及东北部城市,临地中海,位于苏伊士运河的北部入口处。

    A city of northeast Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal .

  5. 到塞得港、亚丁以及东部各港口的航运业务

    A steamer service calling at Port Said , Aden and all points east , ie all other ports further east

  6. 埃及塞得港计划开展健康步行、健康绘画、健康音乐和健康游戏等活动。

    In Port Said , Egypt , the plan includes walking for health , drawing for health , music for health , playing for health .

  7. 另外在北部城市塞得港,今天为前一天流血冲突中的一些死难者举行了集体葬礼,昨天的流血冲突造成30余人死亡。

    Separately in the northern city of Port Said , mass funerals were held today for some of the more than 30 people who died in rioting yesterday .

  8. 港口城市塞得港的居民正在进行大规模的“公民不服从”活动,他们曾多次试图关闭港口。

    In the canal city of Port Said , residents are conducting a mess campaign of civil disobedience , and have repeatedly tried to shut down the port .

  9. 苏伊士运河,北起塞得港,南亚苏伊士港,全程173公里.伊拉克首都及最大城市;位于底格里斯河沿岸。

    Suez Canal , with Port Said and Suez at its north and south ends respectively , is 173 kilometers long . capital and largest city of Iraq ; located on the Tigris River .

  10. 10月30号,另一个幸运降临了,他们在塞得港缴获了U-559,这使布莱切利在空白的大西洋上,描上了关键的一笔。

    On 30 October another stroke of fortune , the capture of U-559 off Port Said , at last gave Bletchley the key to the blank Atlantic , just as Alan was preparing to cross it .

  11. 在地中海海岸的塞得港,控制着来自主终端的燃气输送的阀门已关闭以降低火势,而住在附近的居民被迫离开自己的家。

    The valves controlling the flow of gas from the main terminal in Port Said , on the Mediterranean coast , were shut down to dampen the flames and people living nearby were forced to leave their homes .