
  • 网络Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture;Chinese Medical Culture
  1. 万方楼里有方家&著名中医药文化专家林乾良先生专访记

    Exclusive Interview with Mr Lin Qian - liang a famous specialist of Chinese medical culture

  2. 营造中医药文化环境的意义

    Significance of constructing cultural environment of Chinese medicine

  3. 试论中医药文化研究的方向与方法

    Discussion of the Direction and the Method of Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture

  4. 中医药文化及其视觉传达设计研究

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Graphic Design Study

  5. 确保民族中医药文化的安全

    Insure the Safety of National TCM Culture

  6. 利用中医药文化基础与政策优势促进中医药产业发展

    The Use of Chinese Medical and Cultural Advantages to Promote the Development of Medicine Industry

  7. 传统中医药文化在我国有着五千年的历史渊源,堪称世界瑰宝、文化经典。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine culture has five thousand years of history , which can be called world treasure and cultural sutra .

  8. 通过中医药文化概念的探讨,提出了中医药文化研究的内容、方向与研究的方法。

    Through study of concept of traditional Chinese medicine culture , were stated the direction , content and method of study of traditional Chinese medicine culture .

  9. 中医药文化不仅仅是中医药学,同时也应该包括与其紧密相关的哲学、天文学、地理学、气象学以及预防医学、心理学、汉语言文字水平等。

    Traditional Chinese medicine culture is not only traditional Chiness medicine , but also includes closely philosophy , astronomy , geography , meteorology and preventive medicine , psychology , Chinese language writing level and so on .

  10. 国内外已有不少各种类型的博物馆,但融合中医药文化、地方民俗文化及海峡两岸特色文化的博物馆尚属首例。

    At home and abroad there are many different types of museums , but the museum is the first case integrating the Chinese medicine culture and the local folk culture and the culture of cross-strait characteristics .

  11. 以整体观、阴阳平衡观、五行联系观为主要指导理念,结合五种文化表达方式,分别从五种应用路径详细阐述中医药文化在景观设计中的表达。

    In the view of the whole , relation theory as the guide , combining four kinds of cultural expression , respectively from the five ways of application in detail expression of TCM culture in the landscape design .

  12. 不仅具有极高的艺术成就,而且在内容上还保留了很多唐代社会文化的第一手资料,其中有大量的有关中医药文化的描述。

    They not only had high artistic value but also retained many firsthand data about social culture in the Tang Dynasty , among which there were a lot of descriptions of the culture of the Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) .

  13. 新形势下中医药企业文化营销策略研究

    Cultural Marketing Strategies of Traditional Chinese Medicine Companies in the New Circumstances

  14. 中医药企业开展文化营销的思路与对策

    Ideas and Countermeasures for Chinese Medicine Enterprises to Develop Cultural Marketing

  15. 古代中医药发展的文化渊薮

    Cultural Den of Ancient Chinese Medicine Development

  16. 中医药是中华文化成就的重要组成部分,它在古代对中国周边国家产生过重要影响。

    Chinese medicine is an important part of the Chinese culture and has had a great influence on neighboring countries from ancient times .

  17. 对继续完善中医药院校和谐校园文化提出了一些有针对性的办法。

    Put forward some specific measures to continue to improve the Chinese medicine colleges and universities harmonious campus culture .

  18. 中医药是中国历史文化的产物。农业生产实践、农业科技进步是中医药产生与发展的源泉与动力;

    Chinese Medicine is the product of Chinese historic culture , the agricultural practice and scientific progress are the source and power of the emergence and development of Chinese Medicine .

  19. 并调查、收集、归纳了中医药院校和谐校园文化建设的现状,列举了部分中医药院校的建设经验。

    And investigated , collected , summed up the present situation of Chinese medicine colleges and universities harmonious campus culture , cited construction experience of some Chinese medicine colleges and universities .

  20. 中医药院校和谐校园文化建设是社会主义和谐社会建设的一个重要组成部分,对中医药丈化事业的发展,对高校的和谐与稳定,对构建社会主义和谐社会有着重要意义。

    Chinese medicine colleges and universities harmonious campus culture construction is an important part of the socialist harmonious society construction , it has important significance in the development of Chinese medicine culture undertakings , harmony and stability of colleges and universities , building of the socialist harmonious society .

  21. 同时我们还组织赴华中医学术交流团和中医药文化研修团,积极开展了中日两国间的中医学术交流活动。

    Meanwhile we organize delegations or study groups to China for academic exchange really active in the exchange program on TCM .

  22. 中医文化的精神内核是构建中医药院校校园文化精神的前提和基础。

    The kernel spirit of Chinese medical culture is the precondition and foundation for construction of campus culture spirit in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine .

  23. 以期能对中医药提供有效的保护,传承发展中医药文化的精髓,保护中医药产业在国际国内市场的合法权益,促进中医药产业的健康发展。

    It is to effectively protect Traditional Chinese Medicine , the essence of the cultural heritage , the legitimate interests of the pharmaceutical industry in the international and domestic markets , and to promote the healthy development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine industry .

  24. “中医文化进校园”是北京市开展中医药文化建设年工作的内容之一,由市中医局、市教委、市文化局、市卫生局等多部门联合举办,旨在在校园内传播中医药传统文化。

    In an aim to popularize TCM culture on campus , this new program is to be carried out as part of the TCM Culture Construction Year and is spearheaded by several municipal government departments including the Beijing TCM Administration Bureau , Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health .

  25. 随着中医药产业国际化进程的加快和海峡两岸中医药文化交流的频繁,了解两岸中医师培养及考核制度是非常必要的。

    With the pharmaceutical industry to speed up and Chinese medicine cultural exchanges frequently cross-strait , it is necessary to know the training and assessment system for Chinese medicine practitioners both in Taiwan and the mainland .

  26. 中医药是我国独具特色的、优秀的历史文化传统,在过去很长的时间里,由于政治、地理、文化等诸多原因,中医药文化几乎不被西方世界所认知。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) is the unique and excellent culture , and the tradition of our country . In the past long time , for the reasons of politics , geography and culture etc. , it was hardly acknowledged by the western world .

  27. 为此国内外便有一批学者和翻译人员开始致力于中医英语的翻译研究工作,他们独到的研究,为中医药文化对外翻译的健康发展奠定了实践和理论基础。

    Therefore , a number of domestic and foreign scholars and translators have started to focus on research work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine . Their original research has laid a practical and theoretical basis for the healthy development of the translation of traditional Chinese medicine .

  28. 医疗卫生行业是知识技术密集型行业,中医院是中医药事业得以继承与发展的重要阵地,在中医药文化的继承与发展中占据了重要的地位。

    The healthcare industry is knowledge technology-intensive industry , Chinese medicine hospital is career to an important position of the inheritance and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine culture , in the inheritance and development have occupied an important position .

  29. 同时,论文以产业集群理论、文化创意产业理论和中医基础理论等为理论基础,对文化创意产业进行了重新界定,在此基础上提出了中医药文化创意产业这一概念。

    Furthermore , based on theories of clustered industry and Cultural and Creative Industry and TCM basic theory , author redefined Cultural and Creative Industry and raised the concept of TCM Cultural and Creative Industry .

  30. 高等中医药院校是我国中医药人才培养、学术研究和创新的主力阵地,肩负着传承中医药文化、培养中医药人才、振兴和发展中医药事业的使命。

    Universities and colleges of TCM are the main fronts of personnel training , academic researching and innovation , which shoulders the mission of cultural heritage , personnel training and rehabilitation and development of TCM .