
  • 网络Wubi method
  1. 扩充了五笔字型输入法和增加了联想输入功能,并讨论了有关汉字输入处理的通用接口的结构,与词组输入的结构问题。

    At last , discussed some architectures about general interface of Chinese character input processing and words input processing .

  2. 五笔字型输入法已广泛使用,但一些字根、字型结构、笔顺经常混淆,本文从这三方面做了详细的归纳和总结。

    Although the input method of a Chinese character according to five strokes has been widely used , some word roots , word structure and the order of strokes of a Chinese character are often confused .

  3. 提高五笔字型汉字输入法教学质量的研究

    A Better Input Method of Chinese Five-stroke Type

  4. 本文通过五笔字型汉字输入法教学的正交试验设计及其结果分析,得出了提高五笔字型汉字输入法教学质量的最佳教学模式。

    The paper Shows a better input mode of Chinese five-stroke type while analyzing the orthogonal designs method and results of the teaching and studying .

  5. 在深入剖析五笔字型键盘输入法编码原则和字根结构基础上,结合联机识别技术特点对五笔字根作出适应性改造后,提出了一种联机识别自然手写汉字新方法:五笔码识别法。

    Keyboard input techniques are introduced into on line recognition of Chinese character with the study of chinese character five strokes encoding keyboard input method , and a new approach for on line recognition of unconstrained handwritten Chinese character , Five Strokes Encoding Recognition , is proposed .

  6. 该技术可满足软件设计者的一般要求,并可加以发展而得到当前流行的“五笔字型”等汉字输入法。

    AllBalanced is the first Web based Chinese character input system with substantial functions to meet the needs of Hong Kong in particular and the needs of the international societies in general .