
  • 网络Outline of Chinese philosophy
  1. 梁启超与胡适关于《中国哲学史大纲》的论辩刍议

    A Debate about " An Outline of Philosophic History of China " Between Liang Qichao Hu Shi

  2. 在哲学上,他的《中国哲学史大纲》在中国哲学史上开辟了新纪元。

    In philosophy , his History of Chinese Plnilosophy initiated the new discipline of Chinese philosophical history .

  3. 胡适的《中国哲学史大纲》在一片叫好声中,遭到了梁启超的批评。

    Hu Shi 's " An Outline of Philosophic History of China " was criticized by Liang Qichao amidst a loud chorus of praise .