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  1. 第五章将由他主讲。

    He will give a lecture on Chapter 5 .

  2. 第五章介绍并比较了两部影片中不同的姐妹关系。

    The fifth chapter presents different sisterhood between female images in the two movies .

  3. 第五章出境

    Chapter V Exit from the Country

  4. 第一天上美国历史课时,教授布置学习第五章有关公民权的材料。

    On the first day of an American history class , the professor assigned five chapters on civil rights .

  5. 第五章研究GPS信号检测及捕获问题。

    Chapter ⅴ studies the detection and acqusition of satellite navigation signal .

  6. 第五章讲述了嵌入式Internet分别作为客户端和服务端的应用实例。

    In the fifth chapter , gives two embedded Internet application examples , one is as client , the other as server .

  7. 第五章重点阐述了MC敏捷供应链系统的实现。

    The fifth chapter discusses how to realize ASC system under MC .

  8. 第五章介绍基于PCI总线的DSP系统软件设计。

    The Fifth Chapter : This chapter introduces software design of DSP system based on PCI Bus .

  9. 第五章着眼于经济全球化背景下WTO决策机制和争端解决机制的现实与发展。

    Chapter 5 will focus on the reality and development of WTO decision-making and judgment system in the circumstance of economic globalization .

  10. 第五章简单介绍了EVA理论的延伸发展。

    Fifth , the development of EVA-MVA .

  11. 第五章给出了求解超定线性丢番图方程组和不等式组的修正ABS算法。

    Chapter five presents the modified ABS algorithms for solving linear overdetermined linear Diophantine equations and inequations .

  12. 第五章给出了VOD项目的实施方案,并对存在的问题提出了相关的建议。

    The fifth chapter is execution program and related suggestion for VOD project .

  13. 第五章阐述了本文所建立的基于HMM建模的蒙古语连续语音识别系统的框架及其实现以及蒙语语音识别应用技术研究。

    In Chapter five , I introduce a Mongolian speech recognition system basing on HMM.

  14. 第五章介绍了所采用的ARM技术的开发机制、特点和应用,以及发展前景。

    Chapter 5 introduced the characters and applications of ARM technique , it can be adopted in a carry-home fault diagnosis apparatus for hydraulic excavator .

  15. 第五章,论述基于课堂教学的CAI课件开发应注意的几个问题及定积分CAI课件的制作。

    In chapter five , some notes in making classroom teaching-based CAI and the fabricate of definite intergral software have been discussed .

  16. 第五章主要讲快速自适应锁相环的FPGA实现,通过仿真和测试的结果说明该自适应方法的优越性。

    In the chapter 5 the FPGA implementation of fast-adaptive phase-locked loop is introduced and the superiority of the adaptive method through simulation is showed .

  17. 第五章对国外应对TBT的实践经验和对我国的启示进行了研究。第六章就我国跨越TBT的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应对策。

    The other countries practices of spanning TBT are analyzed in the fifth chapter .

  18. 第五章,以电信计费系统中的累帐模块为需求模型,给出了CORBA技术在电信领域应用的一个简单实例。

    In fifth chapter , it gives an example which is a module of the telecom charging system with CORBA technology .

  19. 第五章数字信号解调原理及仿真。介绍了AM、FM的正交解调原理和仿真。

    Chapter 5 Introduces digital signal demodulation technology and emulator , such as AM and FM demodulation and emulator .

  20. 第五章具体讨论了社保卡COS的软件设计与实现。

    The fifth chapter detailedly discusses software 's design and realization of society security card COS .

  21. 第五章提出了基于UDP的RTP视频传输模型,还分析了本课题引入的IP组播技术的优势;

    Chapter Five analyzes the network transferring technology , and present the method through IP Multicast and RTP base on UDP .

  22. 第五章对研究工作进行总结,展望了高灵敏度Cs原子磁力仪广阔的应用前景。

    The fifth chapter summarizes the research work and looks forward to broad application prospects of the Cs atom magnetometer with high sensitivity .

  23. 第五章,笔者的视角从全球回到中国,运用计量方法,分析诸参数对流向中国的FDI的影响。

    In chapter five , from a global view to a Chinese view , I analyze the local determinants of the FDI to China by an econometric method .

  24. 在第五章中把求解Ramsey数问题转化为求解最大团问题和最大独立集问题,然后利用DNA模型进行解决。

    In chapter five the problem of solving the Ramsey number is transformated to DNA computing models to solve maximum clique and maximum independent set problems .

  25. 第五章详细介绍了当前最新的通用DSP技术及并行处理技术,并提出了基于通用DSP并行处理模块搭建硬件平台,以软件方法实现频域脉压的一种设计思路;

    Chapter five introduces in detail currently up to date general-purpose DSP and parallel processing technique , and points out design idea based on general-purpose DSP parallel processing module and software method .

  26. 第四章描述了基于RSA加密算法的数字签名:第五章详细分析了RSA数字签名算法在网上审批系统中的应用;

    The fifth chapter analyze particularly that the digital signature technique based on the RSA encryption arithmetic is used widely in network examine and approve .

  27. 第五章对差分OFDM系统进行了研究,对加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道下具有多径传播的正交频分复用多载波通信系统进行了计算机仿真。

    Chapter V studied differential OFDM systems , it simulated the OFDM multi-carrier communication system with the AWGN channel and multi-path characteristics by computer .

  28. 第五章介绍了怎样使用TMS320LF2407ADSP芯片实现三相应急电源的控制,并给出了控制程序流程图,总结了本控制系统的特点。

    Realization of the digital control of EPS using TMS320LF2407A DSP is introduced in chapter five with flow chart of the programme set out .

  29. 第五章指出宽带Doherty功率放大器中采用的一些改进的方法,并通过实验验证了设计方法的正确性。

    Chapter ⅴ of the broadband Doherty PA using improved methods and verified by experiment .

  30. 第五章根据欧洲气候交易所实际交易数据并采用经典的VaR方法测度碳期货交易风险。

    Chapter five is based on the real transaction data from the European Climate Exchange and uses the classical VaR method to measure the risk of carbon futures trading .