
  • 网络five elements mountain;Ngu Hanh Son;Marble Mountain
  1. 作为最后的尝试,悟空和琪琪还得再到五行山走一趟,才有望从这场即将让整个王国送命的魔火中拯救琪琪的父亲牛魔王。

    After the Basho fan fails to put out the fire threatening the Ox King , Goku and ChiChi set out to find the Magical Furnace , believed to be the last hope for extinguishing the deadly blaze .

  2. 但是我之包围好似如来佛的手掌,它将化成一座横亘宇宙的五行山,把这几个新式孙悟空&法西斯侵略主义者,最后压倒在山底下,永世也不得翻身。

    But our encirclement , like the hand of buddha , will turn into the mountain of five elements lying athwart the universe , and the modern sun wu-kungs the fascist aggressors will finally be buried underneath it , never to rise again .