
  • 网络Coming;Heroes In Black
  1. 我来也正是要说这事。

    I was gonna say exactly the same thing .

  2. 幸我来也兮青其光!

    So here I come all gleaming bright .

  3. 两秒抱抱,我来也

    Two-second hug . I 'm going in .

  4. 我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名

    And I 'm not here so you can sign my oar !

  5. 你有没有想过我来这里也很不好受

    You ever think it might be hard for me , coming here ?

  6. 我来这儿也就是要把你给撕了。

    I originally came to smash you to bits .

  7. 我来这里也只是为了好好辅佐他。

    I 'm only here to advise him .

  8. 我来这里也要倾听关于世界银行怎样才能帮助中国解决它仍然面临的发展挑战的意见。

    I am also here to listen to how the World Bank can help China to tackle the development challenges that China continues to face .

  9. 差我来的父也为我作过见证。

    37And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me .

  10. 我雇你来也可以解雇�

    You 're an employee and I can fire you .

  11. 跟我来,我也需要一些咖啡。

    Follow me . I need some coffee too .

  12. 我来了我也会很高兴。

    I 'm glad I 'm here too .

  13. 我上次来时也没人认识我.

    And no one knew who I was the last time I came either .

  14. 同时,我馆今年来也有计划地收藏了许多现当代艺术家的优秀作品。

    In recent years the museum has also collected on schedule many excellent works from modern artists .

  15. 我这次来,也可以顺路去拜访其他厂商,所以我该走了。

    I have some other wuppliers I can visit on this trip , so I have to get moving .

  16. 跟我来,我也在找他他会帮助我们拯救王国的

    Come with me . I 'm looking for him too . He 'll help us save the day .

  17. 好吧。我来,以前也吻过多一次也没关系。

    Phoebe : All right . I 'll do it , I kissed him before I can do it again .

  18. 我国近年来也出台了一些致力于推广光伏建筑的政策,然而实施效果并不理想。

    In recent years , China also issued some dedicated to promoting BIPV , however implementation effect is not good .

  19. 咖啡在哪儿?在第三通道的货架上。跟我来,我也需要一些咖啡。

    What ? Where 's the coffee ? It 's in aisle three.Follow me . I need some coffee too .

  20. 我国近年来也有一些对班主任工作压力的调查,班主任工作压力不仅普遍存在,而且存在过大的问题。

    In recent years in China also have some of the teacher in charge work pressure survey , the teacher in charge work pressure also exist not only exists generally , too .

  21. 我准时来了,也排队了。

    I got here on time . I was in line .

  22. 我来是希望我也能做你的救世主

    And I 'm here in hopes that I can be yours .

  23. 我刚搬来时也这么说。

    That 's what I said when I first came .

  24. 在我国,近年来也对英语教学进行了较大的改革。

    In China , reforms in English teaching methods have been taken .

  25. 跟我来,在这里也解决不了什么的。

    Come on , it 's not going to help just sitting here .

  26. 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。

    I 'm not at all sorry I came , I 'm glad !

  27. 所以,但我来这儿的时候也没觉得太多意外。

    So , it wasn 't a big surprise when I came here .

  28. 是的,你知道我这些年来我也总想上舞蹈班。

    Well , you know I 've wanted to take dance class for ages .

  29. 我国在近年来也对资产证券化作出了多方尝试。

    Our country has tried the assets securitization in many ways in recent years too .

  30. 现在也是但我要留下来你也要留下

    I am . But I 'm staying for this , and so are you .