
  • 网络precision thermometer;microthermometer
  1. 整个温度测量系统在主程序控制下工作;对设计和制作完成的系统进行了工业现场精密温度计自动校准系统的试验,获得了试验数据,并对数据进行了分析。

    The entire temperature measurement system is under the control of the main program . The design and production of system for industrial field precision thermometer automatic calibration system is tested .

  2. 应用精密温度计测量SD大鼠肛温。

    Rectal temperature was measured with a precise thermometer and taken as the body temperature .

  3. 的各类精密温度计。

    Precision mercury-in-glass thermometers have for series .

  4. 系统温度用校正的最小刻度0.1℃精密温度计测定。

    The equilibrium temperature was measured by a calibrated thermometer with an accuracy of 0.1 ℃ .

  5. 为标准、工作用高温铂电阻温度计和其它精密高温温度计的校准提供了一套高性能设备。

    For calibrating standard working and precision high temperature platinum resistance thermometers , it is a ideal device .

  6. 基于F18高精密电桥的温度计自动测量检定系统

    Automatic Measurement Calibration System of Thermometer on Base of F18 High Precision Electric Bridge

  7. 精密铂电阻温度计是精密测温中广泛使用的测温仪器。

    The platinum resistance thermometers are widely used as the precision measuring instrument in thermometry .