
jīng suǐ
  • quintessence;core;marrow;heart;pith;queen;creme de la creme
精髓 [jīng suǐ]
  • [marrow] 精气真髓。比喻事物的精华

精髓[jīng suǐ]
  1. ESP的精髓是分析和满足不同学习者的不同需要,以提高教学效果。

    The marrow of ESP lies in the fact that it emphasizes the analysis and satisfaction of different needs of different learners to improve the teaching efficiency .

  2. 大学文化精髓是大学精神

    The Marrow of Culture of University is the Spirit of University

  3. 这次改编非常好地抓住了库尔特·冯内古特小说的精髓。

    This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut 's novel

  4. 法国电影人说美国翻拍的版本丧失了原作的部分精髓。

    French filmmakers say American remakes are losing something in the translation .

  5. 其他人声称爱尔兰最精髓的东西是通过语言表现出来的。

    Others claim that Ireland 's very essence is expressed through the language .

  6. 每个人皆无所不能,这一理念已经成为电视广告的精髓。

    The idea that we can be whatever we want has become the stuff of television commercials .

  7. 当顾问的精髓就在于倾听并考虑咨询者的观点。

    The essence of consultation is to listen to , and take account of , the views of those consulted .

  8. 但是我试图去理解他们,并且用我的职业道德和追求卓越的精髓证明,客观上讲我的晋升是有说服力的,明理的人都知道我是正确的人选。

    But I strived to understand that and demonstrate , by my work ethic2 and commitment to excellence , that I was objectively a solid choice and that reasonable people could say I was a great choice .

  9. SOA的精髓在于能够解决实际问题的松散耦合粗粒度服务。

    The spirit of SOA lies in loosely coupling course-grained services that solve real business problems .

  10. 借鉴ISO9000的管理思想精髓优化供应链管理

    Using the Spirit of ISO9000 Management Ideas to Optimize Supply China Management

  11. 20年后Greg依然没有深入到展览的精髓

    After 20 years , Greg still hasn 't made it out of the bone exhibit .

  12. Meta分析思想的精髓是对具备特定条件的、同主题的诸多研究结果进行综合后统计。

    The soul of the Meta-analysis is that similar studies with specific conditions and the same themes are statistical after synthesis .

  13. 随着时代的发展神经网络模型也得到了发展,有众多的模型,其中BP神经网络模型是最为常用的模型,体现了神经网络的精髓。

    With the development of the neural network model has been developed , there are numerous model , in which BP neural network model is the most commonly used models , reflects the essence of neural network .

  14. 软件配置管理(SCM)贯穿于整个软件生命周期,是软件开发过程中质量管理的精髓所在。

    The goal of SCM is to establish and to maintain the integrity of the software product throughout the development lifecycle , and it results in software quality and productivity improvement .

  15. 这种方法是大部分Linux的LiveCD发行版的精髓,这基本上就是一种“购买前体验”的安排。

    This method is in the spirit of most LiveCD distributions of Linux , basically a " try it before you buy it " arrangement .

  16. 多网协同是4G的基本特征和思想精髓,与多网融合的差异在于注重网络演进的多样性。

    Cooperative networking is the basic characteristic and kernel concept of 4G , and it emphasizes the diversity in wireless evolution rather than the network convergence .

  17. 雄厚的技术力量,先进的生产设备,多年的OEM服务之精髓,大大开拓了国内外OEM业务。

    With the high-level technology , advanced equipment , and several years of OEM experience , the company has highly developed the OEM service at home and abroad .

  18. 这是BPR的主要精髓。病态社会的病态魂灵&‘阿Q’形象系列透视:为本文的第二部分。

    That 's the soul of BPR . " Morbid soul in a morbid society & essence of ' A Q'image series " : part two of the thesis .

