- Korean pine;Pinus koraiensis

RAPD analysis on genetic diversity of natural populations of Pinus koraiensis
Gradient distribution of the pH and available N , P , and K in the rhizosphere soil of Pinus koraiensis seedlings
High effective liquid chromatographic analysis of vitamin C in Pinus koraiensis and Picea koraiensis leaves
Non-growing Seasons CO_2 Flux of a Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountain
Dynamic characteristics of N , P , K in the litter-soil fauna-soil system of mixed Pinus koraiensis and broad-leaved forest
Response of bacterial community structure in Pinus Koraiensis seedlings rhizosphere and bulk soil to elevated CO _ 2
Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of CO_2 Flux Above the Korean Pine and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest in Changbai Mountain
Preliminary Study on the Effect of H_2O_2 on the Sprouting of the Korean Pine Seed and the Growth of the Seedling
Study on fertilization effect of 2-yr-old transplanting seedling of Pinus koraiensis
The effects of different nitrogen sources on pH and nutrient availability in the rhizosphere of korean pine ( Pinus koraiensis ) were studied by means of root-mat method .
The objective of this study was extracting Pine seed oil with supercritical CO2 extraction technique developed , extracting process was studied deeply and systematically in this paper .
All of the CCA components were leached significantly more in red pine than southern pine .
In the quantitative aspect , birch consumed relatively larger amount of N , while pine only required relatively smaller amount of it and the N use efficiency was 34 % higher than that of birch .
Carry on Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid extraction experiment by the press way , whose results indicate the yield was much lower than the one done by supercritical CO2 extraction method .
DNA was extracted from the endosperm of Korean pine by improved CTAB method . The purity of DNA that extracted by this method was high , which . was tested by UV-spectrophotometer .
According to 5 natural Korean pine populations , population genetic distances of its UPGMA cluster .
Two indexes of RAPD and ISSR showed genetic differentiation in temporal dimension is lower than in space and genetic variation existed within age class .
In this paper , ISSR technique was used to detect the genetic diversity of 16 Pinus koraiensis populations in Jilin Province .
Regard 22 months aged Wistar rats as experimental objects , carry Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid research on delay aging function and regulate blood lipid function .
The optimal ISSR-PCR reaction system for Korean pine is instituted in the study . 3 .
The genetic diversity Nei index of the age class 10 is the lowest , while the age class ' is the highest .
Pinus koraiensis is widely distributed in Northeast China . Among variety of active ingredients , polyphenols are important antioxidant in Pinus koraiensis seed shell , and have tremendous development potential .
Results showed that the bio-organic fertilizer could markedly improve soil micro-ecology indexes , including quantity of microbes , pH value , contents of organic matter , and dissoluble N , P , K. Therefore , bio-organic fertilizer can promote the growth of Pinus koraiensis seedlings .
A study was carried out to study the pyrolysis characteristics and gas production of pine sawdust by TG-FTIR analysis .
The results showed that Richards equation with four parameters was the most suitable and could be turned into other theoretical equations when some parameters were given different value .
The results showed that the sampling time ( maturity ) of immature zygotic embryos , concentration of 2,4-D and 6-BA had a significant effect on induction rates of callus .
The study found : reaction temperature , pH value , STP concentration and reaction time affect protein solubility of Korean pine protein isolate , followed by the impact : STP concentration pH value reaction time the reaction temperature .
The diameter distribution of forest stands of broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forests on the Changbaishan Mountain was described by three distributions : exponential distribution , Weibull distribution and a finite mixture distribution , together with seven functions .
Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest ( taiga ), which is excellent both for fruit and material , and relative to Pinus koraiensis .
Taking Plot M10 as an example , selection cutting spatial optimization model of natural Korean pine forest was established and the value of objective function was greatly improved .