
shǒu ɡōnɡ cāo zuò
  • done by hand;manual operations;operate by hand
  1. 同时由于计算机的普及,网络信息技术在各领域的广泛应用,传统的财务手工操作正逐步被现代化手段取代。

    At the same time because of the popularization of the computer , the wide application in every field of information technology of network , The traditional one done by hand is being replaced by the modernized means progressively .

  2. 这些数据采用手工操作,工作量大,出错率高。

    These data has been done by hand , the work load is large , the rate of making mistakes is high .

  3. 手工操作既费时又费力。

    It takes both time and effort to do it by hand .

  4. 手工操作限制了MEMS传感器的批量生产。

    Batch microassembly of MEMS sensors is limited by the manual manipulation required specially trained technicians .

  5. 该方法操作简单,几乎不用手工操作,整个焊接过程都由CNC系统控制;

    It has merits of high quality welded joint , simple operation , welding process controlling by CNC system etc.

  6. 在Ant出现之前,构建和部署Java应用需要使用包括特定平台的脚本、Make文件、各种版本的IDE甚至手工操作的“大杂烩”。

    Before Ant , building and deploying Java applications required a hodgepodge of platform-specific scripts , makefiles , proprietary IDEs , or manual processes .

  7. 要观察和管理运行在AP上的应用程序的维护状态,还需要进行手工操作。

    Manual actions are required to observe and manage the maintenance states of the applications that run on an AP .

  8. 鉴于微软Excel已经在各医院会计核算中的不同程度的应用,但大多是基于会计人员手工操作的,而且多是重复操作,步骤烦琐。

    Although the Microsoft Excel has already been used in the hospital accounting , but most of them are manual and repeated works .

  9. 此外,对开发、测试以及运维人员而言,web应用的移植与部署是一件枯燥乏味的任务,充满了重复的手工操作,低效、复杂且容易出错。

    Besides , for developers , testers and maintainers , the transplant and deploy of Web application is a boring task , which is full of repetitive manual operation , inefficient , complex and error-prone .

  10. 一个是在巨大的类似UCM这样的基础架构中手工操作时,产生的耗时和容易出错的问题。

    One is the time-consuming and error-prone tasks associated with manual operation in a huge infrastructure like UCM .

  11. 特别在创建复杂程序的时候,我们希望API本身能应付此类较复杂的处理:例如组件的延时渲染、组件的生命周期等任务可以交给API控制,省下开发者手工操作的步骤。

    We want to tackle some of the more difficult problems when building a complex application , such as deferred rendering and component life-cycle and not require developers to handle it manually .

  12. 然后通过手工操作RegistryandRepository的内容,您可以动态地修改所返回的服务,从而影响代理执行的逻辑。

    Then by operationally manipulating the contents of Registry and Repository , you can dynamically alter the service that is returned and thus affect the logic performed by the broker .

  13. 本文介绍了一个现场应用的科技成果,即由变频器带动的风力物料输送系统,它采用PLC实现模糊调节和对系统实施控制,取代了原来的传统手工操作方式。

    This paper introduced a Scene applied technical achievement . It used frequency converted to drive material transport system and used PLC blurred regu lated and system practice control substituted for original traditional manual operation .

  14. iWidget项目将会像我们手工操作的那样,得到快速和自动的创建,但是更加轻松和快速。

    The iWidget project is quickly and automatically created just the same as the one that we did by hand , but easier and faster .

  15. 目前,中国国土航空物探遥感中心(简称航遥中心)合同管理主要使用Excel和Access单机版数据库,以手工操作和人为方式管理。

    At present , China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources ( referred to as " AGRS ") mainly use the stand-alone version of Excel and Access database to manage contract in the way of manual and man-management .

  16. 针对现有IDS测试需大量手工操作的不足,提出一个以APC(地址信息A、协议状态P、连接状态C)攻击分类方法为依据的自适应测试模型。

    In order to overcome the disadvantages that IDS evaluation need a great deal of handwork , on account with an attack classification based on connection , APC Class , this paper puts forward an adaptative test model that facilitate simulating attack .

  17. 基于燃烧合成技术的燃烧机理和焊接母材的成分配制焊药,并成形可用于手工操作的燃烧型焊条,对A3钢进行焊接实验。

    The thermal powder is mixed basing on the Combustion Synthesis ( Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis ) and the components of the A3 steel , the combustion welding rod that can weld by hand is made using this thermal powder .

  18. 平台为B/S结构,采取MVC模式设计,保证了对第三方信息的集中有效的管理,取代了大量的手工操作,减少了各层级的重复劳动,提高稽核的工作效率。

    The platform adopts the B / S structure , and MVC design mode to ensure the effective third-party centralized management of information , replace a large number of manual operations , reduce the duplication of all levels and improve the efficiency of work .

  19. 介绍了利用ExcelXP的模拟运算对房地产投资方案进行单因素、双因素敏感性分析的方法,解决了敏感性分析手工操作运算量大、计算周期长、容易出错等问题。

    This paper introduces how to make use of the emulation operation of Excel xp to analyze sensitivity of real estate investment . This method resolves such problems as following : the handicraft operation of sensitivity analysis has great capacity , long period of calculation and so on .

  20. 本文记述苏黎士联邦理工学院(ETH)的CAAD教学及CAM技术在建筑艺术领域的应用,体现计算机程序、人类思维、CNC机器与手工操作之间协同工作的可能。

    This paper describes the teaching of CAAD and application of CAM technic in the field of architectural art in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH ), presenting the possibilities of cooperation among computer program , people 's thinking , CNC machines and handcraft .

  21. GB/T5211.18-1988颜料筛余物的测定水法手工操作

    Determination of residue on sieve of pigments Water method Manual procedure

  22. 目前,我国在绝热层的打磨中仍采用手工操作方式。

    Presently , the domestic production is still by manual method .

  23. 油也可以用小型的,手工操作的机器来收集。

    Oil can also be collected with small , hand-operated machines .

  24. 20世纪50年代,企业主要利用信息技术代替某些手工操作。

    In 1950s , IT was used to replace some handwork operations .

  25. 手工操作的工效学评价及提举重量限值的研究

    Ergonomic Assessment of Manual Materials Handling and the Recommended Lifting Weight Limit

  26. 这是通过部署描述符编辑器手工操作的。

    This is done manually through the deployment descriptor editor .

  27. 用来打印书面信息的一次传送一个字母的手工操作机器。

    Hand-operated machine for printing written messages one character at a time .

  28. 在学习过程中需要用电脑软件来阐释概念并提供手工操作实践。

    Computer software is used to illustrate concepts and provide hands-on experience .

  29. 纠正自动操作装置的手工操作装置。

    A manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device .

  30. 把手工操作改由计算机去完成。

    Converting a manual function into one that is performed by a computer .