
  1. 你必须给花浇足够多的水。

    You must give flowers as much water as they need .

  2. 我要趁着天还没黑把花浇好水。

    I 'll water the flowers before it gets dark .

  3. 给这些花浇点水吧&它们看上去真可怜。

    Give those flowers some water & they 're looking a bit sad .

  4. 她们给花浇了水。

    They watered the flowers .

  5. 能够麻烦你帮我给花浇点水吗?

    Would it be too much to ask if I ask you to water the flower for me ?

  6. 这阵大雨把公园里的花全浇坏了。

    The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park .

  7. 这些花已经浇过了。

    These flowers have been watered .

  8. 这种花一星期要浇两次。

    This plant needs to be watered twice a week .

  9. 尽管他给花很好的浇了水,但还是不能让花存活下来。

    He can 't keep the flowers alive and he has watered them well , too .