  19. 元胞自动机(CellularAutomata,简称CA)充分体现了复杂结构来自于简单子系统的相互作用这一复杂性科学的精髓,非常适用于具有复杂时空特征的地理系统模拟。

    Cellular automata show thoroughly the essence of complexity science that complicated construction comes from the interaction of the simple sub-system , so cellular automata is fit to study geographic system with spatial-temporal feature very much .

  20. rhG-CSF动员自体骨髓基质细胞治疗鼠局灶性脑缺血实验研究以自我营销为主;犹太人的管理精髓

    Experiment Studies of Recombiant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Mobilization of Self-marrow Stromal Cells and the Treatment of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

  21. RUP精髓的一部分就是可以将需求划分成不同的组,并根据需要将各组归入先启、细化、构建和产品化阶段。

    A fundamental part of the spirit of RUP is the ability to divide requirements into different groups and move each group through Inception , Elaboration , Construction , and Transition as needed .

  22. 相似地,“RUP的精髓”以及已开发的许多实施RUP的工具培养逐渐细化的理念,即增量开发的本质。

    Similarly , the " spirit of RUP " along with numerous tools that have been developed to implement RUP fosters the idea of progressive elaboration , which is essential for incremental development .

  23. Fuller协同的哲学思想,几何形态的寻找,归类以及工程力学性质分析都为张拉整体这一人类思想的精髓应用于实践工程中做出了很大的贡献。

    Fuller 's synergetic philosophic idea , form finding , morph categorization and mechanics properties have a great contribution to the application of the essence of the human thinking .

  24. 第一部分,描述了托尼·布什(TonyBush)六种教育管理模式的内涵,力图从西方教育管理理论发展的社会背景准确把握六种管理模式的精髓。

    The first part discusses the connotation of Tony Bush 's six educational management models , with an effort to analyse the essence of the models in the big background of the development of the western educational management theory .

  25. 虽然SOA不是新概念,传统分布式通讯技术如CORBA、DCOM和RMI也可以实现SOA,但由于它们都存在着缺点,而不能完全体现出SOA的精髓。

    Although SOA is not a new concept , traditional distributed communications technologies such as CORBA , DCOM , and RMI also can be achieved SOA , but they have shortcomings , can not completely reflect the SOA essence .

  26. 概述了该项技术的基本原理,介绍了该项技术的精髓&LiuZhigang公式,阐述了应用该项技术实施隧道断层超前地质预报过程中的关键技术,并以实例论证了该项技术的应用效果。

    The principle and quintessence , Liu Zhigang formula , and the key technique of this method are presented for advanced geologic forecast .

  27. 消息驱动机制、抽象接口机制、模块加载机制和回调机制这四大机制是BREW平台的核心,通过对这几项技术的深入研究,可以掌握BREW平台的精髓。

    Message-driven mechanism , abstract interface mechanism , module loading mechanism and callback mechanism , that four kinds of mechanism are the core of the BREW platform , through in-depth study of this several technology , we can grasp the essence of the BREW platform .

  28. 为解决VBM实务中面临的可能困境,本文发展了一个整合ABC/M与VBM之精髓基础上的价值管理模型,即基于作业价值信息系统的价值管理理论分析框架。

    To deal with the possible difficulty of implementing VBM , this thesis develops a VBM model , which integrates the hearts of ABC / M and VBM , that is an analysis of framework for VBM based on activity value information system .

  29. 关于凸体的Brunn-Minkowski不等式是凸体理论的精髓,混合投影体的Brunn-Minkowski不等式也由Lutwak所证明,我们则证明了投影体的极体的Brunn-Minkowski型不等式。

    The classical Brunn-Minkowski 's inequality is the heart of convex bodies theory . The Brunn-Minkowski 's inequality for mixed projection bodies was obtained by Lutwak . We find the Brunn-Minkowski 's inequality for the polar of mixed projection bodies .

  30. 探究与创新:杜威教育思想的精髓

    Exploration and Innovation : the Soul of Dewey 's Educational Thoughts