
piē kai
  • put aside;leave aside;bypass;dismiss
撇开 [piē kāi]
  • (1) [leave aside]∶放在一边,不予讨论或考虑

  • 咱们撇开这个问题

  • (2) [bypass]∶丢下

  • 撇开整个事务不管

撇开[piē kai]
  1. 这个问题先撇开不谈。

    Put aside this question for a moment .

  2. 民众可以撇开传统媒介,以手机、数码相机、DV和个人电脑等设备,快捷地发表自己的观点。

    People can put aside of the traditional media group , and try to express their own point of view through the mobile phones , digital cameras , DV and PC equipments and so on .

  3. 我们应该撇开与此问题无直接联系的因素。

    We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem .

  4. 撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。

    Emotional arguments aside , here are the facts .

  5. 撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。

    That argument apart , it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together .

  6. 撇开极少数临床抑郁症患者不谈,大多数情绪低落的人也有心情非常愉快的时候。

    Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed , most people who have bad moods also have very good moods

  7. 这个问题可以撇开不管。

    The question can be bypassed .

  8. 咱们把次要问题撇开不谈了吧。

    Let 's leave aside questions of minor importance .

  9. 撇开这些困难不谈,这项计划进展还算顺利。

    These difficulties apart , the project ran smoothly .

  10. 撇开令人眼花缭乱的高科技不谈,新英格兰的经济主要还是以渔业为基础。

    The dazzle of high technology aside , new england 's economy is still largely based on fishing .

  11. 撇开自我不谈,第三个好处是,人们发现,冷漠关系的情感中立性可以增加人们评价的客观性,加强人对任务解决的关注,有助于人获得更多有价值的信息。

    Ego aside , a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation , to strengthen one 's focus on task resolution , and to gain greater access to valuable information .

  12. 先生嘲笑他的竞争者意图将法国的问题撇开

    Mr Bayrou derides his rivals for proposing to spend France 's problems away . Bayrou

  13. 长期以来,学校的管理信息系统(ManagementInformationSystem)注重于系统属性数据的输入、处理、分析和管理,几乎撇开了有关的地理信息。

    For a long time , Management Information System based on campus pay most attention to inputting , processing , analyzing and managing of system property datum and do almost nothing to geographical information .

  14. 如果撇开维生素C含量来看,研究人员还发现“非有机”的西红柿的口感比有机西红柿好得多,更甜、更有西红柿的味道。

    While a panel of expert tasters found that the non-organically grown tomatoes had a stronger tomato flavour and were slightly sweeter than the organic samples .

  15. 撇开争议不谈,这届世界杯肯定不是已经注定了要失败的命运,以编撰国家品牌指数(CountryBrandIndex)著称的未来品牌战略咨询公司(FutureBrand)执行董事古斯塔沃o康尼斯奇泽尔这样说道。

    Controversy aside , the event is certainly not doomed to fail , says Gustavo Koniszczer , managing director at branding firm FutureBrand , which compiles a Country Brand Index .

  16. 撇开冲动的原因,创建基于JMS的应用的过程存在它自己的学习曲线和大量的最佳实践。

    No matter the motivating factors , creating a JMS based solution has its own learning curve and collection of best practices .

  17. 然而,撇开时尚不谈,DSL在捕获声明意图方面非常简洁有用。

    However , the trendy nature aside , they are remarkably concise and useful in capturing declarative intent .

  18. 撇开苹果粉不说,iPhone手机对每个人而言仅仅是一个二十世纪80年代的芭比娃娃&科技发达衍生的小女孩的小玩意。

    The iPhone , to everyone but an Apple lover , is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie .

  19. 撇开理论,让我们看一看FOAF信息采用何种格式。

    Theorizing aside , let 's take a look at what form FOAF information takes .

  20. iOS6.0网络系统上添加了一个有趣的应用,即苹果地图程序——在此苹果公司打算撇开谷歌地图。

    An interesting addition to iOS 6 will be Apple 's mapping app -- the company plans to dispense with Google Maps .

  21. 撇开糟糕的CG不谈,每一分钟我都超爱,故事真的很吸引人,卡司也很完美。

    Cringeworthy CGI aside , I am loving every minute of this . the story really draws you in , and the casting is perfect .

  22. 尼克·克莱格(NickClegg)和我都是希望撇开党派差异、为公益事业、为国家利益而努力的领导人。

    Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest .

  23. 本文根据IMDB中视频的信息,撇开视频低层信息,从语义层定义视频实体。

    The low-level information from the video is casted away to define the video entity on semantic-level .

  24. 鉴于本文研究的重点在于股票市场发展对经济增长的影响,撇开市值和融资额,对成交量与经济增长建立VAR模型进行脉冲响应分析。

    As a result of this article is to study the development of stock market and its impact on the economic ' growth , regardless of market value and the amount of financing , and economic growth of trading volume to establish VAR model impulse response analysis .

  25. 撇开笑谈,还有许多重要议题

    Humor aside , there are more important issues out there .

  26. 让我们撇开这个话题,谈谈别的事情吧。

    Let 's dismiss the subject and talk of something else .

  27. 撇开灭点的成角透视图作图方法及正确性验证

    The Method of Angular Perspective Without View Points and Its Demonstration

  28. 但是,强行撇开问题,是压不住流言的。

    But swatting the question aside will not suppress the chatter .

  29. 撇开她的电子设备们不谈,她其实是个很孤单的人。

    Aside from her electricals , Emma leads a solitary existence .

  30. 你得把今年要度假的想法撇开。

    You must put aside any idea of a holiday this year .