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  • Who Am I?
  1. 我是谁&指称的一种物理主义观点称人为animal,指其为下等天性所制,不能自持。

    Who Am I & Reference : Approached from the Perspective of Physicalism a man called an animal is one whom the lower nature controls .

  2. 从更广义的角度看,这次重修的“我是谁”陈列室展示了对记忆方面的深入研究,以及对孤独症、DNA、遗传学、人脑和腿部的研究。

    More broadly , the redesigned Who Am I ? gallery features in-depth examinations of memory , autism , DNA , genetics , the human brain and the technology that underpins it all .

  3. “你不知道我是谁吗?”她怒喝道。

    ' Don 't you know who I am ? ' she stormed .

  4. 知道你在跟谁打交道吗——知道我是谁吗?

    Do you know who you 're messing with — do you know who I am ?

  5. 即使他已经忘记了我是谁,他也永远是我敬爱的爷爷。

    Even if he had forgotten who I was , he would always be my beloved grandfather .

  6. 我是谁啊,我是兔子鸡也,MM,说吧,有什么委屈的事情,统统向我倒来,此时此刻你的垃圾桶。

    I is who , I am a rabbit chicken also , MM , say , have what injustice of affair , entirely pour to me , at this moment your garbage can .

  7. 迈达斯永远都不会知道我是谁

    Midas can never really know who I am , which ...

  8. 那么告诉我是谁和你发生了关系。

    Now is the part where you give me a name .

  9. 别被压住你以为我是谁啊?

    Don 't be pinned whom do you think I am ?

  10. 你根本看不清我是谁。

    And you couldn 't see me for who I was .

  11. 悟空:妖怪,看我是谁?(声色俱厉)

    Wukong : Mounter , look at me , who am I ?

  12. 我是谁?这对我来说意味着什么?

    What does this mean for who I am as a person ?

  13. 在哪里没人知道我是谁,也找不到姑娘。

    No one knew who I was , couldn 't get laid .

  14. 你们知道我是谁!你们恢复过来了!

    You know who I am ! You 're back !

  15. 只听见女人声答道:“你猜猜看,我是谁?”

    He heard a woman say ," guess who this is . "

  16. 我是谁被诊断少年在2月中旬,今年的贲门失弛缓症。

    I'ma teenager who was diagnosed this year in mid-February with achalasia .

  17. 我是谁?我有一条长长的鼻子。

    Who am I ? I have a long trunk .

  18. 那么你知道我是谁了,我是闪电麦昆。

    Then you know who I am . I 'm lightning mcqueen .

  19. 小仙人说:你刚才问我是谁。

    You asked me who I am , @ said the elf .

  20. 我是谁?我有权力判断这个人的行为吗?

    Who was I to judge this man 's behavior ?

  21. 病人:我是谁呀,哪有资格告诉你?

    Patient : who am I to tell you that ?

  22. 不用去查我是谁。

    Do not try to find out who I am .

  23. 美美,告诉他我是谁!

    Mei Mei , tell him it 's me !

  24. 严肃点,你到底是谁?我是谁并不重要。

    Seriously , who are you ? Who I am isn 't important .

  25. 问题就是他们一个二个都不知我是谁!

    The problem is they don 't know me !

  26. 突然,国王认出了我是谁。

    Suddenly , the King realized who I was .

  27. 通常等人们知道我是谁。

    Because when people find out who I am .

  28. 我是谁,这一点解释起来相当困难。

    Who I was is quite difficult to explain .

  29. 你知道我是谁?

    Oh , you know who I am ?

  30. 更没有改变我是谁。

    It didn 't change who I was .