
  • 网络my little friend
  1. 再见,我的小朋友,博士回答道。

    ' Good-bye , my little friend , ' returned the Doctor .

  2. 很高兴,你似乎喜欢我的小朋友。

    You seem to like my little friend . I 'm so glad .

  3. 您好吗,我的小朋友?

    How do you do , my little friend ?

  4. 这是我的小朋友阿里。

    And this is my little friend , Ari .

  5. 你会看到的,我的小朋友。

    You shall see , my little friend .

  6. 他对董贝先生说道;我的小朋友好吗?

    ' he said to Mr Dombey , ' and how is my little friend ?

  7. 给我的小朋友打个招呼吧!

    Say hello to my little friend !

  8. 我的小朋友,格立锥格,你对你的祖国献上了一篇极其堂皇的颂词。

    My little friend grildring ; you have made a most admirable panegyrick upon your country .

  9. 不,我的小朋友,他和善而认真地说,我为你感到遗憾。

    No , my little friendhe said kindly but seriously , I 'm sorry for you .

  10. 一位女士走近男孩说道:“我的小朋友,你那么认真地盯着橱窗,看什么呢?”

    A lady approached the boy and said : " My little fellow , why are you looking so earnestly in that window ?"

  11. “不要紧;我们将很快用新的关心与新的印象来代替,董贝先生,您还跟以前一样希望我的小朋友获得——”

    Never mind ; we shall substitute new cares and new impressions , Mr Dombey , very shortly . You would still wish my little friend to acquire - '

  12. “您好吗,先生?”他对董贝先生说道;“我的小朋友好吗?”博士的声音像风琴一样庄重沉着;

    And how do you do , Sir ? ' he said to Mr Dombey , ' and how is my little friend ? ' Grave as an organ was the Doctor 's speech ;

  13. 一位女士走近男孩说道:“我的小朋友,你那么认真地盯着橱窗,看什么呢?”“我在请求上帝给我一双鞋子。”男孩回答。

    A lady approached the boy and said : " My little fellow , why are you looking so earnestly in that window ? " " I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes . " The boy replied .

  14. 蚱蜢却从来没有听从蚂蚁的建议。“我的小朋友们,你们继续工作吧。”它说,“我要到阳光照耀下的草地上跳舞去了。”蚱蜢唱着歌离开了忙碌的蚂蚁。

    The grasshopper didn 't wish to heed their advice , " Go on with your work , my little friends , " he said . " I 'm going to dance in the meadow in the sun ! " And so the grasshopper left the busy ants and went on his way , singing .

  15. MaryanneVenables表示:“没有我的灰色小朋友,喘乐宁气雾剂,我哪儿都不能去。”

    Maryanne Venables said ," I can 't go anywhere without my little gray friend , my little Ventolin inhaler . "

  16. 因此,当我的邻居小朋友有自行车时,我也可以骑着自行车四处潇洒;

    So when my neighbors got two-wheel bikes , I got a two-wheel bike .

  17. “你,我的牛仔小朋友,你一定会让我赚到大钱的!”

    " You , my little cowboy friend , are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks . "

  18. 我向在座的小朋友致以亲切的节日问候!

    I to the child who presents extend the kind holiday regards !

  19. 我的老师教小朋友很有经验。

    My teacher has a lot of experience teaching children .

  20. 我和所有的小朋友一样,爱漂亮。

    I like all the children , that love beautiful .

  21. 请帮助我叫醒旁边的小朋友。

    Please help me wake up the children beside you .

  22. 在那儿,我和其它的小朋友们玩游戏,唱英文歌曲。

    At there , I played games and sang English songs with others .

  23. “我的一位小朋友,亲爱的。”费金回答。

    ' A young friend of mine , my dear , 'replied the Jew .

  24. “现在我看见我的小朋友了。您好吗,我的小朋友?”

    Now I see my little friend . How do you do , my little friend ? '

  25. 从小到大,父母亲经常鼓励我凡是身边的小朋友能做到的事我一样可以做到。

    When I was growing up , my parents encouraged me to do all the things the kids around me did .

  26. Harry说:我可以像正常的小朋友们一样干任何事,但是有时候因为疼痛我不得不停止做我喜欢做的事。

    Harry said : ' I can do a lot of things other children can do , but sometimes it stops me doing what I like doing because I ache .

  27. 朋友,对不起我不是故意的,小朋友。

    Sorry about that , mate . I didn 't mean to , Iittle fellow .

  28. 这时,我看到一年级的小朋友在雪地上面打雪仗。

    At this moment , I saw a grade children in snow above snowball fights .

  29. 根据我的经验,很多小朋友都喜欢钢琴鸣禽婴儿!

    In my experience , young children in piano are a lot like baby songbirds !

  30. 我非常感谢我的小朋友,先生,感谢他使我有幸被介绍跟您认识。

    I am much indebted to my little friend , Sir , for the honour of this introduction . '