
jīn shǔ jiā ɡōnɡ
  • metalworking;metal processing
  1. 杀生剂a、b和c对不锈钢有腐蚀促进作用,腐蚀促进作用依次为杀生剂c>杀生剂b>杀生剂a,杀生剂d有缓蚀作用。抗菌剂提高水基金属加工液寿命的研究

    It was shown that biocide s a , b and c promoted the corrosion of stainless steel while biocide d inhibited its corrosion . The Study on Effect of Biocide for improving the Life of Water-based Metalworking Fluid

  2. 基于QNX实时系统的行为辅助机器人控制系统辅助天槽器,用于金属加工机床

    QNX Based Control System of Assistive Robot auxiliary notching device for metalworking machine tools

  3. 许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。

    Many are employed in the prison 's wood and metalwork factories .

  4. 另外,我们富有献身精神的金属加工小组与工业原始设备制造商(OEM)团队合作,以确保我们的产品被完全认可。

    In addition , our dedicated metals teams work with industry OEMs to ensure that our products are fully endorsed .

  5. FM-1水基金属加工液防霉剂

    FM-1 Antimildew Agent Used in Metal Cutting Fluid

  6. kroll发现,这位创始人还在从事房地产业务、需要巨额投资,而且他还在把资金从金属加工业务转移到房地产开发业务。

    Kroll discovered that the founder had real estate interests requiring huge investments , and was diverting money from his metal bashing business to the property development side .

  7. 亚氨基二乙酸(iminodiaceticacid简称IDA)是一种重要的化工中间体,广泛应用于农药、制药、橡胶、电镀工业和金属加工等领域,其中,最主要用途是用于生产化学除草剂草甘膦。

    Iminodiacetic acid ( IDA ) is an important chemical industrial intermediate , which is widely used in many aspects including pesticide , pharmacy , rubber , electroplating and metal manufacture . Among of these , the most important application is used in producing herbicide Glyphosate .

  8. 半固态金属加工技术研究现状与应用

    The overview of study and application of semi-solid metals processing technology

  9. 电磁场锭铸轧装备与技术,对其他金属加工创新提供了宝贵的经验。

    This technology can offer precious experience to other metal processes .

  10. 高效液相色谱测定金属加工液中苯并三氮唑

    High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Benzotriazole in Metal Processing Solution

  11. 目前我们只有金属加工工人的职位空缺。

    We 've only got vacancies for metal workers at present .

  12. 金属加工油是许多制造工艺的重要组成部分。

    Metal working fluids are an integral part of many manufacturing processes .

  13. 金属加工润滑剂油雾控制的现状与进展

    The actuality and development of metalworking fluids ( mwfs ) mist control

  14. 一种新型金属加工液的制备过程及机理分析

    The Preparation and Mechanism of A New Type of Metal Processing Fluid

  15. 非合金铝制条杆等简单有色金属加工产品;

    Simple products processed from nonferrous metals such as non-alloyed aluminum bars ;

  16. 金属加工机床,多功能型,装有自动多工位线性传送装置

    Multifunction metalworking machine tool with automatic multi-station linear transfer facility

  17. 平一立式铣床,用于金属加工,非数字控制式

    Horizontal-vertical milling mahcine for working metal , not numerically controlled

  18. 实现高职《汽车材料与金属加工》教学过程最优化

    Bettering the Teaching Process of Auto Materials and Metal Processing

  19. 气动金属加工装置,利用来自氧气喷嘴的可燃气体产生的热工作

    Gas-operated metalworking appliance using heat from inflammable gas in jet of oxyge

  20. 薄板成形是众多金属加工工艺中一类非常重要的加工方式。

    Sheet metal forming processes are among the most important metal-working operations .

  21. 有色金属加工企业总平面设计的研究

    The Research to the General Layout Design of Nonferrous Metal Processing Plant

  22. 金属加工水基润滑剂中防腐剂的选择与应用

    Selection and Application of Antimicrobials Used for Metal Working Fluids

  23. 金属加工过程中应力状态的分析方法

    The methods of analysis the stress state in metalworking processes

  24. 金属加工工艺(轧制、锻造、挤压、热处理)

    Metal transformation process ( rolling , forging , extruding , heat treating )

  25. 金属加工油(液)的应用与发展趋势

    The application and development trend of metal working fluid

  26. 介绍了金属加工液的分类,组成和性能。

    It is introduced the classification , composition and properties of metalworking fluids .

  27. 金属加工用的硬质合金轧辊进展

    The development of cemented carbide roll for metal processing

  28. 极低粘度金属加工油,适合黑色金属和有色金属的冲孔和冲压加工。

    Very low viscosity oil for punching stamping of ferrous non ferrous material .

  29. 金属加工厂附近农田土壤锌污染的地统计学分析

    Geostatistical Analysis of Soil Zinc Contamination in the Vicinity of a Metal-processing Manufacturer

  30. 画法几何原理在金属加工工艺方面的应用

    The Application of Descriptive Geometry Theory in Metalworking Technics