
  1. 今年已经有五宗了,涉及的金额达8.57亿美元。

    There have already been five this year , worth $ 857 million .

  2. 这是本港今年发生的第五宗日本脑炎个案。

    This is the fifth JE case reported in Hong Kong this year .

  3. 第五宗罪:分子基因战化石,酱汤理论是末日。

    Fifth sins : molecular genetic warfare fossils , miso soup theory is the end .

  4. 但在这五宗交易中的三宗,摩根士丹利都是买、方而不是卖方的顾问。

    But on three of those deals , Morgan advised the buyer , not the seller .

  5. 您会否在以往三年内执行过五宗或以上结构性或衍生产品交易?

    Have you executed five or more transactions in structured or derivative products within the past three years ?

  6. 别说没给你机会,你要是这么说那么你有犯了第五宗罪了。

    Don 't say no to give you the opportunity , if you say so then you have made the fifth deadly SINS .

  7. 第五宗罪:杞人忧天罪,形如蜗牛,负于重物,杞人忧天,忧心忡忡,手脚皆束缚。

    The fifth deadly SINS : the sin , form if the snail , defeat by weight , the worry , hand and foot , is bound .

  8. 五子衍宗汤治疗Leber遗传性视神经病变的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy by Wuzi Yanzong Decoction

  9. 五子衍宗汤对Leber遗传性视神经病变患者线粒体基因突变比率的影响

    Effect of Wuzi Yanzong Decoction of mitochondrial DNA mutation ratios in patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy

  10. 目的观察加味五子衍宗颗粒对轻度认知障碍(MCI)患者记忆功能及血清β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ1-28)的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of Jiawei Wuzi Yanzong Particle ( JWYP ) on memory ability and level of serum beta-amyloid ( A β) 1-28 in mild cognitive impaired ( MCI ) patients .

  11. 加味五子衍宗颗粒治疗轻度认知障碍的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment by Modified Wuzi Yanzong Granule

  12. 加味五子衍宗方对记忆障碍小鼠空间学习记忆成绩的影响

    Effects of Jiawei Wuzi Yanzong Recipe on Space Learning and Memory Result of Dysmnesia Mice

  13. 目的观察五子衍宗口服液联合复方玄驹胶囊治疗少弱精子症的疗效。

    Objective To study the effects of combined treatment of TCM and western medicine on sperm quality in patients witholigoasthenozoospermia .

  14. 加味五子衍宗方有效部位对β-淀粉样肽致大鼠行为学改变的影响

    Effect of Modified Wuzi Yanzong Prescription and its Components on Spatial Behavior in Rats Induced by β - amyloid Peptide 25-35

  15. 加味五子衍宗颗粒对轻度认知障碍患者记忆功能及海马体积的磁共振研究

    Effects of Modified Wuzi Yanzong Granule on Memory Ability and Volume of Hippocampus Measured by MRI in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

  16. 突破了中外学者仅局限于阐述其宗教起源观的局限性,使其思想得以完整地体现。第五,将宗教学和心理学两个领域的研究方法和研究成果有效地融合。

    It breaks through the limitations of other scholars from home and abroad , whose views only focus on the origin of religion , and consequently makes his views fully demonstrated . Fifthly , it effectively combines the research methods and research fruits from both religious studies and psychology .

  17. 因此今天,我想在此指出付费搜索中五件最不能做的事情,即五宗罪。

    So today I wanted to point out the top things not to do-the top five deadly sins of paid search ( according to me ) .