
  1. 第二章主要论述了中国和平发展道路的时空定位。

    The second chapter mainly talks about the peace-developing road of China .

  2. 国际体系转型与中国和平发展道路

    The Transformation of the International System and the Peaceful Development of China

  3. 论述了中国和平发展道路的内生属性。

    This paper analyzes the inner attributes of China 's peaceful development .

  4. 中国和平发展道路的要义与特征

    The meaning and characteristic of China peaceful development road

  5. 导语主要说明了研究中国和平发展道路的缘起和本文的基本思路。

    The prelude mainly explains the reasons for the study of China 's peacefully developing road and the basic thread of this article .

  6. 第六,中国和平发展道路的探索和实践不是已经到头了,它将是一个永无止境、持续不断探索和完善的过程。

    Sixth , China 's exploration and practice of following the path of peaceful development has not come to an end . Rather , it will be a never-ending process of constant exploration and improvement .

  7. 中国和平发展道路是不同于西方发达资本主义国家和传统社会主义国家的发展道路;

    The first chapter generally demonstrated the primary and the main bases of China 's peacefully developing road , which is different from the developing road of western developed capitalist country and the traditional socialist country .

  8. 中国和平发展道路的确立不仅是建设社会主义的需要,也是澄清种种疑惑、驳斥种种谬论、树立中国良好国际形象的要求,更是对时代主题和世界发展趋势的积极主动的回应。

    The establishment of China 's peacefully developing road is not only the need of socialist construction , but also the need of clarifying kinds of doubts , refuting various fallacies and building up the good international image of China .

  9. 和谐世界与中国的和平发展道路

    " Harmonious World " and China 's Road of Peaceful Development

  10. 中国和平崛起发展道路的理论探讨

    Theoretically Exploring the Road to Development of China 's Peaceful Rise

  11. 回顾与前瞻:中国和平崛起发展道路正面临若干重大战略转变

    China Facing Some Important Strategic Changes in Its Developing Way to Peacefully Growing-up

  12. 关于中国和平崛起发展道路的若干思考

    Some Reflections on China 's Peaceful Rise

  13. 中国的和平发展道路需要国际社会的理解支持。

    But to follow the path of peaceful development , China needs the understanding and support of the international community ;

  14. 世界可以信任中国走和平发展道路的诚意吗?

    People may ask : should the world have confidence in China 's sincerity to follow the path of peaceful development ?

  15. 中国的和平发展道路不是少数人坐在书斋里凭空想出来的。

    We have found this path of peaceful development in the course of the great experiment of reform and opening up .

  16. 中国走和平发展道路取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。今后,我们将继续坚定不移沿着这条道路走下去。

    China has made remarkable progress in pursuing peaceful development and will continue to follow this path in the years to come .

  17. 中国在和平发展道路的历程中,必然会遇到各种困难,因此,必须加强民族精神的培育和弘扬。

    China in the course of peaceful development , will inevitably encounter difficulties , therefore , to strengthen and promote the cultivation of national spirit .

  18. 第七,中国走和平发展道路不是中国一家的事情,它需要国际社会的理解、支持与合作。

    Seventh , China 's path of peaceful development involves more than China itself , and it needs the understanding , support and cooperation of the international community .

  19. 论中国的和平主义发展道路及其世界历史意义

    Reflections on China 's Peaceful Development and Its Significance for World History

  20. 不过,王冠中也表示,中国坚持和平发展的道路,在处理领土争端方面也遵守恰当的程序。

    Nevertheless , he said , China is committed to peaceful development and observes proper processes in handling territorial disputes .

  21. 中国坚持走和平发展道路,既有着中国发展的现实需要,又有着中国发展的历史根源。

    China 's path of peaceful development not only responds to its practical needs but also draws upon its historical experience .

  22. 事实证明,中国选择和平发展的道路是正确的,我们也将始终坚持这个选择。

    Facts have proved that it is correct for China to take the path of peaceful development and therefore China will firmly stick to it .

  23. 中国坚持走和平发展道路,坚持和平共处五项原则,是国际秩序的获益者和维护者。

    With its commitment to the path of peaceful development and the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence , China has benefited from and upheld the international order .

  24. 西方一些人对中国成功走和平发展道路表示异议,甚至反对,约翰·米尔斯海默便是反对者之一。

    Some people in western hold different attitude toward that China can embark on a road of peaceful development successfully , even oppose it , John J. Mearsheimer is one of them .

  25. 中国始终不渝走和平发展道路,致力于营造一个和平和谐的国际和周边环境,绝不谋求霸权。

    China will be unswerving in following the path of peaceful development . It will remain dedicated to the cultivation of a peaceful and harmonious international and neighboring environment and it will never seek hegemony .

  26. 问:东盟国家希望中国坚持走和平发展道路,希望中国梦能同各国追求美好生活、实现国家发展的梦想相辅相成。

    ASEAN countries share the hope that China will stick to the path of peaceful development and that the Chinese dream and the dreams of other countries for better life and national development will reinforce each other .

  27. 中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,在和平共处五项原则基础上发展同世界各国友好合作。

    China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening-up . It seeks to develop friendly relations and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence .

  28. 在双方讨论中,中方表示,中国始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,致力于推动建立持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

    During their discussions , the Chinese side said that it resolutely follows the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up , and is committed to promoting the building of a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity .

  29. 无论形势如何发展变化,中国始终坚持走和平发展道路。

    However the world changes , China remains committed to peaceful development .

  30. 第二,中国坚持走和平发展的道路。

    Second , China is firmly committed to peaceful development .